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Current Phase Tasks

1 To Do View more
2 In Progress View more
30 Done View more

KeyNameLabelsDescriptionAttachmentsStatusResolutionCurrent EnvironmentDates
MEDICARE-39 create grocery landing page [https://www.figma.com/file/VmA6FstIPw8zSbbyE0yUbe/MedicareI...
Done Done --
  • CreatedMarch 14, 2024 4:06 PM
  • UpdatedMarch 20, 2024 12:09 PM
MEDICARE-38 Trouble shooting the AWS lightsail Environment 1/16/24  9 am meeting 30 min (DIma & Max)   ----------...
1/16/24  9 am meeting 30 min (DIma & Max)
Thank you! As for fixing the Grav issue (this staff editor went down a way more complex road than anticipated) -- I've created some access credentials (and debug.medicareinsurance.com)
user: bitnami
(use attached private key)
Done Done --
  • CreatedJanuary 16, 2024 9:46 AM
  • UpdatedJanuary 19, 2024 10:22 AM
MEDICARE-37 About page staff editor system - ability to edit the staff - in flat file [https://dev.medicareinsurance.com/about-us/] 1) An update ...
1) An update with regard to the About page staff editor system we requested 20 days ago (I assume Max put it into the system)
https://statamic.com/flat-file-cms и эта https://getgrav.org/
использовать одну из них на твое усмотрение
Selected for Development Unresolved --
  • CreatedDecember 20, 2023 10:26 PM
  • UpdatedMarch 14, 2024 12:59 PM
MEDICARE-36 changed to the wizard 2) A time-sensitive change to the animated form you all crea...
2) A time-sensitive change to the animated form you all created for us that adds a step to the process.  I've included the SMID document for your reference.  I gather it's not a huge change, but one that is critical to our ability to operate using a form.
Essentially, the modifications needed include:
# Splitting the top "steps bar" into 5 steps
# Having a required phone-step-1 checkbox:
# Having an optional checkbox on phone-step-2 that affects the final result page copy:
# Show Show one set of copy if they checked the checkbox on phone-step-2:
# Show the alternate if phone-step-2 checkbox unchecked:
# Fix the lead form overlapping the footer disclaimer:
Figma: https://www.figma.com/file/52qsABNSZmTbrdzRi68p4N/MedicareInsurance---Shared-Designs?type=design&node-id=404%3A278&mode=design&t=hLGq8RjhmMBxRcEK-1
Please advise,
In Progress Unresolved --
  • CreatedDecember 20, 2023 10:25 PM
  • UpdatedJanuary 3, 2024 9:30 PM
MEDICARE-35 Adjustments 22 NOV
  • Development
*HOMEPAGE* *1) Header breakdown needs some tweaking on mo...
*1) Header breakdown needs some tweaking on mobile...* *told in steps below:*
Because the team eliminated the larger "a non-government site ..." statement, we're going to need to use a different logo (Attached SVG)
Also, the logo should be larger, and the call button shorter (not as tall, slimmed down to be closer to the new logo height, and let's use the new lander blue #007bff as the button background)
*2) Text contrast* *of copy on blue is rough on mobile, and the* *drop-shadow framing* *the lower portion of the nav bar is gone:*
*3) Background of carriers area doesn't match:*
*4) Section* *Header size, button treatment, and spacing* *need to be improved:*
*5) More* *spacing issues* *(need more breathing room)*
*6)* *Footer doesn't match:***
*7)* *ABOUT US***
*Hero* *text padding* *issues on mobile:*
Done Done --
  • CreatedNovember 22, 2023 11:34 AM
  • UpdatedNovember 25, 2023 1:04 PM
MEDICARE-34 Estimate for AMP website
  • Estimate
Provide estimate for 4 pages to be changed from WP to AMP.
Done Done --
  • CreatedNovember 16, 2023 8:00 AM
  • UpdatedNovember 25, 2023 2:37 PM
MEDICARE-31 Additional Corrections
  • Development
* Please have the "exit" pop-up only show once (показывать "...
* Please have the "exit" pop-up only show once (показывать "exit" pop-up только один раз)
* Once a selection is made on the "Are you already enrolled ..." screen... if you hit "Back", you're unable to proceed (as it remembers your selection):
(после того как выбор сделан на странице "Are you already enrolled ...", если нажать "Back", то не возможно идти дальше так как это запоминает твой выбор
* Can we remove the "+1" from the phone number formatting?  US-based calls dont
involve using a "+1" (можно ли убрать +1 ? )
* The last step of the form overlaps with the disclaimer (same on mobile):
(последний шаг формы налезает на дисклеймер + мобильная версия)
* Please remove the link from the MedicareInsurance.com logo -- as we want them to remain on the form (with no need to re-route anywhere else)
(убрать линк из лого, так как юзер должен оставаться на странице с формой)
Done Done --
  • CreatedNovember 12, 2023 4:00 PM
  • UpdatedJanuary 3, 2024 9:31 PM
MEDICARE-30 Adjustments - MedicareInsurance - Form Landing Page Development This is coming along nicely!!!     A few key pieces of...
This is coming along nicely!!!
A few key pieces of feedback:
# "History" pushes still need to be done so that the "Back" button interacts with the form (altering the address bar and animating the form to its previous step).  I shared the competitor website that accomplishes this – and there are tutorials related to altering browser history -- https://florianherlings.de/posts/2020-04-22-history-javascript-pushstate/
# Animate form "swipe over" (Left as you continue, Right as you click BACK in-browser) – or at least fade form section to form section
# There is a long, intentional gap between the form and the long-winded disclaimers at the bottom of the page – this is intentional (essentially a full desktop browser height between the form and the disclaimer).  Please ensure this is integrated:
 As I mentioned in the video I included in the request, the carrier_names, carrier_count, plan_count variables will be handled on our end. 
Thanks and please let us know if there are any additional questions!
Also – this phone number needs to be on one line – thanks!
Done Done --
  • CreatedNovember 6, 2023 3:45 PM
  • UpdatedNovember 11, 2023 7:12 PM
MEDICARE-29 WellCare LP development
  • Development
Desktop and Mobile versions, light-weight (super fast), responsive, and AMP-optimized.
You will notice that there is a Zip Code entry field at the end -- and we'll handle what happens there -- just need the form to be present.
Done Done --
  • CreatedNovember 1, 2023 10:32 AM
  • UpdatedNovember 9, 2023 6:15 AM
MEDICARE-28 Form Landing Page Development
  • Development
*I've put together a video explaining the process and our ho...
*I've put together a video explaining the process and our hopes for it:*
*Figma file:*
*Critical needs:*
* *Back button animates to previous step without browser refresh*
Whenever the user gets to the next step, it should "push" new browser history to the browser, enabling the use of the back button to go back a step -- so that "Back" browser clicks take them back to the previous step (without a page refresh).  This will require us to detect that they've clicked the Back button, and animate-in previous steps without a page refresh.
Please let me know if this isn't clear!  Example - https://quote.qualifymedicare.com/home
* *Animated gif should appear to be "processing" each phase of step 6 according to 2 second delays*
* *Phone button should pulsate at end*
* *Moving the mouse out of the browser window should initiate "exit intent pop-up"*
Done Done --
  • CreatedOctober 30, 2023 10:19 AM
  • UpdatedNovember 9, 2023 10:06 AM
MEDICARE-27 Header design Replace existing headers for all landing pages to the new on...
Replace existing headers for all landing pages to the new one
Figma https://www.figma.com/file/52qsABNSZmTbrdzRi68p4N/MedicareInsurance---Shared-Designs?type=design&node-id=93%3A768&mode=design&t=lBO2Kr7yW7HVWn0S-1
a) keep the existing mobile navigation the same (сохранение текущей мобильной навигации)
b) **need the CSS whipped up (настройка  CSS) (essentially a css pivot for desktop) that allows us to use this button setup
 for 2 templates 
Done Done --
  • CreatedOctober 24, 2023 9:01 AM
  • UpdatedOctober 30, 2023 3:27 PM
MEDICARE-26 Additional round of design
  • Design
I've created a shared space that includes "OBJECTIVES" – can...
I've created a shared space that includes "OBJECTIVES" – can you have a look and relay to the team for design?
Please note – I've included the top competitor's form for reference – I'd like to do better than what they're doing (nicer, friendlier, more encouraging flow that helps the user through – step by step).
The design base with objectives/disclaimers etc: https://www.figma.com/file/52qsABNSZmTbrdzRi68p4N/MedicareInsurance---Shared-Designs?type=design&node-id=1%3A570&mode=design&t=vWhr6X7X9P2CPWU5-1
A competitor form that uses solid visual cues and encouraging terminology:  https://quote.qualifymedicare.com/home/1
Also, please note, we'll need to add a checkbox to the last step of the form (and ensure *all continue buttons are always red*).
The checkbox should be next to the copy block depicted below:
!Screenshot 2023-10-16 at 10.28.08.png!
Done Done --
  • CreatedOctober 15, 2023 10:12 PM
  • UpdatedOctober 30, 2023 3:26 PM
MEDICARE-25 Development
  • WP
To start development as per the approved design: [https:/... Done Done --
  • CreatedOctober 9, 2023 12:37 PM
  • UpdatedNovember 12, 2023 3:54 PM
MEDICARE-24 Design New Multi-Step Form
  • Design
  • Request_to_team
We're looking to experiment with a centralized, multi-step f...
We're looking to experiment with a centralized, multi-step form that doesn't use WordPress. We need Figma designs that represent each step in this process. This 4-step form will have it's own landing page, change steps in an animated fashion, be able to send GA4 tracking Events at each step completion, and send the entirety of the data submitted via a cURL call in PHP to our exposed API endpoint.
You can see the workflow we're looking for here - https://snipboard.io/GgaqhI.jpg
As for fields (other than the buttons for each age, specific terminology referenced, and the ending "Thank You" response shown in the workflow), please refer to the attached PDF for fields in each step.
Done Done --
  • CreatedSeptember 29, 2023 2:57 PM
  • UpdatedOctober 30, 2023 3:38 PM
MEDICARE-23 Development of Generic Landing Page
  • Request_to_team
We urgently need the following Figma page (GENERIC TEMPLATE)...
We urgently need the following Figma page (GENERIC TEMPLATE) to be built out. Please note, it is very similar to the rest of the "enroll" landing pages, and can use the base we've created so far. https://www.figma.com/file/0atA8jkMAlNI7AfkU69LQ5/MedicareInsurance.com-Landings?type=design&node-id=1357%3A76&mode=design&t=Ht9tDiQTAkyv2ie6-1
Done Done --
  • CreatedSeptember 21, 2023 10:12 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 26, 2023 1:53 PM
MEDICARE-22 Social media ads ideas
  • Request_to_team
Please have the team queue up designs for these social media...
Please have the team queue up designs for these social media ads (static ads to be used on Facebook)
Feel free to add this to the ticket https://stock.adobe.com/Library/urn:aaid:sc:VA6C2:79403914-49cf-4a66-85e1-e8afc297f8e0
It is a series of images that and videos that I hand-picked (obviously only the images are relevant for the static ads)
We will purchase anything they use
Done Done --
  • CreatedSeptember 20, 2023 1:21 PM
  • UpdatedSeptember 25, 2023 12:33 PM
MEDICARE-21 Access to server error
  • WP
при подключении выводится ошибка "[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 17...
при подключении выводится ошибка "MicrosoftODBC Driver 17 for SQL ServerSQL ServerCannot open server 'mkpi' requested by the login. Client with IP address '' is not allowed to access the server. To enable access, use the Azure Management Portal or run sp_set_firewall_rule on the master database to create a firewall rule for this IP address or address range. It may take up to five minutes for this change to take effect."
Тут описывается настройки самого сервера при такой ошибке
Done Done --
  • CreatedSeptember 8, 2023 10:09 AM
  • UpdatedOctober 24, 2023 9:01 AM
MEDICARE-20 Set up extension SQLSRV for DEV
  • WP
Для Nix систем у PHP должно быть установлено расширение SQLS...
Для Nix систем у PHP должно быть установлено расширение SQLSRV у нас на деве https://medicare-dev.ourdevapps.com/template2/ оно не установлено.
Done Done --
  • CreatedSeptember 8, 2023 10:07 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 8, 2023 2:17 PM
MEDICARE-19 create screens for the video advertisment Hi Anna,   Hope all is well!   Writing because we're...
Hi Anna,
Hope all is well!
Writing because we're in a bit of a pinch, and need Verixity's design help (quickly).
What we need is, essentially, a set of Figma designs that represent the different on-screen text/graphics/actor combinations that are outlined in our script documents.
Design: 16x9 (YouTube standard)
Here are some script examples with layout items and on-screen text depictions that need designs created for them (attached).
*Competitor videos for reference:*
Example of some of the screens competitors have prepared (attached - QuoteVelocity_Example file).
Please create Figma mockups that depict the screens described in both *Nick-Storyboard and Kyle-Video* documents

 the company colors 
Done Done --
  • CreatedSeptember 7, 2023 4:50 PM
  • UpdatedSeptember 21, 2023 11:48 AM
MEDICARE-18 Подтягивать динамически данные с удаленного сервера We're going to need to call / join two tables within MySQL: ...
We're going to need to call / join two tables within MySQL:
- tb_all_benefits_range_2023
- tb_carrier_plan_count_2023
On page-load, we have a Zip Code loaded for where the visitor is.
!Screenshot 2023-09-12 at 09.23.49.png|width=1151,height=169!
The team needs to take that returned data, and make an SQL call from PHP to draw the following data from the appropriate table (searching by Zip code):
* Table: *tb_carrier_plan_count_2023*
* carrier_count
* plan_count
* Table: *tb_carrier_plan_count_2023*
* Comprehensive Dental - min
* Eyewear - min
* Hearing Aids - min
* Over-The-Counter (OTC) Items - min
* Meal Benefit - min
* Premium - min
* Comprehensive Dental - max
Essentially, we need to draw this information and have it displayed on-page (replacing variable locations, as seen here)
Example for getting the benefits:
*SELECT zip*
      *,Comprehensive Dental - min*
      *,Eye Exams - min*
      *,Eyewear - min*
      *,Hearing Aids - min*
      *,Hearing Exams - min*
      *,Over-The-Counter (OTC) Items - min*
      *,Transportation Services - min*
      *,Meal Benefit - min*
      *,Premium - min*
      *,Comprehensive Dental - max*
      *,Eye Exams - max*
      *,Eyewear - max*
      *,Hearing Aids - max*
      *,Hearing Exams - max*
      *,Over-The-Counter (OTC) Items - max*
      *,Transportation Services - max*
      *,Meal Benefit - max*
      *,Premium - max*
  *FROM sunfire.tb_all_benefits_range_2023*
--------/////////// OLD

In this website that we provided to Nick, as shown in the screenshot, it is already deployed on server (link above). However, it is required that the information is pulled from the databases hosted on the windows server provided by the company (access credentials attached as screenshot). Please note that certain variables in the footer will also be pulled from the database - ( screenshot is attached ).
More information from Nick: 
server is PHP
page served is PHP (with basic HTML)
the web server is running in a Lightsail instance (LAMP stack)
we're just calling to an external SQL server for the data
 you'll see the variables we'll be replacing with actual data on this page
the first call we make auto-detects the zip – and then we'd make a call to SQL with the zip code in order to retrieve:
- County
- OTC Amount
- Dental Amount
- Eyewear Amount
- Hearing Aid Amount
- Number of Carriers
- Number of Plans
So we have a service that does the IP lookup to draw the Zip
that happens on page-load:
then I imagine we can either use JS or PHP to draw the data from the SQL server and replace the variables you see in (as well as the two figures I showed in the dark screenshot)  (From Nick)

From Max: I suggest use JS because the end goal to load the page faster.
Done Done --
  • CreatedSeptember 7, 2023 10:01 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 21, 2023 11:47 AM
MEDICARE-17 New LP Pagespeed Scores there are some issues that need some attention in order to b...
there are some issues that need some attention in order to be AMP-compliant and ideal for public consumption on mobile (85+% of our audience). (нужно улучшить показатели для соответствия АМР и для использования на мобиле).
Google PageSpeed kicks back some pretty serious issues that will be reflected in our ability to close customers if we're asking that they wait 7 seconds to see anything on screen post-ad click: (Гугл Спид показывает серьезные проблемы, которые оказывают влияние на возможность юзерам открывать страницу - это занимает у них более 7 секунд)
Ultimately, we need to get to First Contentful Paint in 1.8s or less.
Done Done --
  • CreatedJuly 27, 2023 11:08 AM
  • UpdatedAugust 31, 2023 1:56 PM
MEDICARE-16 New Page Development
  • WP
To start development of the new page (MOBILE first) with reu...
To start development of the new page (MOBILE first) with reuse of the existing blocks & plugins:
Done Done --
  • CreatedJuly 21, 2023 8:53 AM
  • UpdatedJuly 27, 2023 11:04 AM
MEDICARE-15 Fixing up issues after testing
  • WP
1) No images above 100k 2) Avoid transparent images when ...
1) No images above 100k
2) Avoid transparent images when possible (as should be the case with both raster graphics on-page (*they should be JPGs* with the colored backgrounds within which they are designed).
3) Images used should be close to their Intrinsic size (opting for alternate versions of images on mobile)
4) Left-side spacing needs some love on mobile for Your Zip Code:
5) There are no roll-overs for anything from what I can tell (please use slightly darker versions of each button's color for solid-colored backgrounds)
6) Please get this to match the design (width ratio and font color):
Done Done --
  • CreatedJuly 13, 2023 9:46 AM
  • UpdatedJuly 20, 2023 4:06 PM
MEDICARE-14 All PM tasks
  • PM
All PM tasks, calls, follow ups, communication within team a...
All PM tasks, calls, follow ups, communication within team and with the client.
In Progress Unresolved --
  • CreatedJuly 6, 2023 1:59 PM
  • UpdatedNovember 25, 2023 2:17 PM
MEDICARE-13 Approved LP
  • WP
Create approved Landing Page based on the provided design: ...
Done Done --
  • CreatedJuly 6, 2023 1:55 PM
  • UpdatedJuly 13, 2023 9:41 AM
MEDICARE-12 Landing page design
  • Design
Landing page design
Done Done --
  • CreatedJuly 5, 2023 11:47 AM
  • UpdatedJuly 12, 2023 3:18 PM
MEDICARE-11 Convert Landing Page Design into a HTML Template with AMP *Summary:* This story involves the process of taking design ...
*Summary:* This story involves the process of taking design files and implementing them into a fully responsive, AMP-optimized, HTML template. The project manager and developer are expected to collaborate effectively to successfully achieve this task.
# Obtain and Analyze Design Files: The project manager should obtain the design files in the preferred format (Figma/Sketch/Adobe XD) and provide them to the developer.
# The developer is then responsible for analyzing these files to understand the structure and the various elements involved. Build Out HTML Layouts in a Modular Fashion: The developer should translate the design files into HTML layouts, breaking down each section into separate includes, allowing for modularity and easy maintenance.
# *Incorporate Inline CSS:* CSS should be used on-page and should not exceed 50k. Only CSS relevant to each particular page should be included. Centralizing CSS via PHP may be needed to meet these requirements.
# *Render Page Elements with Assigned Sizes:* The developer should not rely on media sizes to dictate the render position, but instead render each element with assigned sizes, thus ensuring the layout is as per the design.
# *Ensure Responsiveness and Browser Compatibility:* Once the design is implemented, the developer should verify that the template is fully responsive and compatible across different browsers, ensuring a seamless user experience on various devices.
# *Optimize Template for AMP Performance:* The developer should optimize the new template for search engines and overall performance. This includes implementing AMP optimization, and ensuring the site loads quickly and functions smoothly. At the end of this story, the goal is to have an HTML template that not only visually mirrors the design files but also ensures optimal user experience through responsiveness, browser compatibility.
# The project manager will review the work based on these parameters to ensure its success.
Done Done --
  • CreatedJune 22, 2023 10:06 PM
  • UpdatedJuly 12, 2023 3:37 PM
MEDICARE-10 Landing Testing
  • Test
To test page [https://medicare-dev.ourdevapps.com/] and comp...
To test page https://medicare-dev.ourdevapps.com/ and compare with the design
To provide short bug report here in the task comments
Done Done --
  • CreatedJune 29, 2023 9:00 AM
  • UpdatedJuly 13, 2023 8:50 AM
MEDICARE-9 New designs needed [https://youtu.be/yo5bgwikrBM]  тут запись с Ником - прош...
 тут запись с Ником - прошу посмотреть когда мы проходились по дизайнам (документам ниже)
Specifically, need designs for these:
 - Simplified, Short-Form Premiums Template w/ Zip Code & Help Me Find A Plan CTA
- Major Benefits Template
- Dynamic Benefits Template
Please let me know if there are any questions
And please have the team replicate this Figma design (the one with no circles) for their variations https://www.figma.com/file/0atA8jkMAlNI7AfkU69LQ5/MedicareInsurance.com-Landings-(Copy)?type=design&node-id=199%3A3506&mode=design&t=QcBkNVb0BG5qQGVf-1
MedicareInsurance.com Landings (Copy)
Done Done --
  • CreatedJune 26, 2023 6:37 PM
  • UpdatedJuly 12, 2023 3:33 PM
MEDICARE-8 Setup Development WordPress Environment on Plesk Hosting System *Task Description:* This task involves setting up a devel...
*Task Description:*
This task involves setting up a development environment on our Plesk hosting system. This environment will be utilized by the developer for converting a landing page design into an HTML, CSS, and AMP optimized template.
*Task Requirements:*
## Domain Configuration: Configure a new domain instance for the development at medicare-dev.ourdevapps.com.
## SSL Certificate: Install and configure an SSL certificate for the newly created domain to ensure secure connections.
## FTP Access: Create FTP access credentials for the developer to upload, download, and modify files as needed.
## Additional User Accounts: Create additional user accounts with appropriate permissions for the project manager and the QA team.
## Please ensure all accounts are secured with strong, unique passwords. All access credentials and details should be shared securely with the respective users.
## Domain instance medicare-dev.ourdevapps.com configured with SSL certificate.
## FTP access credentials for the developer.
## Access for the developer, project manager, and QA team.
Done Done --
  • CreatedJune 22, 2023 10:33 PM
  • UpdatedJuly 12, 2023 3:38 PM
MEDICARE-7 QA validation of the landing page conversion to WordPress, multi-device testing, and AMP compatibility. *Landing Page Conversion Checklist:* # Check that the desi...
*Landing Page Conversion Checklist:*
# Check that the design of the landing page in WordPress accurately reflects the design files provided.
# Verify that all elements are positioned correctly as per the design.
# Ensure that all links, buttons, and interactive elements are functional.
# Confirm that the page title, metadata, and other SEO factors are correctly implemented.
*Multi-Device Testing Checklist:*
# Test the landing page on multiple devices (smartphone, tablet, laptop, and desktop) to ensure responsiveness.
# Check the landing page on different screen resolutions.
# Verify the landing page on various operating systems (Windows, macOS, Android, iOS).
# Test the landing page on different browsers (Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge) for compatibility.
*AMP Compatibility Checklist:*
# Open the AMP page in your preferred browser (e.g., Google Chrome).
# Add #development=1 at the end of the page’s URL.
# Open up your browser’s developer tools console (for Google Chrome, this is the Chrome DevTools console).
# Check for any errors highlighted in red in the console, along with the analysis of what caused the error.
# Note any validation errors caused by invalid prefixes, incorrect formatting and code entries, or disallowed tags.
# Verify that the errors have been fixed either through the auto-fix option present in the readout or by applying the methods listed by Google AMP Project for fixing common validation errors.
# Consider using the AMP Validator extension for Google Chrome and Opera for another layer of validation.
# If using the AMP Validator extension, verify the overlay of errors and their causes.
# Check the blue extension icon that appears when running an AMP validator on a non-AMP page. This links you to the AMP version of that page, which can be useful for assessing elements of your site’s theme that may keep WordPress AMP from displaying properly.
# Ensure that the site falls within the AMP 50KB limit for CSS.
Remember, always document the testing process, results, and any bugs or issues that have been found and fixed.
*Чек-лист для конвертации целевой страницы:*
# Проверьте, чтобы дизайн целевой страницы в WordPress точно отражал предоставленные дизайнерские файлы.
# Убедитесь, что все элементы правильно расположены согласно дизайну.
# Убедитесь, что все ссылки, кнопки и интерактивные элементы работают.
# Подтвердите, что заголовок страницы, метаданные и другие факторы SEO корректно реализованы.
*Чек-лист для тестирования на нескольких устройствах:*
# Протестируйте целевую страницу на нескольких устройствах (смартфон, планшет, ноутбук, настольный компьютер), чтобы обеспечить адаптивность.
# Проверьте целевую страницу на разных разрешениях экрана.
# Проверьте целевую страницу на разных операционных системах (Windows, macOS, Android, iOS).
# Протестируйте целевую страницу на разных браузерах (Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge) на предмет совместимости.
*Чек-лист для проверки совместимости с AMP:*
# Откройте AMP-страницу в вашем предпочитаемом браузере (например, Google Chrome).
# Добавьте #development=1 в конце URL страницы.
# Откройте консоль инструментов разработчика вашего браузера (для Google Chrome это консоль Chrome DevTools).
# Проверьте наличие каких-либо ошибок, выделенных красным цветом в консоли, вместе с анализом того, что вызвало ошибку.
# Отметьте любые ошибки проверки, вызванные недопустимыми префиксами, неправильной форматированием и записями кода или недопустимыми тегами.
# Убедитесь, что ошибки были исправлены либо через автоматическую опцию исправления, присутствующую в выдаче, либо путем применения методов, указанных проектом Google AMP для исправления распространенных ошибок проверки.
# Рассмотрите возможность использования расширения AMP Validator для Google Chrome и Opera для дополнительной проверки.
# Если вы используете расширение AMP Validator, проверьте наложение ошибок и их причины.
# Проверьте синий значок расширения, который появляется при запуске валидатора AMP на не-AMP странице. Это ссылка на AMP версию этой страницы, что может быть полезно для оценки элементов темы вашего сайта, которые могут мешать корректному отображению WordPress AMP.
# Убедитесь, что сайт не превышает лимит AMP в 50KB для CSS.
Done Done --
  • CreatedJune 22, 2023 10:27 PM
  • UpdatedJuly 13, 2023 9:42 AM
MEDICARE-6 Configure Google AMP plugin to Standard Mode As a part of our project, we need to ensure that the landing...
As a part of our project, we need to ensure that the landing page, based on the Figma layouts, is optimized for AMP. We're going to go with a zero WP model and build this in a modular fashion. This means:
* Each section of the page should be split into an include.
* On-page CSS should be used, less than 50kb, and only what is relevant to that page — which may mean centralizing CSS via PHP.
* Page elements should be rendered with assigned sizes, not relying on media sizes to dictate render position.
This approach will enable us to have a single version of the page, which adheres to the AMP standards. It's an efficient way to maintain our site as it reduces development and maintenance costs. Please ensure that all the components of our page are fully AMP-compatible. If there are components that aren't AMP-compatible, please note them and we will address how to proceed. Your task includes developing the page in accordance with these guidelines and testing the site to make sure all parts are functioning correctly and are AMP-optimized.
В рамках нашего проекта нам нужно гарантировать, что целевая страница, основанная на макетах Figma, оптимизирована для AMP. Мы собираемся использовать модель без WP и строить ее модульно. Это означает:
* Каждый раздел страницы должен быть разделен на подключаемые элементы.
* Должен использоваться CSS на странице, меньше 50kb, и только то, что относится к этой странице — что может означать централизацию CSS через PHP.
* Элементы страницы должны отображаться с заданными размерами, не полагаясь на размеры медиафайлов для определения позиции отображения.
Этот подход позволит нам иметь одну версию страницы, соответствующую стандартам AMP. Это эффективный способ поддержания нашего сайта, так как это сокращает затраты на разработку и обслуживание. Пожалуйста, убедитесь, что все компоненты нашей страницы полностью совместимы с AMP. Если есть компоненты, которые не совместимы с AMP, отметьте их, и мы решим, как с ними поступить. Ваша задача включает разработку страницы в соответствии с этими руководящими принципами и тестирование сайта, чтобы убедиться, что все части корректно функционируют и оптимизированы для AMP.
Done Done --
  • CreatedJune 22, 2023 10:15 PM
  • UpdatedJuly 21, 2023 8:51 AM
MEDICARE-5 Monitor and Coordinate the Standard Mode Configuration of Google AMP Plugin We are building the website using AMP-optimized HTML for eff...
We are building the website using AMP-optimized HTML for efficient site management and a superior AMP-first experience. Please coordinate with the developer to ensure all our web components are fully AMP-compatible. If there are elements not compatible with AMP, the developer will notify you. It's important that you facilitate decision-making regarding these elements - whether to replace them or modify them for AMP compatibility. Also, please ensure the developer tests the site thoroughly once the development is done, to guarantee all parts are functioning correctly.
Мы создаем веб-сайт с использованием AMP-оптимизированного HTML для эффективного управления сайтом и превосходного опыта с AMP. Пожалуйста, скоординируйте действия с разработчиком, чтобы убедиться, что все наши веб-компоненты полностью совместимы с AMP. Если есть элементы, несовместимые с AMP, разработчик уведомит вас. Важно, чтобы вы облегчили принятие решений по этим элементам - заменить их или модифицировать для совместимости с AMP. Также, пожалуйста, убедитесь, что разработчик тщательно протестирует сайт после завершения разработки, чтобы гарантировать корректное функционирование всех его частей.
Done Done --
  • CreatedJune 22, 2023 10:14 PM
  • UpdatedJuly 18, 2023 11:42 AM
- Summary Progress View more

Summary Progress

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Tasks Assign to Client

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3 Tasks Assigned to Team View more

Tasks Assigned to Team

Key Subject Request Attachments Priority Comments Status Resolution Current Environment Labels Dates
MEDICARE-24 Design New Multi-Step Form We're looking to experiment with a centralized, multi-step f...
We're looking to experiment with a centralized, multi-step form that doesn't use WordPress. We need Figma designs that represent each step in this process. This 4-step form will have it's own landing page, change steps in an animated fashion, be able to send GA4 tracking Events at each step completion, and send the entirety of the data submitted via a cURL call in PHP to our exposed API endpoint.
You can see the workflow we're looking for here - https://snipboard.io/GgaqhI.jpg
As for fields (other than the buttons for each age, specific terminology referenced, and the ending "Thank You" response shown in the workflow), please refer to the attached PDF for fields in each step.
Medium Done Done --
  • Design
  • Request_to_team
  • CreatedSeptember 29, 2023 2:57 PM
  • UpdatedOctober 30, 2023 3:38 PM
MEDICARE-23 Development of Generic Landing Page We urgently need the following Figma page (GENERIC TEMPLATE)...
We urgently need the following Figma page (GENERIC TEMPLATE) to be built out. Please note, it is very similar to the rest of the "enroll" landing pages, and can use the base we've created so far. https://www.figma.com/file/0atA8jkMAlNI7AfkU69LQ5/MedicareInsurance.com-Landings?type=design&node-id=1357%3A76&mode=design&t=Ht9tDiQTAkyv2ie6-1
Task is complete - see below:
Done Done --
  • Request_to_team
  • CreatedSeptember 21, 2023 10:12 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 26, 2023 1:53 PM
MEDICARE-22 Social media ads ideas Please have the team queue up designs for these social media...
Please have the team queue up designs for these social media ads (static ads to be used on Facebook)
Feel free to add this to the ticket https://stock.adobe.com/Library/urn:aaid:sc:VA6C2:79403914-49cf-4a66-85e1-e8afc297f8e0
It is a series of images that and videos that I hand-picked (obviously only the images are relevant for the static ads)
We will purchase anything they use
Medium Done Done --
  • Request_to_team
  • CreatedSeptember 20, 2023 1:21 PM
  • UpdatedSeptember 25, 2023 12:33 PM

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