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Current Phase Tasks

39 To Do View more
5 In Progress View more
356 Done View more

KeyNameLabelsDescriptionAttachmentsStatusResolutionCurrent EnvironmentDates
BRDOX-428 Super admin section: Storage used column showing incorrect information For sone accounts, it does show the correct information, for...
For sone accounts, it does show the correct information, for others not.
please see the screenshot.
Backlog Unresolved --
  • CreatedSeptember 2, 2024 1:10 PM
  • UpdatedSeptember 2, 2024 1:10 PM
BRDOX-427 System Emails Not Working
  • Discovery
  • Request_to_client
Emails are not being sent by the system for Document Disappr...
Emails are not being sent by the system for Document Disapprovals and Timeline Event Reminders
Backlog Unresolved --
  • CreatedAugust 27, 2024 9:24 AM
  • UpdatedAugust 27, 2024 1:30 PM
  • Discovery
  • Request_to_client
Agents can still ADD CATEGORIES in COMMUNITY. Previous Ticke...
Agents can still ADD CATEGORIES in COMMUNITY. Previous Ticket marked Done is not Done
Backlog Unresolved --
  • CreatedAugust 25, 2024 10:57 AM
  • UpdatedAugust 30, 2024 1:19 PM
BRDOX-425 Disapproved Document Email NOT being sent from the system
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
Disapproved Document Email NOT being sent from the system. S...
Disapproved Document Email NOT being sent from the system. System is supposed to send (and has worked in the past) an email with a note about the disapproved document and the document attached
Done Done All Environments
  • CreatedAugust 23, 2024 3:47 PM
  • UpdatedSeptember 4, 2024 8:47 AM
BRDOX-424 Notification Alert; Backup Failed for host.brokerdox.com.
  • Manager_resolved
Is this for BrokerDox 2.0? ---------- Hello Ray Carrano,...
Is this for BrokerDox 2.0?
Hello Ray Carrano,
The purpose of this email is to inform you that a notification was created for host.brokerdox.com ( You can view this notification by logging into your account management area at https://my.liquidweb.com/.
Description: Backup Failed for host.brokerdox.com.
Category: Backup Server
Severity: Warning
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at support@liquidweb.com or by calling 1-800-580-4985.
Done Done --
  • CreatedAugust 16, 2024 9:27 AM
  • UpdatedAugust 21, 2024 11:03 PM
BRDOX-423 Resources Section
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
The # of documents appearing in ( # ) for each section is in...
The # of documents appearing in ( # ) for each section is incorrect. Please fix and lets make 15 Docs visible before you have to click on VIEW ALL DOCUMENTS...right now it's set at 5 but some sections display more than 5 and some don't
Done Done --
  • CreatedAugust 15, 2024 10:46 AM
  • UpdatedAugust 23, 2024 11:58 AM
BRDOX-422 update SSL certificates on beta brokerdox (*.api.betabrokerdox.com, *.App.betabrokerdox.com ) To secure your site, extract the files from STAR.betabrokerd...
To secure your site, extract the files from STAR.betabrokerdox.com_cert.zip and STAR.betabrokerdox.com_key.zip on your computer and upload them to your server. Here is a list of the most common server types and how to install SSL on them.
If you created a CSR and private key in-browser during SSL activation, you will find key.zip in your downloads folder.
For a CSR that was created directly on your hosting server, the private key is already on your server, so you only need to upload cert.zip
To secure your site, extract the files from STAR.api.betabrokerdox.com_cert.zip and STAR.api.betabrokerdox.com_key.zip on your computer and upload them to your server. Here is a list of the most common server types and how to install SSL on them.
If you created a CSR and private key in-browser during SSL activation, you will find key.zip in your downloads folder.
For a CSR that was created directly on your hosting server, the private key is already on your server, so you only need to upload cert.zip
Done Done --
  • CreatedJune 26, 2024 2:32 PM
  • UpdatedJune 27, 2024 7:55 AM
BRDOX-421 Response Time Very Slow + Profile picture cropping + Profile picture update (auto + manual)
  • Discovery
  • Request_to_client
  • enhancement
When doing any task in the system, the pages have become ver...
When doing any task in the system, the pages have become very slow when loading.
1. reduce profile pictures ( automated way / reduce the picture )
2. add query caching for other requests (go over the optimization carefully)
Selected for Development Unresolved --
  • CreatedJune 18, 2024 9:08 AM
  • UpdatedAugust 22, 2024 2:27 PM
BRDOX-420 CDA Wording Change
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
I'd like to change the wording on the CDA where it says in R...
I'd like to change the wording on the CDA where it says in RED... "Please make check payable to" (See screenshot) and change the words to "Please make payment to"
Done Done --
  • CreatedJune 6, 2024 3:42 PM
  • UpdatedAugust 23, 2024 3:50 PM
BRDOX-419 Estimate: Notifications >> Replies
  • Discovery
  • Request_to_client
I need an estimate for when Agents (or whomever) reply's to ...
I need an estimate for when Agents (or whomever) reply's to a Community Note or a Notification Sent, that I can reply to that comment...See 2 screen shots
Done Done --
  • CreatedJune 4, 2024 2:59 PM
  • UpdatedSeptember 5, 2024 1:00 PM
BRDOX-418 There is the company (LoKation Real Estate) which doesn't appear on the superadmin page
Please check in the database
Ready for QA Unresolved --
  • CreatedMay 24, 2024 1:32 AM
  • UpdatedAugust 23, 2024 9:55 AM
BRDOX-417 Admin >>> Notifications >>> SENT
  • Discovery
  • Request_to_client
Admin >>> Notifications >>> Sent displays only 10 records......
Admin >>> Notifications >>> Sent displays only 10 records...when you click next, it doesn't display the next 10...it displays an empty Inbox....see 2 screen shots
Selected for Development Unresolved --
  • CreatedMay 21, 2024 8:08 PM
  • UpdatedAugust 30, 2024 2:38 PM
BRDOX-416 SEARCH RESULTS Default Display
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
Top NAV SEARCH RESULTS Default Display View is 5 records...p...
Top NAV SEARCH RESULTS Default Display View is 5 records...please make that 50
Done Done --
  • CreatedMay 14, 2024 7:40 AM
  • UpdatedAugust 23, 2024 3:35 PM
BRDOX-415 Coupon Not Working
  • Discovery
Demo Account: https://brokerdox-real-estate.app.brokerdox.co...
Demo Account: https://brokerdox-real-estate.app.brokerdox.com/account/login - User = brokerdox+michaelscott@gmail.com Pass = Test1234....Coupon not working. This company also is not showing in the Super Admin....3 screen shots
Done Done --
  • CreatedApril 19, 2024 1:48 PM
  • UpdatedJune 9, 2024 8:10 AM
BRDOX-414 email@brokerdox.com is not a working email
  • Discovery
  • Request_to_client
email@brokerdox.com is not a working email...see 2 screen sh...
email@brokerdox.com is not a working email...see 2 screen shots...where is that? on the Sales site? Anywhere it is, we need to get rid of it...use info@brokerdox.com or brokerdox@gmail.com
Done Done --
  • CreatedApril 12, 2024 9:57 AM
  • UpdatedAugust 23, 2024 12:37 PM
BRDOX-413 Server 500 Error when logging in
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
If a User tries to log in and puts the wrong email addres in...
If a User tries to log in and puts the wrong email addres in, they are getting a Server 500 Error....see attached...
Done Done --
  • CreatedApril 10, 2024 8:34 AM
  • UpdatedApril 11, 2024 12:56 PM
BRDOX-412 Disapproved Documents email incorrect
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
When documents are disapproved and emailed to the agent, the...
When documents are disapproved and emailed to the agent, the email is coming from "info@brokerdox.com" instead of the actual Admin that disapproved the document. So if the agent replies to the email, the email reply goes to info@brokerdox.com
Done Done --
  • CreatedApril 9, 2024 11:02 PM
  • UpdatedAugust 27, 2024 1:51 PM
BRDOX-411 change the admin email in the WordPress - phpmyadmin needed This email needs to be updated. such an email address does n...
This email needs to be updated. such an email address does not exist. it should be changed via the database ASAP. 
Backlog Unresolved --
  • CreatedApril 9, 2024 10:53 AM
  • UpdatedApril 9, 2024 10:54 AM
BRDOX-410 Community: AGENTS can Edit Category Names
  • Discovery
  • Request_to_client
Agents should not be able to edit Community Category Names.....
Agents should not be able to edit Community Category Names...ie: the pencil next to Broker FAQ's" should not be there for Agents and Managers...just Admins should have access to that
Done Done --
  • CreatedApril 8, 2024 1:09 PM
  • UpdatedSeptember 2, 2024 4:15 AM
BRDOX-409 Setting up SMTP Mail Server
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
Need to set up SMTP Mail Server in Sales site
Done Done --
  • CreatedApril 5, 2024 10:40 AM
  • UpdatedApril 7, 2024 11:44 AM
BRDOX-408 Super Admin
  • Discovery
  • Request_to_client
Super Admin >>> filter >>> Subscription says BRONZE, SILVER ...
Super Admin >>> filter >>> Subscription says BRONZE, SILVER and GOLD...Should be Plan 1 - Plan 2 and Plan 3
Done Done All Environments
  • CreatedApril 4, 2024 4:46 PM
  • UpdatedAugust 30, 2024 2:42 PM
BRDOX-407 Super Admin
  • Discovery
  • Request_to_client
There are 8 Subscribers, but the ACTIVE SUBSCRIBERS says 12 ...
There are 8 Subscribers, but the ACTIVE SUBSCRIBERS says 12 Subscribers...The Overview Filter needs a better look...Can there be links under SUBSCRIBERS on the LEFT NAV BAR that would be quick links to ALL, ACTIVE, TRIAL and SUSPENDED? The Default View would be ALL
Selected for Development Unresolved All Environments
  • CreatedApril 4, 2024 4:44 PM
  • UpdatedAugust 30, 2024 2:42 PM
BRDOX-406 Change Icon & Website title
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
Need to change out the Web Browser Tab Icon...see screenshot
Done Done --
  • CreatedApril 4, 2024 1:37 PM
  • UpdatedApril 8, 2024 9:15 AM
BRDOX-405 Estimate: Accounting >>> Agent Summary >>> # per page
  • Discovery
  • Request_to_client
  • enhancement
Accounting >>> Agent Summary >>> # per page - (1) Please put...
Accounting >>> Agent Summary >>> # per page - (1) Please put an option for "ALL" when showing # PER PAGE and make the default "ALL"...(2) Also, there is no way to SORT the columns...the order of the list seems completely random...Would like ability to sort by: Name - Office - Volume $ - Agent $ - Company $

Default = 100; Add option = ALL; 
The total should be moved over one column (see screenshot)
Backlog Unresolved --
  • CreatedApril 4, 2024 1:06 PM
  • UpdatedAugust 23, 2024 12:48 PM
BRDOX-404 Signup New Client Welcome Message with Code
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
  • enhancement
Signup New Client from Sales Website >>> Welcome Message con...
Signup New Client from Sales Website >>> Welcome Message containing Code >>> Change wording in email to "If you have any issues, please contact support".
Done Done --
  • CreatedApril 4, 2024 1:02 PM
  • UpdatedApril 7, 2024 11:44 AM
BRDOX-403 Create coupon funtionallity For details check the video starting from 25 min [https://u... Done Done --
  • CreatedApril 2, 2024 3:54 AM
  • UpdatedAugust 23, 2024 9:58 AM
BRDOX-402 Coupon Code for Payment Plans
  • Client_resolved
Done Done --
  • CreatedApril 1, 2024 12:43 PM
  • UpdatedApril 11, 2024 12:57 PM
BRDOX-401 create an invite code - Revised Summary and Detailed Scope of Work for BrokerDox h3. Revised Summary and Detailed Scope of Work for BrokerDox...
h3. Revised Summary and Detailed Scope of Work for BrokerDox
*Objective:* To enhance the registration process for BrokerDox by introducing an invitation-only system. This system will utilize automated email invitations with unique codes for access to the Laravel application.
*Scope of Work:*
# *WordPress Website (www.brokerDox.com):*
** Upon submission of the contact form on the WordPress site, the user will be automatically sent an email. This email will contain a unique invitation code, essential for registering on the app.brokerDox.com platform.
** The invitation code must be automatically generated in a way that ensures it is unique and can only be used for a single registration to maintain exclusivity and security.
** The process will initiate an API call to the Laravel application hosted on app.brokerDox.com, signaling that a new user has submitted their information and an invitation code has been dispatched.
# *Laravel Application (app.brokerDox.com):*
** Upon receiving the API call from the WordPress website, the Laravel application will trigger an automated email process. This process will generate and dispatch an email containing the invitation code to the specified user's email address.
** It is critical to ensure that registration on the Laravel application is gated and requires the input of the received invitation code for access. This measure is to uphold the integrity of an invitation-only registration process.
# *Integration and Process Flow:*
** The integration between the WordPress website and the Laravel application is pivotal. It ensures a seamless transfer of user information and the automated generation and dispatch of the invitation code via email.
** This integration will rely on a secure API call from the WordPress site to the Laravel application, triggering the necessary actions for email generation and code dispatch.
*Conclusion:* This proposed system aims to create a streamlined, secure, and exclusive registration process for BrokerDox users. By implementing an invitation-only system with unique codes, BrokerDox can enhance user engagement and ensure a controlled user intake on the platform.
This approach not only enhances the security and exclusivity of the BrokerDox community but also aligns with modern practices in application access management. Implementing this system could significantly benefit user experience and platform security, making it a valuable addition to the BrokerDox ecosystem.
h3. Revised Behavior of the Registration Form  - https://app.brokerdox.com/  
The registration form on the application is designed to streamline the user's experience by auto-populating certain fields upon entry of the invitation code. Once the user inputs their invitation code, fields such as email address, name, phone number, and company information will be automatically filled based on the data previously stored in the backend.
Users will have the flexibility to update any of the auto-populated information to ensure accuracy and current relevance; however, the email address associated with the invitation code will remain locked for edits at this stage to maintain the integrity of the registration process and ensure that the invitation code is matched to the correct user profile.
Selected for Development Unresolved --
  • CreatedMarch 27, 2024 12:50 AM
  • UpdatedApril 4, 2024 2:45 PM
BRDOX-400 Timeline email reminders not working
  • Discovery
  • Request_to_client
Timeline email reminders not working. I tested it and my age...
Timeline email reminders not working. I tested it and my agents aren't getting theirs either
Done Done All Environments
  • CreatedMarch 22, 2024 9:11 AM
  • UpdatedAugust 30, 2024 2:42 PM
BRDOX-399 URGENT - BrokerDox Super Admin
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
URGENT - There are 4 ACTIVE sites. Please make sure these do...
URGENT - There are 4 ACTIVE sites. Please make sure these don't get deleted: (1) miabrownrealty.app.brokerdox.com (this is also the only active site not found on Super Admin) (2) https://premier-tcp.app.brokerdox.com/ (3) https://premierbrokersinternational.app.brokerdox.com/ (4) https://singer-island-realty.app.brokerdox.com/
Done Done --
  • CreatedMarch 15, 2024 9:12 AM
  • UpdatedApril 4, 2024 12:50 PM
BRDOX-398 User upload error
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
When a New User creates their account and tries to upload do...
When a New User creates their account and tries to upload documents, there is an error that says Forbidden...I've had this complaint several times from different agents from different companies.
Done Done --
  • CreatedMarch 12, 2024 8:15 PM
  • UpdatedApril 9, 2024 9:34 AM
BRDOX-397 Bugs
Backlog Unresolved --
  • CreatedMarch 12, 2024 8:05 AM
  • UpdatedMarch 12, 2024 8:08 AM
BRDOX-396 Change the arrows according to designs
Backlog Unresolved --
  • CreatedMarch 12, 2024 3:10 AM
  • UpdatedMarch 12, 2024 8:07 AM
BRDOX-395 Text doesn't displayed fully
Backlog Unresolved --
  • CreatedMarch 12, 2024 3:09 AM
  • UpdatedMarch 12, 2024 8:07 AM
BRDOX-394 Layout breaks on the Prices, Features, Customization, About page
Please recheck this pages for issues on screenshots
Backlog Unresolved --
  • CreatedMarch 12, 2024 3:03 AM
  • UpdatedMarch 12, 2024 8:07 AM
BRDOX-393 Give It a Try section is too small
Backlog Unresolved --
  • CreatedMarch 12, 2024 2:56 AM
  • UpdatedMarch 12, 2024 8:07 AM
BRDOX-392 Feedback section not the same as on design, page breaks
Backlog Unresolved --
  • CreatedMarch 12, 2024 2:55 AM
  • UpdatedMarch 12, 2024 8:06 AM
BRDOX-391 Page transtition should be higher according to design On the site page transition too low and page ending is visib...
On the site page transition too low and page ending is visible 
Backlog Unresolved --
  • CreatedMarch 12, 2024 2:53 AM
  • UpdatedMarch 12, 2024 8:06 AM
BRDOX-390 The text is smaller according to design Please recheck page font size and change it according to fig...
Please recheck page font size and change it according to figma
in screenshots you see some examples
Backlog Unresolved --
  • CreatedMarch 12, 2024 2:41 AM
  • UpdatedMarch 12, 2024 8:06 AM
BRDOX-389 Low quality page transitions, also it not the same as in figma design This problem about all places on the site, not only those in...
This problem about all places on the site, not only those indicated in the task
Backlog Unresolved --
  • CreatedMarch 12, 2024 2:38 AM
  • UpdatedMarch 12, 2024 8:06 AM
BRDOX-388 SUPER ADMIN Issue - Company missing from Super Admin Panel
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
A company I signed up is missing from the Super Admin Dashbo...
A company I signed up is missing from the Super Admin Dashboard...>>> miabrownrealty.app.brokerdox.com - the site used to be there, I've seen it and logged in with the User on the phone....the site exists and she is using it, I just can't see it in the Super Admin panel anymore >>> It is not the same as mia-brown-realty.app.brokerdox.com which I see in the Admin Panel. That was the first company she set up, but something went wrong and we created another company...
Done Done --
  • CreatedMarch 6, 2024 4:08 PM
  • UpdatedApril 4, 2024 12:51 PM
BRDOX-386 URGENT - cannot add credit card
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
URGENT......https://singer-island-realty.app.brokerdox.com/settings/billing/payments...Can't add the credit card. nothing happens when I press UPDATE INFO AND CLOSE...I took the credit card # out of the screen shot....
Done Done --
  • CreatedMarch 4, 2024 12:15 PM
  • UpdatedApril 4, 2024 9:23 AM
BRDOX-385 Brokerdox monitoring analyze the metrics that need to be monitored, make a list a...
analyze the metrics that need to be monitored, make a list and add them to the monitoring
* *Check system performance metrics*
* *Monitor disk space usage*
* *Review server logs*
* *Track CPU and memory usage*
* *Monitor network traffic*
* *Verify backups are running*
* *Check for security vulnerabilities*
* *Monitor application performance*
* *Verify uptime and availability*
* *Respond to alerts and incidents*
Backlog Unresolved --
  • CreatedFebruary 29, 2024 6:15 AM
  • UpdatedAugust 15, 2024 1:57 PM
BRDOX-383 CDA - City wrong
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
On the CDA's, the info for {My Company City} is reading out ...
On the CDA's, the info for {My Company City} is reading out as COMPANY NAME...see screen shots
Done Done --
  • CreatedFebruary 22, 2024 11:06 AM
  • UpdatedFebruary 26, 2024 2:09 PM
BRDOX-382 Log Reviews
Regular review of system and application logs
Backlog Unresolved --
  • CreatedFebruary 21, 2024 1:53 PM
  • UpdatedApril 4, 2024 3:20 PM
BRDOX-381 CI/CD Implementation
Automated deployment for seamless feature integration
Backlog Unresolved --
  • CreatedFebruary 21, 2024 1:50 PM
  • UpdatedApril 4, 2024 3:23 PM
BRDOX-380 Weekly server OS updates & CI/CD updates Updated server operating systems. --- * *Verify successfu...
Updated server operating systems.
* *Verify successful installation of updates*
* *Reboot the server if required by updates*
* *Test critical services after the update*
* *Check for any deprecated or incompatible packages*
* *Review and update OS-specific configurations*
* *Validate custom scripts and automation tools post-update*
* *Review and update firewall rules if affected by the update*
* *Ensure compatibility with third-party software*
* *Document the update process and any issues encountered*
* *Rollback the update if critical issues are found***
Backlog Unresolved --
  • CreatedFebruary 21, 2024 1:49 PM
  • UpdatedAugust 15, 2024 2:01 PM
BRDOX-379 BrokerDox ADMIN issue
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
  • enhancement
[https://app.brokerdox.com/admin/subscribers]...>>> OVERVIEW...
https://app.brokerdox.com/admin/subscribers...>>> OVERVIEW >>> Can't see all the SUBSCRIBERS and SEACRH returns a 500 Error...Calendar is not showing right...prob more than 50 companies so there's no NEXT PAGE at bottom...Also need a DELETE function for all those Test companies
Done Done --
  • CreatedFebruary 20, 2024 5:01 PM
  • UpdatedApril 4, 2024 2:38 PM
BRDOX-378 Update plan description please run this command  php artisan db:seed --class=Subs...
please run this command 
php artisan db:seed --class=SubscriptionPlansSeederUpdater
Done Done --
  • CreatedFebruary 19, 2024 9:15 AM
  • UpdatedFebruary 19, 2024 9:57 AM
BRDOX-377 small tasks
Backlog Unresolved --
  • CreatedFebruary 18, 2024 1:24 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 4, 2024 10:49 AM
BRDOX-376 The users fuctionality is broken on PROD From the client: Hey Max. Got the top error when I went to ...
From the client:
Hey Max. Got the top error when I went to USERS. Bottom screenshot shows there are no ROLES for me to choose like Agent, Admin etc
Done Done --
  • CreatedFebruary 16, 2024 9:53 AM
  • UpdatedApril 2, 2024 2:05 AM
BRDOX-375 Set up admin on brokerdox (prod) налаштувати адмінку, щоб адміну було видно всіх підписників,...
налаштувати адмінку, щоб адміну було видно всіх підписників, також адмін повинен мати змогу залогуватися ав будь-яку компанію як "Account owner"
Done Done --
  • CreatedFebruary 16, 2024 3:22 AM
  • UpdatedAugust 23, 2024 9:55 AM
BRDOX-374 To set up the Stripe ID in the environment
To set up the Stripe ID in the environment
Backlog Unresolved --
  • CreatedFebruary 14, 2024 9:32 AM
  • UpdatedFebruary 14, 2024 9:32 AM
BRDOX-373 Agent Signup Incomplete
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
Agent Xiaodan Lin was able to bypass signup and create a tra...
Agent Xiaodan Lin was able to bypass signup and create a transaction. I completed her profile, but here status still says INVITE SENT. Soes she need to start over again and delete the transaction?
Done Done --
  • CreatedFebruary 9, 2024 3:41 PM
  • UpdatedFebruary 27, 2024 11:09 PM
BRDOX-372 Spelling
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
In any Transaction >>> Showing Instructions >>> Add Showing ...
In any Transaction >>> Showing Instructions >>> Add Showing Instructions >>> Should say "Write your showing instructions here..."
Done Done --
  • CreatedFebruary 9, 2024 3:21 PM
  • UpdatedApril 4, 2024 2:41 PM
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
OPTIONS >>> MANAGER >>> CLOSED TRANSACTIONS...even though this box is checked, my manager still cannot EDIT Closed Transactions
Done Done --
  • CreatedFebruary 9, 2024 3:19 PM
  • UpdatedFebruary 22, 2024 6:27 AM
BRDOX-370 User Document and CDA Error
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
For User ROBB SMITH and Transaction Address 5800 Fernley Dr ...
For User ROBB SMITH and Transaction Address 5800 Fernley Dr #8, west palm beach, FL 33415....there are 11 Documents in the Transaction....Only 5 are visible and I manually uploaded one of them. Additionally, I added an UNLISTED DOCUMENT and that is also not visible...URGENT, thanks!
Done Done --
  • CreatedFebruary 9, 2024 2:39 PM
  • UpdatedFebruary 22, 2024 6:21 AM
BRDOX-369 BrokerDox server Performance Monitoring Ongoing monitoring of system performance. Below is the list ...
Ongoing monitoring of system performance. Below is the list of typical items that includes in the regular server monitoring:
* Perform regular system updates to maintain the currency of all packages.
* Check the installation status of Docker and install if absent.
* Regularly pull the latest Nginx image from Docker Hub to keep the server up to date.
* Ensure the Docker container running Nginx is correctly configured and ports are appropriately mapped.
* Review and adjust Nginx configurations to serve web content accurately, with the right server block settings.
* Monitor and refine security configurations within Nginx, including SSL implementations for secure connections.
* Optimize Nginx's performance by tuning worker processes and connections to align with server specifications.
* Verify volume mappings for data persistence to safeguard against data loss during container restarts or removals.
* Continuously monitor Docker container performance, resource utilization, and make necessary adjustments.
* Regularly review Nginx access and error logs for anomalies, potential issues, or security incidents.
* Maintain a strict backup regimen for the Docker container's state and the web content hosted by Nginx.
* Keep comprehensive documentation of the deployment processes, configuration settings, and maintenance procedures.
* Ensure the Nginx server is operating efficiently with optimal performance, secure communication, and reliable data storage.
Backlog Unresolved --
  • CreatedFebruary 9, 2024 2:14 PM
  • UpdatedFebruary 9, 2024 2:14 PM
BRDOX-368 Deploy backup script on the PROD server The script should ensure that the project images, database, ...
The script should ensure that the project images, database, and nginx settings are copied with proxying.
Running every day at night, for the least load on containers and traffic
Backlog Unresolved --
  • CreatedFebruary 9, 2024 1:08 PM
  • UpdatedApril 4, 2024 2:22 PM
BRDOX-367 Deployment s3 storage on the PROD server Need deploy and setting automount s3 storage into brokerdox-...
Need deploy and setting automount s3 storage into brokerdox-prod-backend container
Also need rewrite default permisions for getting access to write
Backlog Unresolved --
  • CreatedFebruary 9, 2024 1:05 PM
  • UpdatedFebruary 9, 2024 1:12 PM
BRDOX-366 Contact Issue
  • Discovery
  • Manager_resolved
If you create a Contact under ROLE >>> OTHER and enter a ROL...
If you create a Contact under ROLE >>> OTHER and enter a ROLE NAME and then click Save...if you click EDIT for the Contact and open it up again, the ROLE and ROLE NAME are missing. Shouldn't they be there?
Done Done --
  • CreatedFebruary 6, 2024 2:30 AM
  • UpdatedAugust 15, 2024 2:40 PM
BRDOX-365 BrokerDox.com
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
The landing page for BrokerDox.com is the Laravel main page....
The landing page for BrokerDox.com is the Laravel main page...can we put something else there? or forward to a login page for now?
Done Done --
  • CreatedFebruary 5, 2024 6:36 PM
  • UpdatedMarch 23, 2024 11:53 PM
BRDOX-364 Subscription pricing
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
Are we ready to go live with credit cards and pricing plans?...
Are we ready to go live with credit cards and pricing plans? Also, I want to run the pricing by Max (see 2 screen shots) and add to the wording we have in the plans. Once they run out of storage with their plan, there is no provision for additional storage
Done Done --
  • CreatedFebruary 5, 2024 9:12 AM
  • UpdatedFebruary 26, 2024 9:48 AM
BRDOX-363 Agent has 2 contacts
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
Agent Joelle Nieves has only 2 Contacts in a Transaction.......
Agent Joelle Nieves has only 2 Contacts in a Transaction....there should be 4 - see 2 screen shots
Done Done --
  • CreatedJanuary 31, 2024 11:21 AM
  • UpdatedMarch 23, 2024 11:53 PM
BRDOX-362 Accounting >>> Agent Summary >>> Teams
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
Accounting >>> Agent Summary >>> Teams....the Teams columns ...
Accounting >>> Agent Summary >>> Teams....the Teams columns is not working. Let's just get rid of it, it doesn't need to be there
Done Done --
  • CreatedJanuary 27, 2024 7:17 PM
  • UpdatedApril 4, 2024 2:37 PM
BRDOX-361 Agent Last Name is their EMAIL
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
Agent Last Name is their EMAIL...this happened to Jonathan F...
Agent Last Name is their EMAIL...this happened to Jonathan Frank as well...the last name is correct in their profile, but is coming up as their email in the CDA and the CDA dialogue box
Done Done --
  • CreatedJanuary 27, 2024 7:16 PM
  • UpdatedApril 4, 2024 2:28 PM
BRDOX-360 Email layout issue
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
See attached screenshot...please move the entire MLS# to the...
See attached screenshot...please move the entire MLS# to the next row. It always has the first couple of letters/digits on one row and then continues on the next row. Please do a line break for the MLS# thanks!
Done Done --
  • CreatedJanuary 26, 2024 9:04 AM
  • UpdatedApril 4, 2024 12:53 PM
BRDOX-359 Manager Permissions Issues
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
Issue #1...Manager CAN put transactions in CLOSED Status, wh...
Issue #1...Manager CAN put transactions in CLOSED Status, which is correct. But they CANNOT Edit Closed Transaction COMMISSIONS and TRANSACTION DETAILS after the transaction is closed, even though Permissions >>> Add/Edit >>> Closed Transactions is CHECKED to allow that...Issue #2 - Manager has access to DOCUMENT REVIEW which is correct, but within each transaction, there should be the Thumbs Up/Down like Admins...but that's not there...see screen shots from MANAGER and ADMIN accounts
Done Done --
  • CreatedJanuary 25, 2024 5:40 PM
  • UpdatedFebruary 22, 2024 6:22 AM
BRDOX-358 Timeline Events Default View
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
Can you set the Left Nav TIMELINES >>> Timeline Events >>> F...
Can you set the Left Nav TIMELINES >>> Timeline Events >>> Filter and View Defaults to the following: (1) SHOW = ALL EVENTS (2) FOR = ALL (3) DISPLAY = MONTH (4) CURRENT MONTH...do for all Roles please, thanks! see screenshot for desired view and flters
Done Done --
  • CreatedJanuary 24, 2024 8:27 PM
  • UpdatedApril 4, 2024 2:42 PM
BRDOX-357 Estimate: Adding photos to transactions
  • Discovery
  • Request_to_client
  • enhancement
In each Transaction, I would like to add a PROPERTY PHOTOS T...
In each Transaction, I would like to add a PROPERTY PHOTOS Tab just above the TRANSACTION LOG Tab. The area to the right would have an option to add photos one at a time or in bulk. Thumbnails the size of the STATUS button maybe 3-5 per row (whatever will fit) would be good. They can click on a photo to see the full size or a bigger size that fits within the same area...popup would be best. There would be a Primary photo chosen (maybe uploaded separately) that would be displayed to the left of the Property Address, MLS#, etc. info on the top of the Transaction screen. Photo should be sized the same as the STATUS button on the right side of the Transaction screen. Need options to upload more photos, replace a photo, delete a photo or multiple photos.
Selected for Development Unresolved --
  • CreatedJanuary 24, 2024 7:28 PM
  • UpdatedAugust 27, 2024 1:54 PM
BRDOX-356 Agent Account Issue
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
1 Agent Xiaodan Lin signed up, but didn't complete her signu...
1 Agent Xiaodan Lin signed up, but didn't complete her signup process the right way. She didn't fill in any info yet she was able to get into the system and create a transaction. See screenshots. Have to fix this...she's not the first one to do this. I was able to delete previous users and invite them again, but this agent created a transaction so I could'nt delete...which is the way it's supposed to wqork...but we need to get this fixed....I believe if you use the BACK button or something unusual during the signup process you will be able to replicate it
Done Done --
  • CreatedJanuary 24, 2024 1:56 PM
  • UpdatedFebruary 22, 2024 6:23 AM
BRDOX-355 Dashboard >>> Latest Community Discussions
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
Dashboard >>> Latest Community Discussions....Lets knock thi...
Dashboard >>> Latest Community Discussions....Lets knock this down to 5 posts instead of 6 on the Dashboard...
Done Done --
  • CreatedJanuary 23, 2024 1:16 PM
  • UpdatedApril 4, 2024 12:54 PM
BRDOX-353 Renaming Items in Transaction Templates
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
  • enhancement
SETTINGS >>> TRANSACTIONS >>> TRANSACTION TEMPLATES >>> Actions Column....the only option there is to REMOVE, should be able to EDIT the name
Done Done --
  • CreatedJanuary 23, 2024 1:03 PM
  • UpdatedApril 5, 2024 9:35 AM
BRDOX-352 Renaming stuff in Settings >>> Transactions
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
Renaming stuff in Settings >>> Transactions >>> Transaction ...
Renaming stuff in Settings >>> Transactions >>> Transaction Templates >>> Actions Column - the only option under the Actions column in TRANSACTION TEMPLATES and PROPERTY TYPES is "Remove"...is there a reason we can't EDIT the name of the item? That's currently an available option in the same section Settings >>> Transactions >>> TRANSACTION STATUSES
Done Done --
  • CreatedJanuary 22, 2024 8:52 AM
  • UpdatedApril 11, 2024 1:00 PM
BRDOX-351 Screenshots for BRDOX-350
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
Screenshots for BRDOX-350 attached
Done Done --
  • CreatedJanuary 22, 2024 8:42 AM
  • UpdatedFebruary 9, 2024 3:15 PM
BRDOX-350 Dashboard >>> Offices >>> New Transactions #
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
Dashboard >>> Offices >>> New Transactions # - Not sure wher...
Dashboard >>> Offices >>> New Transactions # - Not sure where this number is coming from? It says 196, but Red # on Left Nav says 32 and it's not coming from total number of transactions...Does it include Rentals?
Done Done --
  • CreatedJanuary 22, 2024 8:42 AM
  • UpdatedFebruary 22, 2024 6:24 AM
BRDOX-349 User signed up, Invite still pending
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
User Jason Pobiak completed the signup process, but his acco...
User Jason Pobiak completed the signup process, but his account still says INVITATION SENT
Done Done --
  • CreatedJanuary 19, 2024 11:29 AM
  • UpdatedFebruary 22, 2024 6:24 AM
BRDOX-348 Dropdown Agent Search/Filter
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
  • enhancement
The type of Dropdown Agent Search/Filter that is already in ...
The type of Dropdown Agent Search/Filter that is already in ACCOUNTING >>> TRANSACTIONS BY AGENT is what should be in USERS, Create New Transaction and SETTINGS >>> MY COMPANY >>> USERS. With a lot of Agents its difficult to search thru so many...see 4 screenshots
Done Done --
  • CreatedJanuary 18, 2024 10:17 AM
  • UpdatedApril 4, 2024 12:54 PM
BRDOX-347 Accounting >>> Agent Summary
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
Accounting >>> Agent Summary - This section is supposed to t...
Accounting >>> Agent Summary - This section is supposed to total transactions for each agent combining all their sales, rentals and other transactions. So in the screenshot, BETH PALACIO LLC has 2 transactions on 2 separate lines. There should be only 1 line for Beth with the totals in each column
Done Done --
  • CreatedJanuary 18, 2024 10:11 AM
  • UpdatedFebruary 27, 2024 8:37 AM
BRDOX-346 Improvement Commisions edit; Default to agent commision split, set to one agent
  • Client_resolved
* Modify the UI of the commission section. Upon pressing the...
* Modify the UI of the commission section. Upon pressing the 'Edit' button, ensure the user is presented with an option to split the commission.
* The dropdown menu for selecting the number of agents involved in the commission split should default to 1, and this should be selected by default upon entry into the edit mode.
* The 1 is the default value in the drop-down.
The "commision Distribution" should be visible all the time. (see picture)
Done Done --
  • CreatedJanuary 17, 2024 10:36 PM
  • UpdatedJanuary 19, 2024 12:39 PM
BRDOX-345 404 Not Found
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
Im getting the 404 Not Found Error on ALL documents in DOCUM...
Im getting the 404 Not Found Error on ALL documents in DOCUMENTS PENDING APPROVAL
Done Done --
  • CreatedJanuary 17, 2024 12:07 PM
  • UpdatedJanuary 17, 2024 6:44 PM
BRDOX-344 ASSIGN TO User during "Create New Transaction"
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
  • enhancement
For ADMINS, MANAGERS etc...ASSIGN TO User Field during "Crea...
For ADMINS, MANAGERS etc...ASSIGN TO User Field during "Create New Transaction" - need to be able to start typing to locate the User. Right now, I scroll thru 200+ agents to Assign a transaction to an agent
Done Done --
  • CreatedJanuary 17, 2024 7:19 AM
  • UpdatedApril 4, 2024 12:55 PM
BRDOX-343 I found the Commission Issue
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
When there is NO AGENT SPLIT, Broker Commissions are being c...
When there is NO AGENT SPLIT, Broker Commissions are being calculated by COMMISSION PLAN...when there's another agent involved and an AGENT COMMISSION SPLIT, the calculations are done as CALCULATIONS BY AGENT...see 4 screen shots...I think we need to put the BROKER DISTRIBUTION fields from the COMMISSION SPLIT screen and calculations into the calculations where there is only the primary agent
Done Done --
  • CreatedJanuary 16, 2024 10:02 PM
  • UpdatedMarch 23, 2024 11:53 PM
BRDOX-342 Closed Docs Required Not Calculating
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
CLOSED DOCS REQUIRED transactions are not getting calculated...
CLOSED DOCS REQUIRED transactions are not getting calculated in ACCOUNTING/COMPANY SUMMARY and not in ACCOUNTING/AGENT SUMMARY. It's fine in the Dashboard/Offices and Dashboard/Summary
Done Done --
  • CreatedJanuary 16, 2024 9:14 PM
  • UpdatedFebruary 27, 2024 8:40 AM
BRDOX-341 Sales Calculations coming from the wrong place
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
I closed only 1 Transaction, a SALE...You can see on the RIG...
I closed only 1 Transaction, a SALE...You can see on the RIGHT side of the screenshot, The Company made ZERO, but showing GROSS COMMISSIONS as $299...In the ACCOUNTING, it's showing AGENT COMMISSIONS to Company are $299...Looks like BROKERAGE COMMISSIONS & FEES >>> Gross Commission is coming from the Commission Plan...we got rid of that
Done Done --
  • CreatedJanuary 16, 2024 5:26 PM
  • UpdatedFebruary 27, 2024 11:05 PM
BRDOX-340 Admin, Manager and Flex Admin missing from Contacts
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
Admin, Manager and Flex Admin missing from Contacts and miss...
Admin, Manager and Flex Admin missing from Contacts and missing from email popups for emailing CDA's and Documents
Done Done --
  • CreatedJanuary 16, 2024 4:07 PM
  • UpdatedJanuary 22, 2024 8:36 AM
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
SALES COMMISSION / FEES INCORRECT - We are back to an old is...
SALES COMMISSION / FEES INCORRECT - We are back to an old issue with SALES...600 NW 2nd Terrace, Deerfield Beach, FL 33441 has $395 fee to Broker but theres the old $299 Commission and $96 Fee...should be $395 FEE and ZERO Commission....see 2 screen shots
Done Done --
  • CreatedJanuary 16, 2024 2:59 PM
  • UpdatedFebruary 27, 2024 8:38 AM
BRDOX-338 Settings >>> My Company >>> User Search
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
Settings >>> My Company >>> Users - There needs to be a SEAR...
Settings >>> My Company >>> Users - There needs to be a SEARCH filter next to STATUS filter where you can start filling in a USERS NAME to find a User....with 400+ Users, it takes forever to scroll 8-9 pages to find a User....if the solution is to use the SEARCH on the TOP NAV, that would be OK, but the result does not show STATUS (Invite Sent, Active, De-Activated, Invite Needed) nor does it show ACTIONS (View, Send Reminder, Delete)...ideally I'd like BOTH ways when it comes to find and manage a User
Done Done --
  • CreatedJanuary 15, 2024 8:13 PM
  • UpdatedApril 4, 2024 12:55 PM
BRDOX-337 Transactions >>> Transaction Reporting >>> Actions
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
Transactions >>> Transaction Reporting >>> Actions - Only ED...
Transactions >>> Transaction Reporting >>> Actions - Only EDIT is available right now...as an ADMIN, there should also be an option for REMOVE like already exists in TRANSACTIONS...see 2 screenshots
Done Done --
  • CreatedJanuary 15, 2024 8:04 PM
  • UpdatedJanuary 19, 2024 12:41 PM
BRDOX-336 STATE issue during Signup
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
The STATE field is still an issue
Done Done --
  • CreatedJanuary 15, 2024 7:02 PM
  • UpdatedFebruary 22, 2024 6:25 AM
BRDOX-335 Commission Issue and Consumer Fee
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
Consumer Fee set up in Commission Plan is also not being cal...
Consumer Fee set up in Commission Plan is also not being calculated
Done Done --
  • CreatedJanuary 15, 2024 10:01 AM
  • UpdatedJanuary 16, 2024 9:13 AM
BRDOX-334 Commission Issue
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
In SOME transactions, maybe created after 1/11 when you go t...
In SOME transactions, maybe created after 1/11 when you go to the COMMISSIONS Tab, the NET AGENT COMMISSIONS is not calculating, there's just a dollar sign $
Done Done --
  • CreatedJanuary 14, 2024 12:31 PM
  • UpdatedJanuary 16, 2024 9:13 AM
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
Agents NET Commissions are NOT CALCULATING AT ALL...just a $...
Agents NET Commissions are NOT CALCULATING AT ALL...just a $ sign is there. I've randomly checked 5 transactions...
Done Done --
  • CreatedJanuary 14, 2024 12:25 PM
  • UpdatedJanuary 16, 2024 9:14 AM
BRDOX-332 Can't re-arrange Categories in Community
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
  • enhancement
I don't see a way to re-arrange the Categories in Community....
I don't see a way to re-arrange the Categories in Community...would like that feature...Also can't rename an existing Category after it's created...would like that feature too
Done Done --
  • CreatedJanuary 14, 2024 12:13 PM
  • UpdatedApril 5, 2024 9:34 AM
BRDOX-331 Change word in Notifications >>> Sent
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
Please change the word "Receivers" to "Recipients" in Notifi...
Please change the word "Receivers" to "Recipients" in Notifications >>> Sent
Done Done --
  • CreatedJanuary 14, 2024 12:00 PM
  • UpdatedApril 4, 2024 2:24 PM
BRDOX-330 Signup Issue #3
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
When clicking on the calendar for "Date Joined", they have t...
When clicking on the calendar for "Date Joined", they have to click the back arrow too many times if they joined 10 years ago. Have to make that calendar editable or some solution that doesn't make them have to click the BACK ARROW over 100 times
Done Done --
  • CreatedJanuary 14, 2024 11:29 AM
  • UpdatedJanuary 19, 2024 12:44 PM
BRDOX-329 Signup Issue #2
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
We have the same issue with the STATE field that we've alway...
We have the same issue with the STATE field that we've always had. If they put in FL, the system doesn't say that's an error and just bounces them back and forth between the 2 signup screens. Once they click FLORIDA, everything is fine. So please let's get rid of the dropdown box for STATE and let them fill in FLORIDA or FL or get a new address system.
Done Done --
  • CreatedJanuary 14, 2024 11:25 AM
  • UpdatedFebruary 9, 2024 3:08 PM
BRDOX-328 Signup Issue #1
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
Many agents are able to get into the system without completi...
Many agents are able to get into the system without completing the entire signup process. Some fields are left blank, but somehow, they still get in. These peoples COMMISSIONS don't calculate correctly. Not sure how this is happening, but an account can't be created without all the fields
Done Done --
  • CreatedJanuary 14, 2024 11:23 AM
  • UpdatedFebruary 9, 2024 3:14 PM
BRDOX-327 CORRECTION for BDOX - 326 (Change wording on Fields in NEW TRANSACTION Wizard)
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
  • enhancement
Change wording on Fields in NEW TRANSACTION Wizard... Change...
Change wording on Fields in NEW TRANSACTION Wizard... Change: "Sale / Rental Price" to "Sale / Rental Price (Enter full price for Listings) and change: " Closing Date" to "Closing Date / Listing Expiration Date"
Done Done --
  • CreatedJanuary 13, 2024 5:19 PM
  • UpdatedMarch 22, 2024 4:41 PM
BRDOX-326 Change wording on Fields in Can u create a transaction in BrokerDoc and upload all docs? Thanks and congrats! Ray NEW TRANSACTION Wizard
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
Change wording on Fields in Can u create a transaction in Br...
Change wording on Fields in Can u create a transaction in BrokerDoc and upload all docs? Thanks and congrats! Ray NEW TRANSACTION Wizard... Change: "Sale / Rental Price" to "Sale / Rental Price (Enter full price for Listings) and change: "
Closing Date" to "Closing Date / Listing Expiration Date"
Done Done --
  • CreatedJanuary 13, 2024 5:17 PM
  • UpdatedJanuary 19, 2024 12:45 PM
BRDOX-325 Top NAV Bar Search Results
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
When you SEARCH for a Transaction, the results section there...
When you SEARCH for a Transaction, the results section there is no column for ACTIONS like there is in the Transaction Tab
Done Done --
  • CreatedJanuary 13, 2024 5:13 PM
  • UpdatedApril 4, 2024 2:19 PM
BRDOX-324 Accounting Spreadsheet
  • Discovery
You are only off on "Agent Commission/Fees to Company"....Se...
You are only off on "Agent Commission/Fees to Company"....See attached Spreadsheet
Done Done --
  • CreatedJanuary 11, 2024 11:23 AM
  • UpdatedJanuary 16, 2024 1:37 AM
BRDOX-323 Accounting >>> Errors in various places numbers aren't adding up
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
Accounting >>> OTHER Type of transaction not getting added t...
Accounting >>> OTHER Type of transaction not getting added to Accounting numbers... Please check all places in ACCOUNTING, DASHBOARD/OVERVIEW, DASHBOARD/OFFICES and ACCOUNTING/AGENT SUMMARY and make sure numbers match and are correct...see 5 screenshots. I gave an Excel Spreadsheet to show the numbers
Done Done --
  • CreatedJanuary 10, 2024 10:13 PM
  • UpdatedJanuary 16, 2024 9:15 AM
BRDOX-322 Server 500 Error
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
Server 500 Error - Settings >>> My Company >>> Users - Click...
Server 500 Error - Settings >>> My Company >>> Users - Click SEND INVITATIONS >>> SEND REMINDERS
Done Done --
  • CreatedJanuary 10, 2024 5:11 PM
  • UpdatedJanuary 16, 2024 9:16 AM
BRDOX-321 Commission Calculations not adding up
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
I added another RENTAL/LANDLORD transaction with an agent in...
I added another RENTAL/LANDLORD transaction with an agent in the PBG office. That commission does not show up in ACCOUNTING at all...additionally, none of the numbers match between these 3 places...1) Accounting 2) Dashboard/Overview 3) Dashboard/Offices (I was previously told that this number was off because one of the Users was not in the PBG Office...that is not working correctly...Please check that all numbers are correct for CLOSED and CLOSED DOCS REQUIRED before you sign off...this is the HIGHEST priority...I can't move forward without this being corrected...Login info raycarrano+brokerdox@gmail.com/Premier@1
Done Done --
  • CreatedJanuary 9, 2024 11:39 PM
  • UpdatedJanuary 16, 2024 9:17 AM
BRDOX-320 Transaction Documents Reordering
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
Transaction Documents Reordering - In all transactions, when...
Transaction Documents Reordering - In all transactions, when a document is uploaded, the "order" of the documents changes and the uploaded document goes to the bottom. As the owner, I put the most important docs at the top in SETTINGS >>> TRANSACTIONS >>> TRANSACTION TEMPLATES and they should stay in the same order always...random screenshot attached, but this is happening with all docs in all transactions.
Done Done --
  • CreatedJanuary 9, 2024 6:00 PM
  • UpdatedApril 4, 2024 2:18 PM
BRDOX-319 Accounting >>> Rental numbers incorrect
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
Accounting >>> Rental numbers incorrect...Agent Commission/F...
Accounting >>> Rental numbers incorrect...Agent Commission/Fees to Company should be $250...Address is 999 Rental Test St, jupiter, FL 33410...raycarrano+brokerdox@gmail.com/Premier@1
Done Done --
  • CreatedJanuary 8, 2024 1:17 PM
  • UpdatedJanuary 14, 2024 11:30 AM
BRDOX-318 Edit USER not loading quickly
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
Edit USER not loading quickly - Settings >>> My Company >>> ...
Edit USER not loading quickly - Settings >>> My Company >>> Users >>> Click on User >>> Click EDIT >>> takes 15-20 seconds to load info
Done Done --
  • CreatedJanuary 8, 2024 9:36 AM
  • UpdatedJanuary 14, 2024 11:31 AM
BRDOX-317 Dashboard >>> Offices >>> Dollar numbers not adding up
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
Dashboard >>> Offices >>> Dollar numbers not adding up - All...
Dashboard >>> Offices >>> Dollar numbers not adding up - All numbers should match for DASHBOARD/OVERVIEW, ACCOUNTING and DASHBOARD/OFFICES...see 3 screenshots
Done Done --
  • CreatedJanuary 8, 2024 9:34 AM
  • UpdatedJanuary 8, 2024 1:15 PM
BRDOX-316 Increase limit on prod backend to 2 minutes увеличить таймаут до 2 минут (то что мы делали ранее на звон...
увеличить таймаут до 2 минут (то что мы делали ранее на звонке)
Backlog Unresolved --
  • CreatedJanuary 5, 2024 10:44 AM
  • UpdatedJanuary 5, 2024 10:44 AM
BRDOX-315 Flex Admin and Admin missing in Contacts
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
Flex Admin and Admin missing in Transactions >>> Contacts - ...
Flex Admin and Admin missing in Transactions >>> Contacts - Beth Palacio is a Flex Admin...my login info is raycarrano+brokerdox@gmail.com/Premier@1 and URL: https://premierbrokersinternational.app.brokerdox.com/account/login
Done Done --
  • CreatedJanuary 4, 2024 1:31 PM
  • UpdatedJanuary 16, 2024 9:27 AM
BRDOX-314 Resent Invitation Error
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
Re-sent the Invitations and gor SOME SERVER ERROR
Done Done --
  • CreatedJanuary 4, 2024 9:15 AM
  • UpdatedJanuary 14, 2024 11:32 AM
BRDOX-313 500 error while new user registration
Done Done --
  • CreatedJanuary 4, 2024 2:25 AM
  • UpdatedApril 4, 2024 9:23 AM
BRDOX-312 Manager name and email not showing in Transaction Emails
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
Manager name and email not showing in Transaction >>> Emails...
Manager name and email not showing in Transaction >>> Emails and Contacts in any Role...Same with any Admins that are added to the system
Done Done --
  • CreatedJanuary 3, 2024 11:11 PM
  • UpdatedJanuary 16, 2024 9:27 AM
BRDOX-311 Manager 500 Error and Permissions
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
Manager 2 issues...1) WARNING! 500 Error (See attached)...2)...
Manager 2 issues...1) WARNING! 500 Error (See attached)...2) Managers should be able to EDIT all parts of a CLOSED Transaction including "Transaction Detail" and "Commissions"
Done Done --
  • CreatedJanuary 3, 2024 10:52 PM
  • UpdatedFebruary 12, 2024 1:26 PM
BRDOX-310 Dashboard >>> Latest Community Discussion - Sorting Order
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
  • enhancement
Dashboard >>> Latest Community Discussion - Sorting Order - ...
Dashboard >>> Latest Community Discussion - Sorting Order - need to sort newest on top
Done Done --
  • CreatedJanuary 3, 2024 9:08 PM
  • UpdatedApril 4, 2024 2:23 PM
BRDOX-309 Agents Approved Document
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
Agents Approved Document - Once an Agents Document is APPROV...
Agents Approved Document - Once an Agents Document is APPROVED, they should not be able to upload another document in its place. There is still the "Cloud Link" they can click on in Documents and overwrite the Approved Document.
Done Done --
  • CreatedJanuary 3, 2024 8:47 PM
  • UpdatedApril 4, 2024 2:29 PM
BRDOX-308 Dashboard >>> Documents Pending Approval
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
Dashboard >>> Documents Pending Approval - Admin view has th...
Dashboard >>> Documents Pending Approval - Admin view has the "Eye" and "Download" icons as it should....AGENT does not have that...only a link that downloads....need to have the same as Admins
Done Done --
  • CreatedJanuary 3, 2024 7:25 PM
  • UpdatedJanuary 7, 2024 8:34 PM
BRDOX-307 CDA Broker License #
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
CDA Broker License # is not populating in the CDA...It looks...
CDA Broker License # is not populating in the CDA...It looks like I have it filled in in MY PROFILE >>> PERSONAL INFO.... The Company License # is taken from SETTINGS >>> MY COMPANY >>> COMPANY Main Info and that is populating fine...
Done Done --
  • CreatedJanuary 3, 2024 7:22 PM
  • UpdatedJanuary 23, 2024 8:23 AM
BRDOX-306 Trial Mode
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
I should not be in Trial Mode...how do we get rid of that? I...
I should not be in Trial Mode...how do we get rid of that? If I need to set up a card and pay I can...
Done Done --
  • CreatedJanuary 3, 2024 3:49 PM
  • UpdatedJanuary 4, 2024 1:33 PM
BRDOX-305 New Company URL
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
Done Done --
  • CreatedJanuary 3, 2024 3:18 PM
  • UpdatedJanuary 14, 2024 11:33 AM
BRDOX-304 Bulk Import & Send Invitations Error
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
Bulk Import got stuck...I refreshed the page and all Users w...
Bulk Import got stuck...I refreshed the page and all Users were imported, but no success message. I sent Invitations and got SOME SERVER ERROR!
Done Done --
  • CreatedJanuary 3, 2024 2:22 PM
  • UpdatedJanuary 14, 2024 11:34 AM
BRDOX-303 Email Sender Info
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
Emails sent say Brokerdox - PROD....can we change that to Br...
Emails sent say Brokerdox - PROD....can we change that to BrokerDox
Done Done --
  • CreatedJanuary 3, 2024 1:46 PM
  • UpdatedJanuary 8, 2024 2:52 AM
BRDOX-302 Rental Fees not calculating
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
For Rentals I closed 1 deal...there should be a $50 "Other F...
For Rentals I closed 1 deal...there should be a $50 "Other Fees to Company"...Sales volume $3,000 is correct...Agent commissions $1,300 is correct...Total Company Income $200 is correct...Agent Commission/Fees to Company $200 should be $150...Other Fees to Company $0 should be $50
Done Done --
  • CreatedJanuary 3, 2024 1:42 PM
  • UpdatedJanuary 14, 2024 11:34 AM
BRDOX-301 Agent Dashboard >>> Overview
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
Agent Dashboard >>> Overview - For AGENTS ROLE ONLY, change ...
Agent Dashboard >>> Overview - For AGENTS ROLE ONLY, change the word AGENTS to AGENT
Done Done --
  • CreatedJanuary 2, 2024 11:37 AM
  • UpdatedApril 4, 2024 2:26 PM
BRDOX-300 User Signup Issue
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
When New User uploads a profile photo during the signup proc...
When New User uploads a profile photo during the signup process, the system doesn't allow completion of signup and does not bring User to Dashboard. Clicking Continue brings you to the next page or previous page of the signup process, not the Dashboard. If you remove the profile picture, everything works fine.
Done Done --
  • CreatedJanuary 2, 2024 9:18 AM
  • UpdatedJanuary 5, 2024 12:47 PM
BRDOX-299 Fees in OTHER not calculating
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
Fees in OTHER not calculating in Accounting
Done Done --
  • CreatedJanuary 2, 2024 9:10 AM
  • UpdatedJanuary 14, 2024 11:42 AM
BRDOX-298 Rental numbers not working in Accounting
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
Rental numbers not working in Accounting...I just closed a L...
Rental numbers not working in Accounting...I just closed a LANDLORD transaction, Numbers are not showing in ACCOUNTING for all Users. Numbers are fine on all Dashboards
Done Done --
  • CreatedJanuary 2, 2024 9:03 AM
  • UpdatedJanuary 14, 2024 11:43 AM
BRDOX-297 Dashboard >>> Latest Community Discussion - Sorting Order
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
  • enhancement
Dashboard >>> Latest Community Discussion - Sorting Order ne...
Dashboard >>> Latest Community Discussion - Sorting Order needs to be Newest on top
Done Done --
  • CreatedJanuary 1, 2024 11:06 PM
  • UpdatedApril 4, 2024 2:23 PM
BRDOX-296 Dashboard >>> Sales Volume
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
Dashboard >>> Sales Volume should not be $0 - I closed 1 sal...
Dashboard >>> Sales Volume should not be $0 - I closed 1 sale for $500,000 volume...https://premier-brokers-international-inc.app.brokerdox.com/ - raycarrano@gmail.com - Test1234
Done Done --
  • CreatedDecember 29, 2023 5:33 PM
  • UpdatedJanuary 2, 2024 9:11 AM
BRDOX-295 Timeline Items Missing
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
2 Timeline events created for 444 N Ocean Dr....they show up...
2 Timeline events created for 444 N Ocean Dr....they show up in the Transaction >>> Timelines but 1 is missing from Left Nav bar TIMELINES...Login: https://premier-brokers-international-inc.app.brokerdox.com/timelines - User: raycarrano+agent@gmail.com - Pass: Test1234....same issue when logged in as Admin...Dashboard "Timeline Calendar" and Upcoming & "Overdue Timeline Events" shows them fine...
Done Done --
  • CreatedDecember 29, 2023 5:21 PM
  • UpdatedJanuary 14, 2024 8:13 PM
BRDOX-294 Agent Access to CLOSED Deals
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
Logged in as Agent >>> Closed Transaction >>> Agent SHOULD B...
Logged in as Agent >>> Closed Transaction >>> Agent SHOULD BE ABLE TO EDIT: Contacts, Documents, Timelines, Notes, Showing Instructions...should NOT be able to edit: Transaction Detail, Commissions...Right now, nothing can be Edited...this was an issue and was resolved in previous versions
Done Done --
  • CreatedDecember 29, 2023 5:09 PM
  • UpdatedJanuary 1, 2024 12:27 PM
BRDOX-293 New User signup process
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
I created 1 new user. New User clicks email signup and creat...
I created 1 new user. New User clicks email signup and creates account for the first time....fill in all information on page 1, go to page 2 no problem, fill in all info...clicking COMPLETE AND GO TO YOUR DASHBOARD brings you back to the 1st page, never to the Dashboard....I removed the USERS PROFILE IMAGE and everything worked after that....https://premier-brokers-international-inc.app.brokerdox.com/user-wizard - Admin: raycarrano@gmail.com - Pass: Test1234
Done Done --
  • CreatedDecember 29, 2023 4:55 PM
  • UpdatedJanuary 5, 2024 11:52 AM
BRDOX-292 CLOSED >>> Accounting >>> Fees are still calculating wrong
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
CLOSED >>> Accounting >>> Fees are still calculating wrong.....
CLOSED >>> Accounting >>> Fees are still calculating wrong....I closed 1 deal. There is a Fee for $149.50 and a fee credit for $149.50 so the number in "Agent Commission/Fees to Company" should be ZERO, but it's showing as -$149.50......All other fees, commissions, volume etc are correct...Login: https://premier-brokers-international-inc.app.brokerdox.com/accounting - User: raycarrano@gmail.com - Pass: Test1234
Done Done --
  • CreatedDecember 29, 2023 4:45 PM
  • UpdatedJanuary 14, 2024 11:48 AM
BRDOX-291 Email REPLY Issue
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
When the system sends an email to a USER (ie: Document Disap...
When the system sends an email to a USER (ie: Document Disapproved) the REPLY email needs to be back TO THE SENDER of the email. Right now, it's set up to go to INFO@BROKERDOX.COM. So think of 100+ companies all reply's can't go to BrokerDox...they have to go to the Sender of the email. At the very least...it would have to be NO-REPLY email.
Done Done --
  • CreatedDecember 29, 2023 4:38 PM
  • UpdatedJanuary 5, 2024 12:46 PM
BRDOX-290 Created New company with no users
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
Created New company with no users - and it worked. Importing...
Created New company with no users - and it worked. Importing 400+ Users now and it's taking a long time. The SAVE CHANGES button is clicked and showing lighter color...but there's no pop-up saying "Importing Users" or a status bar etc...see screen shot...it's been over a minute and nothing is happening...I clicked somewhere else, went back to Users and they all look like they were imported. There was never a Success Message.
Done Done --
  • CreatedDecember 29, 2023 1:51 PM
  • UpdatedJanuary 9, 2024 5:41 PM
BRDOX-289 Acount Owner Access
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
https://premier-brokers-international.app.brokerdox.com/settings...raycarrano@gmail.com...Test1234 >>> Account Owner does not have full access to all sections in SETTINGS
Done Done --
  • CreatedDecember 29, 2023 1:00 PM
  • UpdatedDecember 29, 2023 5:35 PM
BRDOX-288 Production Version - Account Owner Issue
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
Account Owner does not have access to all functionality in S...
Account Owner does not have access to all functionality in SETTINGS...see screen shot
Done Done --
  • CreatedDecember 29, 2023 12:43 PM
  • UpdatedJanuary 2, 2024 9:12 AM
BRDOX-287 "https://app.brokerdox.com/" Testing
Hi, Ray! You can start testing production
Done Done --
  • CreatedDecember 29, 2023 11:29 AM
  • UpdatedJanuary 16, 2024 1:28 AM
BRDOX-286 copy WP site to production copy [https://www.betabrokerdox.com/] the WP site to  broke...
copy https://www.betabrokerdox.com/ the WP site to 
brokerdox.com and give me admin credentials. 
Backlog Unresolved --
  • CreatedDecember 29, 2023 10:18 AM
  • UpdatedDecember 29, 2023 10:18 AM
BRDOX-285 Проверить создан ли attached storage на digital ocean Все файлы должны записываться туда, а не на сервер Сделат...
Все файлы должны записываться туда, а не на сервер
Сделать нужно на : 
# betabrokerdox
# brokerdox
Работа с хранилищем данных: Создать задачу для Ивана по настройке и интеграции attached storage (альтернатива s3 AWS) на DigitalOcean. Необходимо обеспечить, чтобы все файлы и изображения, загружаемые пользователями, хранились в этом облачном хранилище.
Backlog Unresolved --
  • CreatedDecember 29, 2023 9:16 AM
  • UpdatedDecember 29, 2023 10:19 AM
BRDOX-284 Проверить как часто создаються (DAILY) бэк-апы, где храняться и как проверить тестировщикам эти бэк апы разработать и реализовать стратегию резервного копирования д...
разработать и реализовать стратегию резервного копирования для баз данных и кода брокеров в рабочей среде  app.brokerdox.com  (Production). Это включает в себя выбор подходящих инструментов, планирование расписания бэкапов и обеспечение их безопасности. 
Backlog Unresolved --
  • CreatedDecember 29, 2023 9:13 AM
  • UpdatedDecember 29, 2023 10:21 AM
BRDOX-283 Name for the emails box "Brokerdox - PROD "
  • Client_resolved
"At the moment, we use the email address "info@brokerdox.com...
"At the moment, we use the email address "info@brokerdox.com" for sending notification emails, such as verification emails."
Should we change it for another adress?
Done Done --
  • CreatedDecember 29, 2023 8:44 AM
  • UpdatedDecember 29, 2023 1:16 PM
BRDOX-281 Accounting Error new company
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
Accounting Error new company...3 screen shots attached. I cr...
Accounting Error new company...3 screen shots attached. I created and closed 1 deal in new company. In Accounting (1) Sales volume is $900,000 is correct (2) Agent commissions $21,400 is correct (3) Total Company Income $5,600 is correct (4) Agent Commission/Fees to Company $5,600...should be $5,400 (5) Other Fees to Company $200 is correct...Example property URL https://premier-brokers-international-beta6.app.betabrokerdox.com/transaction/1 LOGIN INFO: raycarrano+beta6@gmail.com PASSWORD Test1234
Done Done --
  • CreatedDecember 16, 2023 7:58 PM
  • UpdatedJanuary 2, 2024 9:13 AM
BRDOX-280 Approving user Docs in new company
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
The Review Document issue I submitted today is not a problem...
The Review Document issue I submitted today is not a problem in the new company I created today...so not sure if there's an issue at all? or if it needs to be addressed
Done Done --
  • CreatedDecember 16, 2023 6:20 PM
  • UpdatedDecember 29, 2023 5:35 PM
BRDOX-279 Document Review New Issue
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
Admin >>> Document Review - Yu can approve documents. (1) Yo...
Admin >>> Document Review - Yu can approve documents. (1) You cannot Disapprove documents and leave a note...the system gets stuck when you click DISAPPROVE AND SEND NOTES...(2) When VIEWING the Document it says 404 Not found...(3) When you try and Download the Document, you get an INTERNAL SERVER ERROR...4 screen shots
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  • CreatedDecember 16, 2023 6:11 PM
  • UpdatedDecember 29, 2023 5:36 PM
BRDOX-278 Bulk Import - "Download Import Status (CSV)"
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
Bulk Import - "Download Import Status (CSV)" - I created a n...
Bulk Import - "Download Import Status (CSV)" - I created a new company and imported 435 Users...all worked well. 1 User not imported. I clicked the "Download Import Status (CSV)" link, but nothing happened
Done Done --
  • CreatedDecember 16, 2023 5:48 PM
  • UpdatedFebruary 7, 2024 10:38 AM
BRDOX-277 Changing User Email Address
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
It looks like only Admins can change a Users Email Address? ...
It looks like only Admins can change a Users Email Address? When logged in as an Agent, I don't see the Email Address Field...2 screen shots...one is Admin View and the other is Agent View
Done Done --
  • CreatedDecember 16, 2023 5:30 PM
  • UpdatedJanuary 2, 2024 9:14 AM
BRDOX-276 Dashboard >>> Latest Community Discussion
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
Dashboard >>> Latest Community Discussion...when displayed n...
Dashboard >>> Latest Community Discussion...when displayed next to another widget, it looks like there's room for 1 or 2 more items that would make the height of the section the same as the section next to it. Can we add posts? there are 4 now, could prob display 6
Done Done --
  • CreatedDecember 13, 2023 1:18 PM
  • UpdatedDecember 29, 2023 5:38 PM
BRDOX-275 Create pop-ups for permission updates
Need to add:
# Progress pop-up
# Succsessful pop-up
Ready for QA Unresolved --
  • CreatedDecember 13, 2023 12:54 PM
  • UpdatedDecember 14, 2023 3:29 PM
BRDOX-274 user impersonation in the super admin [https://app.betabrokerdox.com/admin/subscribers]  list o...
list of users and ability to login as user into their account 
that is what needs to be fixed 
Ready for QA Unresolved --
  • CreatedDecember 13, 2023 10:15 AM
  • UpdatedAugust 23, 2024 9:57 AM
BRDOX-273 Time Delay for Users section
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
When you click USERS in the Left NAV Bar, it takes 5+ second...
When you click USERS in the Left NAV Bar, it takes 5+ seconds to load...
Done Done --
  • CreatedDecember 12, 2023 10:59 AM
  • UpdatedDecember 16, 2023 5:30 PM
BRDOX-272 Time Delay
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
Click on any Transaction >>> Transaction Detail - When you c...
Click on any Transaction >>> Transaction Detail - When you click the EDIT Button, there's a delay of around 7 seconds before anything happens...none of the other Tabs have that issue
Done Done --
  • CreatedDecember 12, 2023 9:28 AM
  • UpdatedDecember 14, 2023 9:06 AM
BRDOX-271 Accounting Fixed
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
I used other transactions to Close out 2 deals and Accountin...
I used other transactions to Close out 2 deals and Accounting is working correctly. It looks like 1 transaction was a problem...not sure why that would be the case. 4665 2nd Ave is the address...weird...still adding only $96 instead of $395 to Accounting...I may have edited that number at one point in Commissions >>> Fees >>> Consumer Fee
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  • CreatedDecember 12, 2023 9:23 AM
  • UpdatedDecember 29, 2023 5:39 PM
BRDOX-270 Admin >>> Settings >>> Options
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
Admin >>> Settings >>> Options - There's no Success Message ...
Admin >>> Settings >>> Options - There's no Success Message when you change options and click "Save and Apply"...the changes do get saved, but it looks like nothing is happening
Done Done --
  • CreatedDecember 12, 2023 9:02 AM
  • UpdatedDecember 16, 2023 5:33 PM
BRDOX-269 Download report about import users doesn't work If some of users weren't imported for some reasons, user can...
If some of users weren't imported for some reasons, user can't download report to understand which user weren't imported and why
Video -  https://somup.com/c0lXQVgRVY
Done Done --
  • CreatedDecember 11, 2023 6:02 AM
  • UpdatedApril 4, 2024 9:23 AM
BRDOX-268 Users checkbox not working
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
Admin >>> Settings >>> My Company >>> Users >>> Checking Use...
Admin >>> Settings >>> My Company >>> Users >>> Checking Users does not seem to do anything...What are the check marks for?
Done Done --
  • CreatedDecember 10, 2023 9:48 PM
  • UpdatedDecember 12, 2023 9:38 AM
BRDOX-267 Agent Account Setup Error
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
Many agents are not filling in the STATE in properly and are...
Many agents are not filling in the STATE in properly and are getting an SQL Error. We've had this issue before...SQLSTATE22P02: Invalid text representation: 7 ERROR: invalid input syntax for type bigint: "null" CONTEXT: unnamed portal parameter $1 = '...' (SQL: select count(*) as aggregate from "states" where "id" = null).
Done Done --
  • CreatedDecember 10, 2023 4:49 PM
  • UpdatedJanuary 1, 2024 12:33 PM
BRDOX-266 Timeline Calendar in Dashboard
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
There are 4 choices in the Dashboard >>> Show (Dropdown)>>> ...
There are 4 choices in the Dashboard >>> Show (Dropdown)>>> Timeline Calendar >>> (1) All Events (2) Overdue (3) Completed (4) Remaining...#3 Completed working right...the other 3 are not showing what they are supposed to
Done Done --
  • CreatedDecember 10, 2023 11:08 AM
  • UpdatedJanuary 16, 2024 9:28 AM
BRDOX-265 Agents Timeline Events Not showing in WEEKLY View
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
Agents Timeline Events not showing in Weekly View...All othe...
Agents Timeline Events not showing in Weekly View...All other Views and Dashboard are fine
Done Done --
  • CreatedDecember 10, 2023 10:59 AM
  • UpdatedDecember 12, 2023 8:58 AM
BRDOX-264 CLOSED Transaction for Agents (URGENT)
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
Same issue has popped up again. When a Transaction is CLOSED...
Same issue has popped up again. When a Transaction is CLOSED...Agents SHOULD be able to EDIT...Contacts, Documents, Timeline, Notes, Showing Instructions....they SHOULD NOT be able to Edit Transaction Detail and Commissions....right now, nothing is Editable
Done Done --
  • CreatedDecember 10, 2023 10:55 AM
  • UpdatedDecember 12, 2023 9:03 AM
BRDOX-263 Accounting
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
Accounting...I closed 1 deal. OTHER FEES TO COMPANY should b...
Accounting...I closed 1 deal. OTHER FEES TO COMPANY should be $395, not $96...since all the money to Broker came from OTHER FEES, not Commissions...all other figures in Accounting are correct. They are correct in the DASHBOARD OVERVIEW also. The Agents commission/fee was waived and the Broker got the OTHER FEE that was set up in the Commission Plan.
Done Done --
  • CreatedDecember 10, 2023 10:49 AM
  • UpdatedDecember 29, 2023 5:40 PM
BRDOX-262 Can't Change Users Email
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
There's no way for the User to change or edit their email ad...
There's no way for the User to change or edit their email address or Admins to change or edit email addresses for any User. We had addressed this a while back.
Done Done --
  • CreatedDecember 10, 2023 12:49 AM
  • UpdatedDecember 14, 2023 9:10 AM
BRDOX-261 Agent Permissions Update Error
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
For Agents...I unchecked Add/Edit for Community Categories a...
For Agents...I unchecked Add/Edit for Community Categories and Messages...(1) No Success Message displayed (2) The boxes were unchecked when I refreshed the page (3) The changes didn't take effect. The Agents can still create Community Categories and Messages
Done Done --
  • CreatedDecember 10, 2023 12:40 AM
  • UpdatedDecember 16, 2023 5:34 PM
BRDOX-260 Modify CDA Template not working - UPDATE
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
I discovered that you have to exit the HTML editor and THEN ...
I discovered that you have to exit the HTML editor and THEN press UPDATE CDA TEMPLATE. If you edit the HTML and don't exit out of that before saving, it won't save. So, all is good unless you think that needs to be fixed...
Done Done --
  • CreatedDecember 10, 2023 12:32 AM
  • UpdatedDecember 14, 2023 9:13 AM
BRDOX-259 Modify CDA Template not working
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
Admin >>> Settings >>> Commissions >>>> CDA Template >>> Mod...
Admin >>> Settings >>> Commissions >>>> CDA Template >>> Modify CDA Template >>> Click HTML - Any Changes made are not being saved. The dialogue box says SAVED, but, it's not saving changes
Done Done --
  • CreatedDecember 10, 2023 12:24 AM
  • UpdatedDecember 14, 2023 9:14 AM
BRDOX-258 CDA Random Name
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
I hadn't put my name in the Signature Field yet in SETTINGS ...
I hadn't put my name in the Signature Field yet in SETTINGS >>> COMMISSIONS >>> CDA TEMPLATE. I just did that and the random name went away
Done Done --
  • CreatedDecember 10, 2023 12:17 AM
  • UpdatedDecember 12, 2023 9:39 AM
BRDOX-257 CDA - Random Agents name appearing in Signature section
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
One of our Agents names is appearing in the CDA...it's not a...
One of our Agents names is appearing in the CDA...it's not an agent involved in the transaction...Adrian Shala...see screenshot
Done Done --
  • CreatedDecember 10, 2023 12:15 AM
  • UpdatedDecember 12, 2023 9:40 AM
BRDOX-256 Agent Dashboard Empty
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
There's no elements on Agent Dashboard. It's completely blan...
There's no elements on Agent Dashboard. It's completely blank
Done Done --
  • CreatedDecember 9, 2023 7:44 PM
  • UpdatedDecember 14, 2023 9:16 AM
BRDOX-255 Admin >>> User section is blank
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
When Filters set to ALL, nothing displays
Done Done --
  • CreatedDecember 9, 2023 7:12 PM
  • UpdatedDecember 16, 2023 5:36 PM
BRDOX-254 Dashboard error and import/invitations info
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
I split up 436 users into 5 separate CSV files and uploaded ...
I split up 436 users into 5 separate CSV files and uploaded one by one for the 5 files during the company setup. That worked.
When I sent the invites, only 100 sent and I got that “something went wrong” error. But 236 actually sent. Then I invited the last group and it worked with the success message.
I signed as one of the invited agents. Everything looks good except their Dashboard is empty. On the Admin side, when you try and edit the Dashobpard, you get a “Some server error” warning
Done Done --
  • CreatedDecember 9, 2023 5:23 PM
  • UpdatedDecember 16, 2023 5:46 PM
BRDOX-253 Users page doesn't show any users напевно тому що багато юзерів    Перевірити можна тут ...
напевно тому що багато юзерів 
Перевірити можна тут 
Done Done --
  • CreatedDecember 9, 2023 2:55 PM
  • UpdatedDecember 18, 2023 3:12 AM
BRDOX-252 Problem with widgets (500 error) for user who was imported
Backlog Unresolved --
  • CreatedDecember 9, 2023 2:41 PM
  • UpdatedDecember 9, 2023 2:41 PM
BRDOX-251 SHOW STOPPER...Bulk Import and Sending Invitations
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
Getting error messages sometimes in BULK USER IMPORT. The Us...
Getting error messages sometimes in BULK USER IMPORT. The Users DO GET IMPORTED, sometimes not all of them. When trying to Send Invitations, getting an error message "Some Server Error"...different errors when importing from Company Setup Interview than importing and sending invitations after company is created
Done Done --
  • CreatedDecember 8, 2023 6:45 PM
  • UpdatedDecember 16, 2023 5:51 PM
BRDOX-250 Bulk User Import Issue
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
I did the bulk upload of Users...there was no success messag...
I did the bulk upload of Users...there was no success message after import and the dialogue box did not progress to the next step (Done) after import. The users were imported successfully though
Done Done --
  • CreatedDecember 8, 2023 3:58 PM
  • UpdatedDecember 16, 2023 5:52 PM
BRDOX-249 Flex Admin Dashboard Question
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
The Flex Admin Dashboard is blank...The widgets that should ...
The Flex Admin Dashboard is blank...The widgets that should NOT be seen are OVERVIEW, DEAL SUMMARY and OFFICES. Is there a way to see the other Widgets? Especially Documents Pending Approval. Thanks
Done Done --
  • CreatedDecember 8, 2023 8:21 AM
  • UpdatedDecember 8, 2023 12:54 PM
BRDOX-248 Terminated Transactions
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
Agents and Admins should be able to see Terminated Transacti...
Agents and Admins should be able to see Terminated Transactions in the Transaction area. Please put it at the bottom after Closed Transactions
Done Done --
  • CreatedDecember 8, 2023 8:10 AM
  • UpdatedDecember 9, 2023 7:41 PM
BRDOX-247 Timed Logout
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
Automatic logout not working. I stayed logged in last night ...
Automatic logout not working. I stayed logged in last night and I was still logged in this morning.
Done Done --
  • CreatedDecember 8, 2023 8:05 AM
  • UpdatedDecember 9, 2023 7:41 PM
BRDOX-246 Agent >>> Generate CDA issue
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
Agents should not be able to create CDA's...
Done Done --
  • CreatedDecember 7, 2023 6:17 PM
  • UpdatedDecember 8, 2023 8:04 AM
BRDOX-245 Change new transaction counter duration to be equal to new transaction (Green mark) Need to make the same number of days for which the transacti...
Need to make the same number of days for which the transaction is displayed for the red counter and the transactions marked in green. See screenshot
Done Done --
  • CreatedDecember 7, 2023 1:04 PM
  • UpdatedDecember 18, 2023 4:06 AM
BRDOX-244 Tiered commision Split Not work in commission We need to fix it. Now this does not work in commissions. ...
We need to fix it. Now this does not work in commissions.
Ready for QA Unresolved --
  • CreatedDecember 7, 2023 9:00 AM
  • UpdatedDecember 10, 2023 6:02 AM
BRDOX-243 Agents should be able to VIEW Closed Transactions by Default. Зараз для нових агентів пермішн виключений по дефолту, потрі...
Зараз для нових агентів пермішн виключений по дефолту, потрібно зробити щоб був включений
Done Done --
  • CreatedDecember 7, 2023 2:55 AM
  • UpdatedDecember 7, 2023 10:35 AM
BRDOX-242 After user add company resource during the registration of new company it doesn't appear at the "Current Branding Resources" window # Go to app.betabrokerdox.com and start registration new com...
# Go to app.betabrokerdox.com and start registration new company
# On the 6 step add resources
# Observe that recource wasn't added to the window
Video -  https://somup.com/c0li1ngLYu 
Done Done --
  • CreatedDecember 7, 2023 1:03 AM
  • UpdatedDecember 7, 2023 6:51 AM
BRDOX-241 New Company URL
  • Discovery
The new company can be found here...https://premier-brokers-...
The new company can be found here...https://premier-brokers-international-test.app.betabrokerdox.com/account/login....2 logins are raycarrano+tracy@gmail.com (Agent) and raycarrano+9@gmail.com (Admin) both passwords are Test1234
Backlog Unresolved --
  • CreatedDecember 6, 2023 8:27 PM
  • UpdatedDecember 11, 2023 1:57 AM
BRDOX-240 AGENT >>> Editing a Closed Transaction
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
This is an OLD issue that was resolved, but is an issue agai...
This is an OLD issue that was resolved, but is an issue again after I created a new company...for an AGENT when a Transaction is in CLOSED Status...They should be able to EDIT: Contacts, Documents, Timelines, Showing Instructions, Notes.....(they are WRONG and can't be edited now).......they should NOT be able to EDIT...; Transaction Detail, Commissions (they are correct and can't be edited now, so leave those 2 the way they are)
Done Done --
  • CreatedDecember 6, 2023 8:25 PM
  • UpdatedDecember 7, 2023 6:09 PM
BRDOX-239 Permission Default for Agents
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
I changed 1 Transaction from ACTIVE to CLOSED DOCS REQUIRED....
I changed 1 Transaction from ACTIVE to CLOSED DOCS REQUIRED.
- By default, the Transaction disappeared from the AGENTS account
- In Permissions, Agents should be able to VIEW Closed Transactions by Default. Once I checked the box, all was good.
- By Default, Agents should be able to Add/Edit their own Timelines
Done Done --
  • CreatedDecember 6, 2023 8:20 PM
  • UpdatedDecember 8, 2023 8:09 AM
BRDOX-238 Adding a New Transaction scrolling issue
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
When Adding a New Transaction, when you go to the next secti...
When Adding a New Transaction, when you go to the next section, it's all Gray Space that appears on the next section. You have to scroll up to see the next section. Doesn't look good
Done Done --
  • CreatedDecember 6, 2023 8:17 PM
  • UpdatedDecember 7, 2023 6:15 PM
BRDOX-237 New Transaction red # not showing in Left NAV Bar for ADMINS
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
I added a new Transaction. Theres no RED # in the Left NAV b...
I added a new Transaction. Theres no RED # in the Left NAV bar for Admin showing there's a New Transaction
Done Done --
  • CreatedDecember 6, 2023 8:16 PM
  • UpdatedDecember 8, 2023 8:07 AM
BRDOX-236 Clicking ? in any Transaction refreshes the page
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
When you click ? in any Transaction >>> Commissions, it clos...
When you click ? in any Transaction >>> Commissions, it closes the Commission section and brings you back to the Transaction Overview. Max and I discussed
Done Done --
  • CreatedDecember 6, 2023 8:15 PM
  • UpdatedDecember 7, 2023 6:06 PM
BRDOX-235 Company Setup >>> Add Users
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
During Company Setup, when you get to the ADD USERS section ...
During Company Setup, when you get to the ADD USERS section and click to Add Users, it takes you to ROLES first...Then Add Users interview comes next
Done Done --
  • CreatedDecember 6, 2023 8:14 PM
  • UpdatedDecember 16, 2023 5:43 PM
BRDOX-234 Company Setup >>> Adding Branding Resources section
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
During COMPANY SETUP, when adding BRANDING RESOURCES, they d...
During COMPANY SETUP, when adding BRANDING RESOURCES, they don't populate at the dialogue box so you can't see Document names after you click ADD. They are getting added, but the User will think somethings wrong because you can't see the document during the add process
Done Done --
  • CreatedDecember 6, 2023 8:14 PM
  • UpdatedDecember 7, 2023 6:27 PM
BRDOX-233 When user clicks on hte question mark he redirects to the transaction Потрібно щоб при кліку на підказку його не викидало з сторін...
Потрібно щоб при кліку на підказку його не викидало з сторінки, а просто показувало дескріпшн
Done Done --
  • CreatedDecember 6, 2023 12:45 AM
  • UpdatedDecember 6, 2023 1:31 PM
BRDOX-232 Put the word NEW in the green new transactions
  • Client_resolved
On the new (green) transactions
Done Done --
  • CreatedDecember 6, 2023 12:43 AM
  • UpdatedDecember 7, 2023 6:07 PM
BRDOX-231 Find out why the transaction commission failed Creds: https://pbi8.app.betabrokerdox.com/ raycarrano+pb...
Video - https://somup.com/c0lhitgKZS
# Go to https://pbi8.app.betabrokerdox.com/transaction/37/commisions
Done Done --
  • CreatedDecember 5, 2023 5:56 AM
  • UpdatedDecember 6, 2023 4:26 AM
BRDOX-230 The refferal commission field isn't working with decimales Now if user add decimales to refferal commission he receives...
Now if user add decimales to refferal commission he receives error message
Video - https://somup.com/c0lhjBgKwk 
Done Done --
  • CreatedDecember 5, 2023 3:38 AM
  • UpdatedDecember 5, 2023 10:18 AM
BRDOX-229 Remove the second minus in Accounting If the calculation of commissions is negative, this may lead...
If the calculation of commissions is negative, this may lead to the fact that in accounting the result is shown with two minuses.
Done Done --
  • CreatedDecember 5, 2023 3:25 AM
  • UpdatedDecember 18, 2023 4:18 AM
BRDOX-228 To add mask for transaction commission numbers
  • Client_resolved
The numbers on the left side should be with "come" like on t...
The numbers on the left side should be with "come" like on the right side
Also it should on the transaction creating screen
Done Done --
  • CreatedDecember 5, 2023 3:02 AM
  • UpdatedDecember 8, 2023 12:56 PM
BRDOX-227 The buyer credit isn't visible on the CDA pop-up There are 2 transactions: # The buyer credit amount is vis...
There are 2 transactions:
# The buyer credit amount is visible and working correctly - https://pbi8.app.betabrokerdox.com/transaction/24/commisions 
# The buyer credit amount isn't visible need to investigate why - https://pbi8.app.betabrokerdox.com/transaction/38/commisions  
Video - https://somup.com/c0lhiMgKtJ 
Done Done --
  • CreatedDecember 5, 2023 2:51 AM
  • UpdatedDecember 5, 2023 5:35 AM
BRDOX-226 Commissions
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
I created a new transaction 123 December Test - Commissions ...
I created a new transaction 123 December Test - Commissions tab missing elements...when you click EDIT, There's none of the commission data I entered during the Transaction Setup >>> Commissions section.,..
Done Done --
  • CreatedDecember 4, 2023 1:51 PM
  • UpdatedDecember 9, 2023 7:42 PM
BRDOX-225 Web Application Rollout Task List from Stage to Production Environment h3. *Web Application Rollout Task List from Stage to Product...
h3. *Web Application Rollout Task List from Stage to Production Environment*
Following discussions with Ray Carrano, owner of BrokerDox, a SaaS application, we have mutually agreed to retain the current "BetaBrokerDox environment" as our staging environment. Effective December 22nd, Mr. Carrano intends for his agents to commence utilizing BetaBrokerDox for entering real estate transactions, serving as a beta test for the system.
For December 2023, agents will exclusively use the BetaBrokerDox environment for training purposes and to identify any critical bugs requiring resolution prior to the official launch on January 1st, 2024. During this period, the Verixity team will actively monitor the BetaBrokerDox environment and remain on standby to address any emergent issues.
As established in our recent meeting on November 20th, the Verixity development team will continue working on enhancements, which will be implemented in the BetaBrokerDox environment only upon Mr. Carrano's approval and during non-business hours. This approach is part of our commitment to ensuring a seamless and efficient transition to the full launch.
*Scope of Work Summary for "Broker Dox" Production Environment Setup*
To ensure a seamless and successful launch of the SAAS platform "Broker Dox", it is imperative to establish a robust and fully functional production environment. This environment is not just a technical necessity but a critical step in mitigating potential risks associated with the deployment and operation of the platform. The scope of work outlined below details the essential tasks and their purpose, emphasizing the importance of each step in safeguarding the platform’s stability, security, and reliability.
# *Server and Database Configuration:* The production server, running on Linux (Ubuntu), needs to be meticulously prepared with the latest packages and configurations. This includes a specialized setup for the Postgres SQL databases, transitioning it from the staging to the production environment. This task is vital for ensuring that the platform operates on a reliable and efficient server, capable of handling real-time data and user interactions without any performance issues.
# *Database and Code Backup:* Implementing a rigorous backup system for the Postgres SQL database is essential. This involves scheduling *daily backups* to the Digital Ocean S3 objects platform, ensuring data integrity and quick recovery in case of data loss. Additionally, establishing a routine for *weekly code backups* is crucial for maintaining the latest changes securely.
# *Monitoring and Alerting Systems:* Installing hardware and software monitoring systems on the production server is a key preventive measure. The configuration of Grafana and Prometheus monitoring software, coupled with alert setups for the staff and the product owner, enables real-time tracking of the system’s health and performance. This proactive approach is designed to identify and address potential issues before they escalate, ensuring uninterrupted service availability.
# *SSL Certificate and Domain Setup:* Configuring SSL certificates with a multi-domain (5-level) setup, mirroring the beta Broker Dox server, is fundamental for data security and user trust. This setup not only encrypts data transmission but also assures users of the platform’s legitimacy and safety.
# *CI/CD Extension and Testing:* Extending the continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) processes to include the production environment is a critical step in maintaining software quality and facilitating smooth updates. This extension involves integrating automation tests, ensuring that each deployment meets the highest standards of code quality and functionality. Following the automation tests, a thorough cleanup of test data, including companies and their associated databases, is necessary to maintain data accuracy and relevance.
# *Final QA Testing:* Before officially launching the platform, a comprehensive quality assurance (QA) testing, particularly regression testing, will be conducted. This final step, performed by our experienced QA team, is essential to guarantee that the application is free from bugs and operates flawlessly. The green light for brokers and agents to start using the system is planned for January 1st, 2024.
Each of these tasks is designed not only to set up the production environment but also to anticipate and prevent potential risks, ensuring a smooth and secure transition for "Broker Dox" into its operational phase.
*Breaking down the main points into the actionable tasks below*
h4. *1. Production Server Setup and Configuration*
h4. Task: Prepare and configure the Linux server (Ubuntu) for production. Install the latest packages.
h4. Hours: Approx. 6 hours
h4. Note: Involves setting up server parameters, security configurations, and necessary dependencies.
h4. *2. Docker Container Integration*
h4. Task: Ensure seamless integration of the entire project with the existing Docker container setup.
h4. Hours: Approx. 4 hours
h4. Note: Given that BetaBrokerDox.com already uses Docker containers, this involves ensuring compatibility and functionality. 
h4. *3. Database Preparation*
h4. Task: Migrate the Postgres SQL database from the staging to the production environment.
h4. Hours: Approx. 3 hours
h4. Note: This includes updating configurations and ensuring data integrity.
h4. *4. SSL Certificate Installation*
h4. Task: Set up and verify SSL certificates for secure HTTPS connections.
h4. Hours: Approx. 2 hours
h4. Note: Critical for ensuring data security and trust. 
h4. *5. Domain Configuration*
h4. Task: Configure the multi-domain (5 level deep) setup for the application.
h4. Hours: Approx. 4 hours
h4. Note: Ensure proper domain mapping and DNS configurations. 
h4. *6. Laravel and Vue.js Deployment*
h4. Task: Deploy the PHP Laravel backend and Vue.js frontend to the production server. Installing attest packages.
h4. Hours: Approx. 3 hours
h4. Note: Includes code compilation, environment variable setup, and testing initial load.
h4. *7. Database Backup Schedule Setup*
h4. Task: Implement a scheduled backup system for the Postgres SQL databases. Copy to the s3 into a separate bucket.
h4. Hours: Approx. 3 hours
h4. Note: Regular backups are essential for data security and recovery.
h4. *8. Code Backup Implementation*
h4. Task: Establish a weekly code backup routine.
h4. Hours: Approx. 2 hour
h4. Note: Ensures that recent code changes are safely backed up. 
h4. *9. Monitoring Service Installation & configuration*
h4. Task: Install and configure a website monitoring service. Hardware and software monitoring. Configuring the grafana and prometheus monitoring software. Alerts and email notifications.
h4. Hours: Approx. 8 hours
h4. Note: Critical for ongoing performance tracking and issue detection.
h4. *10. CI/CD Reconfiguration for Production*
h4. Task: Reconfigure the continuous integration and deployment to include the production environment. Additional production environment adding to CI/CD, this means the automated jobs get extended.
h4. Hours: Approx. 4 hours
h4. Note: The QA team needs to test and approve the CI/CD configuration.
h4. *11. Automation Testing Integration*
h4. Task: Include automation tests in the deployment process.
h4. Hours: Approx. 5 hours
h4. Note: Essential for ensuring code quality and functionality. 
h4. *12. Final QA Testing (Regression testing)*
h4. Task: Perform comprehensive quality assurance testing on the staging environment.
h4. Hours: Approx. 10 hours
h4. Note: The QA team's involvement is crucial to ensure the application is bug-free and fully functional. 
The outlined tasks are managed by a skilled Dev team, including QA engineers, system administrators, and both front-end and back-end developers. However, for a successful production environment rollout, active involvement from the Project Manager and CTO is crucial. Their roles are instrumental in mitigating risks and addressing potential issues that could arise at the launch of the product. Consequently, their daily engagement during this stage is essential to ensure a smooth and successful rollout.
In conclusion, the comprehensive set of tasks outlined above, meticulously planned by Max Volkov in collaboration with the QA team and the system administrator, lays a clear roadmap for the successful setup of the "Broker Dox" production environment. The collaborative effort between Max, the QA team, and the system administrator is pivotal to ensure that these tasks are executed efficiently within a five-business-day window. This teamwork is essential in driving the project towards its timely completion, highlighting the importance of coordinated effort and expertise in achieving the desired outcome for the platform's launch.
*Overview of Updated Project Scope and Cost Adjustments for Ray Carrano's Software Rollout*
Max Volkov, the CTO of Verixity, recently discussed with Nick Grosso from Bravado Creative about the work Ray Carrano paid for during the software's initial development phase. Nick confirmed that the original plan was just to move the software from the development stage to the production server. This plan didn't include continuous integration, backups, monitoring services, or automated testing.
However, there have been some changes to the initial plan. Now, the application will be rolled out in three stages: development, beta (using Broker Docs as a staging area), and finally, production. Due to these changes, we need to make some additional configurations. Despite this, we're offering a discount. The configuration of the production server will take 36 hours out of a total of 62 hours needed for the entire project. The Verixity team will dedicate all 62 hours to this project, but we will only bill Ray Carrano for the remaining 26 hours.
The major tasks include project management and final quality assurance (QA). The Verixity Development team will handle these at no extra cost to Ray Carrano.
Backlog Unresolved --
  • CreatedDecember 3, 2023 7:40 PM
  • UpdatedDecember 3, 2023 7:40 PM
BRDOX-224 Сalculation in Accounting- table Sales- line Total Company Income Now all participants who are in Agent Commissions Split are ...
Now all participants who are in Agent Commissions Split are counted towards the total amount in the Accounting. 
Should the income of the second participant be considered in Accounting (line Total Company Income )?
Or, in the “Total Company Income” field show only first agent who created the transaction
Done Done --
  • CreatedDecember 1, 2023 9:29 AM
  • UpdatedDecember 8, 2023 1:26 PM
BRDOX-223 Change database in superadmin Потрібно поміняти базу данних на яку дивиться суперадмінка ...
Потрібно поміняти базу данних на яку дивиться суперадмінка
Поміняти на прод
Done Done --
  • CreatedNovember 21, 2023 10:17 AM
  • UpdatedDecember 18, 2023 4:18 AM
BRDOX-222 Commisions calculations update: Enhancements to Commissions Calculation Module in Broker Dox
  • Client_resolved
  • Development
# *Scope of Work: Enhancements to Commissions Calculation Mo...
# *Scope of Work: Enhancements to Commissions Calculation Module in Broker Dox SaaS Platform*
** *Module Renaming:*
* The “Agent Commissions” section will be rebranded as “Commissions Distribution.”
** *Interface Adjustments:*
* Replace the current single dropdown with two distinct dropdowns: one for “Agent Distribution” and another for “Brokerage Distribution.”
* Add appropriate signs (dollar or percentage) in the fields “To Agent” and “To broker”.
** *Automation and Default Values:*
* Implement auto-population for the “To Broker” field with fees derived from pre-defined commission plans.
* Set the “Brokerage Distribution” dropdown to automatically (by default) select the plan established in the commission plans.
* In cases where the commission plans specify a flat fee, such as $1,000, this amount will automatically fill the “To Broker” field and “brokerage distribution” appropriate drop down will be auto selected.
** *Validation Rules:*
* Enforce input validation for the “To Broker” field to ensure entries are simple numbers (20%) or formatted as currency ($1,234.45). (it will depend on the drop down percentage / flat fee)
* Any value inputted into the “To Broker” fields will be summed up (for more than one agent) will be dynamically reflected in the “Gross Commissions” within the “Brokerage Commissions and Fees” section.
** *Commission Splitting and Calculation:*
* For split commissions involving two agents (or more), the primary agent’s “Include in brokerage calculations” checkbox will be pre-selected, and the default fee will populate the “To Broker” field.
* The secondary agent’s “To Broker” field may initially be left blank and should auto-check the “Include in brokerage calculations” upon value entry.
* If the “To Broker” fee varies from the default commission settings (the background check should be in place), the “Gross Commission” label will update to indicate “Calculation by agents.”
** *Previous Changes Recap:*
* The field previously named "Agent 1 Commission" will now be titled "To Agent."
* A new field titled "To Broker" will be introduced alongside "To Agent" for entering commission amounts.
* A new checkbox labeled “Include in brokerage calculation” will be added below these fields.
* For initial form loads, this checkbox will be automatically checked for the first agent and unchecked for any additional agents.
*Implementation Notes:*
The aforementioned changes require updates to both the user interface and the backend logic to ensure accurate and seamless commission calculations. These enhancements are geared towards improving usability and automation within the Commissions Calculation module of the Broker Dox platform.
*Important Notes*
*Editability of 'TO AGENT' and 'TO BROKER' Fields:* It is essential to ensure that the fields labeled 'TO AGENT' and 'TO BROKER' within the system are editable. This change is necessary to accommodate and override any unforeseen circumstances that may arise during the usage of the platform. The ability to edit these fields will provide users with the flexibility required to adapt to various scenarios that were not initially anticipated.
*Function of CDA:* The primary focus should be on understanding and verifying the source of the information that feeds into the CDA. Although the CDA is currently functioning as expected, it is imperative to ensure clarity and accuracy in how the information is sourced and processed within this section.
Done Done --
  • CreatedNovember 20, 2023 10:36 PM
  • UpdatedDecember 10, 2023 12:49 AM
BRDOX-221 The SSl certificate expired on the dev environment
Backlog Unresolved --
  • CreatedNovember 20, 2023 9:07 AM
  • UpdatedNovember 20, 2023 9:07 AM
BRDOX-220 Commision and CDA calculations - final updates
  • Client_resolved
The team should be complete this, but apparently, I can't fi...
The team should be complete this, but apparently, I can't find the task that was created previously
Ray, please kindly reply with the finalized decisions that we made according to this spreadsheet. 
Check the attached screenshot.
Done Done --
  • CreatedNovember 14, 2023 6:45 PM
  • UpdatedNovember 28, 2023 5:38 PM
BRDOX-219 Confirm Your Email page code of 450 "Your email address is not verified." Steps to reproduse : # visit www.dev-brokerdox.ourdevapps....
Steps to reproduse :
# visit www.dev-brokerdox.ourdevapps.com.
# Fill out all fields and click the “Register” button.
Cypress will see this problem and receive a stop code. I'm missing this error but it's not entirely correct.
Backlog Unresolved --
  • CreatedNovember 10, 2023 1:45 AM
  • UpdatedNovember 14, 2023 5:56 PM
BRDOX-218 Update the "Referral" to "Other" Transaction Type in Commision Plans
  • Client_resolved
In section:  Brokerage Commission and Fees by Transaction Ty...
In section:  Brokerage Commission and Fees by Transaction Type 
change "Referral" to "Other" (screen attached);

Incorporate an extra 4 roles: Buyer, Seller, Tenant, and Landlord into both dropdown menus. Ensure that the same role cannot be simultaneously selected in both dropdowns.
(see screenshot)

Update the text : Referral Transaction Template  to Other Transaction Template
(see screenshot)
in Edit Transaction, make sure that the "transaction type" is updated to "Other"
Done Done --
  • CreatedNovember 1, 2023 2:05 PM
  • UpdatedNovember 10, 2023 10:42 AM
BRDOX-217 All Roles >>> Transactions >>> Documents - Layout issue
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
All Roles >>> Transactions >>> Choose any Transaction >>> Do...
All Roles >>> Transactions >>> Choose any Transaction >>> Documents - Layout issue....The page is crowded with data so that headings scroll to 2 lines (see screen shots) and get squeezed. The FILE column becomes very long depending on the File Name length and pushes other fields to become smaller. Solution is to make the FILE Column have the VIEW/DOWNLOAD buttons that we have already in the DOCUMENT REVIEW PAGE in the ACTIONS column. That way, the User can view or download the file and the column will always be consistent. The File Name is in the first column called "TITLE", so there's no reason to see the actual file name...
Done Done --
  • CreatedNovember 1, 2023 10:01 AM
  • UpdatedNovember 6, 2023 8:44 AM
BRDOX-216 Generate CDA Popup Box Issue
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
Generate CDA Popup Box Issue - There is random text next to ...
Generate CDA Popup Box Issue - There is random text next to the Address on both popup boxes that says "348 Laural Oaks. #7 - undefined"....the 348 Laurel Oaks address is correct, but what is the "#7 - undefined" text...prob the Transaction # which we don't need. See 2 screenshots
Done Done --
  • CreatedNovember 1, 2023 9:53 AM
  • UpdatedNovember 6, 2023 8:45 AM
BRDOX-215 Autocomplete referral field
  • Client_resolved
Referral commission should autofill in the "Referral amount"...
Referral commission should autofill in the "Referral amount" field
Done Done --
  • CreatedNovember 1, 2023 3:12 AM
  • UpdatedNovember 6, 2023 8:46 AM
BRDOX-214 Dashboard >>> Documents Pending approval
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
Dashboard >>> Documents Pending approval - The FILE column s...
Dashboard >>> Documents Pending approval - The FILE column should be the VIEW/DOWNLOAD icons like in the Document Review Page. Right now, when you click the File Name, the file Downloads only. The default choice would VIEW...no reason to download a file and then have to open it.
Done Done --
  • CreatedOctober 31, 2023 10:46 AM
  • UpdatedNovember 1, 2023 9:28 AM
BRDOX-213 All data that was input should be cleared if user clicks on the "Remove commision..."
  • Client_resolved
Video - [https://somup.com/c06w2DgV6X]  [~skarbek.serhiy]...
Video - https://somup.com/c06w2DgV6X 
~skarbek.serhiy Тобто всі поля мають очищатись коли юзер нажимає на ремув
Done Done --
  • CreatedOctober 31, 2023 10:17 AM
  • UpdatedNovember 6, 2023 8:47 AM
BRDOX-212 Left NAV BAR >>> Transactions (Count)
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
Left NAV BAR >>> Transactions (Count) - What does the number...
Left NAV BAR >>> Transactions (Count) - What does the number in the red circle represent? I think it was # of New Transactions added. For how many days does that number calculate? It's been a few days since I added any transactions and the number still says 2...Also, where will we see the New Transactions? There doesn't seem to be a place to look for them like in BrokerDox 1.0 (see 3 screen shots)
Done Done --
  • CreatedOctober 30, 2023 10:32 AM
  • UpdatedNovember 2, 2023 11:28 AM
BRDOX-211 Dashboard >>> Overview
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
Dashboard >>> Overview - When Admin unchecks "Overview" in D...
Dashboard >>> Overview - When Admin unchecks "Overview" in Dashboard, it should be hidden from all other Roles. See screen shot of AGENT where you can still see the Overview Widget. Also, Agent Tracy Carrano has 1 Closed Transaction, but the Agent and Company commission numbers are not populating in the OVERVIEW Widget...see 1 screenshot
Done Done --
  • CreatedOctober 27, 2023 12:16 PM
  • UpdatedNovember 1, 2023 9:30 AM
BRDOX-210 On the dashbord displaye 6 transaction when it's 9 actually Tested on the client's company   [https://pbi8.app.bet...
Done Done --
  • CreatedOctober 25, 2023 2:26 AM
  • UpdatedNovember 14, 2023 6:25 PM
BRDOX-209 Dashboard >>> Deals Summary - Agent commissions are wrong
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
Dashboard >>> Deals Summary - Agent commissions are wrong......
Dashboard >>> Deals Summary - Agent commissions are wrong...number is now being calculated from the AGENT GROSS COMMISSION, instead it needs to be calculated from NET AGENT COMMISSION
Done Done --
  • CreatedOctober 20, 2023 12:44 PM
  • UpdatedNovember 6, 2023 9:12 AM
BRDOX-208 Commissions >>> Buyer Credit (CDA - dialog box enhancements)
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
The Buyer Credit is all good. It calculates correctly, is in...
The Buyer Credit is all good. It calculates correctly, is in the right place on the commission calc screen etc. When you are generating the CDA, the Dialogue box does not show the amount Buyer is being credited (see screenshot)...but it does go to the CDA correctly. See 2 screen shots. tested on 455 Oneonta St...
Done Done --
  • CreatedOctober 18, 2023 1:20 PM
  • UpdatedDecember 8, 2023 3:23 PM
BRDOX-207 Referral Commission
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
Any Transaction >>> I added 2 Referral Commissions. Only the...
Any Transaction >>> I added 2 Referral Commissions. Only the first one is being calculated in the GROSS COMMISSION section. Check out 444 Tremonti St. User is raycarrano+manager@gmail.com/Test1234
Done Done --
  • CreatedOctober 18, 2023 1:10 PM
  • UpdatedDecember 10, 2023 10:15 AM
BRDOX-206 Any Transaction >>> CDA
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
The Referral Commission Payee is not making it to the CDA. T...
The Referral Commission Payee is not making it to the CDA. The Payee has been added to Contacts and they are marked as "Payable at Closing"...see 3 screen shots
The Referral Commission now makes it to the CDA, so that is resolved...BUT...The Referral Agent is getting paid by their name, instead of payable to the Company...In the CONTACTS, The Company is listed as "Payable To", so CDA should list the COMPANY NAME for the referral Agent, not their individual name...Also, The Amount to the Referrer does not appear in the Commission Dialogue Pop-up Box...see 3 screenshots
Screenshot-2023-10-20-at-10.49.19-AM.png Screenshot-2023-10-20-at-10.49.52-AM.png Screenshot-2023-10-20-at-10.50.36-AM.png
~skarbek.serhiy ^ This need to be resolved
Done Done --
  • CreatedOctober 18, 2023 12:37 PM
  • UpdatedOctober 27, 2023 11:42 AM
BRDOX-205 Transactions >>> Comissions >>> Credits
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
When we do a Credit in the commission calc (+ Add Credit But...
When we do a Credit in the commission calc (+ Add Credit Button)....(first, make the C in credit a Capital on the button)...Agent exampIe is TRACY CARRANO and Address is 6085 Seminole Circle...I added a Credit to the Buyer. That Credit needs to go under the GROSS COMMISSIONS section (like where the Referral Commission is calculated in the attached Screenshot). It's currently in the PRIMARY AGENTS set of calculations. Agent Tracy Carrano login is raycarrano+tracy@gmail.com/Test1234
Done Done --
  • CreatedOctober 18, 2023 12:11 PM
  • UpdatedNovember 15, 2023 10:15 AM
BRDOX-204 Automation Testing
Backlog Unresolved --
  • CreatedOctober 17, 2023 11:56 AM
  • UpdatedNovember 17, 2023 9:24 AM
BRDOX-203 Agent can't edit commission inside the ACTIVE transaction Creds: [https://777.app.betabrokerdox.com/] * [AgentS...
Done Done --
  • CreatedOctober 16, 2023 2:24 AM
  • UpdatedOctober 16, 2023 3:23 AM
BRDOX-202 Accounting: COMPANY SUMMARY Date Filter
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
In Accounting (All Roles), there needs to be a Date Filter f...
In Accounting (All Roles), there needs to be a Date Filter for COMPANY SUMMARY. It exists already for AGENT SUMMARY and TRANSACTIONS BY AGENT. The default filter should be for Current Year.
rename the following:
Company commissions -> Total Company Income
 ( no caps )
Done Done --
  • CreatedOctober 15, 2023 3:58 AM
  • UpdatedNovember 6, 2023 9:14 AM
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
Adding to BDOX200 Task, The Admins and Managers have the sam...
Adding to BDOX200 Task, The Admins and Managers have the same issue, they can't see all the Agents...They should be able to pick (Admins = Anyone in the brokerage)...(Manager = Anyone in their Office)...(Team Leader = Anyone on their Team)...There should also be a n option to fill in a Name not in the dropdown list.
Done Done --
  • CreatedOctober 13, 2023 5:53 PM
  • UpdatedNovember 2, 2023 12:27 PM
BRDOX-200 Team Lead commission sharing
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
Team Leader should be able to split commissions with Agents ...
Team Leader should be able to split commissions with Agents in their team. Agent Raymond Carrano has 2 Agents in his Team. The dropdown Field only allows for Broker and Manager under both +Agent Commission Splits and + Agent Referral Splits
Done Done --
  • CreatedOctober 13, 2023 5:47 PM
  • UpdatedNovember 2, 2023 9:46 AM
BRDOX-199 TEAMS not visible
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
  • Estimate
For ADMINS and MANAGERS there doesn't appear to be anywhere ...
For ADMINS and MANAGERS there doesn't appear to be anywhere to see TEAMS once they are created. The Team Leader (Agent) can see their Team under USERS, so that seems fine
After meeting...( oct 16,23) 
we need to estimate and add column "team"
Done Done --
  • CreatedOctober 13, 2023 11:59 AM
  • UpdatedNovember 20, 2023 10:51 AM
BRDOX-198 Manager >>> Users: Filter not working
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
When a Manager uses dropdown for Filter nothing happens
Done Done --
  • CreatedOctober 13, 2023 11:54 AM
  • UpdatedOctober 26, 2023 3:50 AM
BRDOX-197 Manager and Team issue
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
The Manager of PALM BEACH GARDENS Office can create TEAMS in...
The Manager of PALM BEACH GARDENS Office can create TEAMS in other offices. Should be limited to their office only
Done Done --
  • CreatedOctober 13, 2023 11:50 AM
  • UpdatedOctober 23, 2023 12:11 PM
BRDOX-196 The document in the User profile is not deleted Steps to reproduce: 1. log in as account owner  https:...
Steps to reproduce:
1. log in as account owner 
password: 11111111
2. go to section Settings 
3. in My Profile click button Edit
4. Upload document (Supports: Doc, Docx, Pdf, Odt)
5. Click on botton Update Information & Close
6. Press on button Edit again
7. Click link delete document
8. Click on botton Update Information & Close
9. Press on button Edit again
*Expected Result :*
File is deleted
*Actual result:*
File not delete and instead of the file name API
Done Done --
  • CreatedOctober 12, 2023 2:58 AM
  • UpdatedNovember 6, 2023 3:07 AM
BRDOX-195 Agents Profile Documents
  • Discovery
SETTINGS >>> MY PROFILE - Agents documents they uploaded are...
SETTINGS >>> MY PROFILE - Agents documents they uploaded are only visible if they click EDIT in their profile. If any docs are uploaded, they should be visible without having to click EDIT
Backlog Unresolved --
  • CreatedOctober 11, 2023 6:21 PM
  • UpdatedNovember 14, 2023 5:37 PM
BRDOX-194 Agent Accounting Error
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
Logged in as an Agent. Accounting section for Tracy Carrano ...
Logged in as an Agent. Accounting section for Tracy Carrano who has 1 CLOSED sale shows Agent Commission and Company Commission as the same number. The Company dollar amount is wrong
Done Done --
  • CreatedOctober 11, 2023 5:00 PM
  • UpdatedDecember 12, 2023 9:16 AM
BRDOX-193 Notes and Showing Instructions
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
In any Transaction, if no NOTES or SHOWING INSTRUCTIONS have...
In any Transaction, if no NOTES or SHOWING INSTRUCTIONS have been added yet, the area is blank. Please add wording for both sections..."No Notes have been added yet"..."No Showing Instructions have been added yet"...Check Timeline section for example of what you have already, that looks great
Done Done --
  • CreatedOctober 11, 2023 4:57 PM
  • UpdatedOctober 27, 2023 11:12 AM
BRDOX-192 Empty Commissions Section
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
Wording incorrect: Change to "Commission information has not...
Wording incorrect: Change to "Commission information has not been provided yet"
Done Done --
  • CreatedOctober 11, 2023 4:48 PM
  • UpdatedOctober 26, 2023 3:50 AM
BRDOX-191 Community Error
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
When an AGENT sends a Reply to a Community post, they get a ...
When an AGENT sends a Reply to a Community post, they get a Server Response 500 Error: You don't have access to this section
Hide the button when the add/edit is not selected 
Done Done --
  • CreatedOctober 11, 2023 4:42 PM
  • UpdatedNovember 8, 2023 9:00 AM
BRDOX-190 Editing Commissions in Active Transactions
  • Testing
Currently Agents and Managers can't EDIT COMMISSIONS in Acti...
Currently Agents and Managers can't EDIT COMMISSIONS in Active, Contingent, Pending and Clear to Close STATUS.
Done Done --
  • CreatedOctober 11, 2023 3:53 PM
  • UpdatedNovember 17, 2023 12:55 PM
BRDOX-189 Agent can't create/edit transaction commission Done Done --
  • CreatedOctober 11, 2023 2:38 AM
  • UpdatedOctober 16, 2023 10:02 AM
BRDOX-188 Accounting: Numbers don't add up
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
See Screen shot with Spreadsheet which totals up all CLOSED ...
See Screen shot with Spreadsheet which totals up all CLOSED and CLOSED DOCS REQ transactions...
(1) SALES VOL off by $100,000...should be $3,600,000...
(2) AGENT COMMISSIONS are correct...
(3) COMPANY COMMISSIONS are wrong. Should reflect NET TO BROKER on the Spreadsheet...
(4) AGENT FEES are correct but should not be expressed as a negative number...
(5) COMPANY FEES should be total $ Charged by company/broker to anyone, not NET after credits subtracted...AND this number should NOT be added to Company Commissions because it
already being calculated in the COMPANY COMMISSIONS for each deal...
Done Done --
  • CreatedOctober 8, 2023 1:07 PM
  • UpdatedNovember 20, 2023 10:04 AM
BRDOX-187 All PM tasks
All PM tasks
In Progress Unresolved --
  • CreatedOctober 8, 2023 11:56 AM
  • UpdatedOctober 8, 2023 11:57 AM
BRDOX-186 Dashboard >>> Overview
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
1. overview numbers don't match between Administrator and Ma...
1. overview numbers don't match between Administrator and Manager. Not sure where the numbers are coming from.
Done Done --
  • CreatedOctober 5, 2023 10:14 PM
  • UpdatedNovember 6, 2023 9:19 AM
  • Testing
Please check AGENTS and Closed Transactions. If you remember...
Please check AGENTS and Closed Transactions. If you remember, they should be able to do a few things when the transactions are CLOSED and a few things they are NOT able to do...We have been over this and it was fixed at one time;
What they CAN EDIT;
What they CAN'T EDIT;
This is a big deal and urgent
Done Done --
  • CreatedOctober 5, 2023 7:49 PM
  • UpdatedNovember 17, 2023 12:56 PM
BRDOX-184 Agents Editing Closed Transactions - URGENT
  • Testing
Please check AGENTS and Closed Transactions. If you remember...
Please check AGENTS and Closed Transactions. If you remember, they should be able to do a few things when the transactions are closed and a few things they are NOT able to do...We have been over this and it was fixed at one time;
What they CAN EDIT;
What they CAN'T EDIT;
This is a big deal and urgent
Done Done --
  • CreatedOctober 5, 2023 4:45 PM
  • UpdatedNovember 17, 2023 12:57 PM
BRDOX-183 User wizard 500 error (Epmty field State)
  • Client_resolved
We can't reproduce the bug. We need a video that will show w...
We can't reproduce the bug. We need a video that will show what data is entered into the fields
Done Done --
  • CreatedOctober 5, 2023 9:26 AM
  • UpdatedNovember 20, 2023 10:05 AM
BRDOX-182 AGENT Dashboard Re-order
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
In the AGENT DASHBOARD...pleas move DOCUMENTS PENDING APPROVAL to under DEALS SUMMARY. The Dashboard won't look right if they have 20 documents pending approval
Done Done --
  • CreatedOctober 3, 2023 11:01 PM
  • UpdatedOctober 27, 2023 11:12 AM
BRDOX-181 Top Nav Bar SEARCH
  • Testing
Make "TRANSACTIONS" the SEARCH default instead of "USERS"
Done Done --
  • CreatedOctober 3, 2023 9:51 PM
  • UpdatedNovember 17, 2023 12:58 PM
BRDOX-180 Closing a Transaction
  • Testing
Admin closed an Agents Transaction. Transaction disappeared ...
Admin closed an Agents Transaction. Transaction disappeared from AGENT DASHBOARD and is not showing up in the DASHPOARD "Deals Summary", nor in the transaction Tab. The only way to see the Closed Transaction was to click on a Document Pending Approval with that address. Then a 404 Error popped up
To client: You can change permission for closed transaction and it will be visible for agent
Done Done --
  • CreatedOctober 3, 2023 2:26 PM
  • UpdatedNovember 17, 2023 1:00 PM
BRDOX-179 AGEBNT DASHBOARD - Docs Pending Approval
  • Testing
Look at the Agent Dashboard where it shows 2 Documents Pendi...
Look at the Agent Dashboard where it shows 2 Documents Pending Approval, here are the issues with that section;
The Dashboard is showing 2 docs pending approval
There are actually 3 docs that are in the transaction that are pending approval
One of those docs showing is actually a doc that was APPROVED, those should not be there
The other doc was DISAPPROVED, which is fine and I think it's a good idea to keep that type there, so don't change that
There are 3 docs pending approval that are missing. So the section is NOT showing Docs Pending Approval...it's showing docs that were either Approved or Disapproved
In the Address part of that same section, the CITY is showing as UNDEFINED even though the address is correct in the transaction and has the city filled in
The Agent is Raymond Carrano...screenshot attached. Remember this issue is in the AGENT DASHBOARD...the ADMIN Dashboard is fine...here's the login info for the Agent...
Email: raycarrano+rayagent@gmail.com
Pass: Test1234
Done Done --
  • CreatedSeptember 30, 2023 8:22 PM
  • UpdatedNovember 17, 2023 1:00 PM
BRDOX-178 Agent Dashboard Issue
  • Client_resolved
I can do these in the software, but this was an issue I adde...
I can do these in the software, but this was an issue I added to the system last time and is still not fixed...
Look at the Agent Dashboard where it shows 2 Documents Pending Approval, here are the issues with that section;
# The Dashboard is showing 2 docs pending approval
# There are actually 3 docs that are in the transaction that are pending approval
# One of those docs showing is actually a doc that was APPROVED, those should not be there
# The other doc was DISAPPROVED, which is fine and I think it's a good idea to keep that type there, so don't change that
# There are 3 docs pending approval that are missing. So the section is NOT showing Docs Pending Approval...it's showing docs that were either Approved or Disapproved
# In the Address part of that same section, the CITY is showing as UNDEFINED even though the address is correct in the transaction and has the city filled in
The Agent is Raymond Carrano...screenshot attached. Remember this issue is in the AGENT DASHBOARD...the ADMIN Dashboard is fine...here's the login info for the Agent...
Email: raycarrano+rayagent@gmail.com
Pass: Test1234
Done Done --
  • CreatedSeptember 30, 2023 1:45 PM
  • UpdatedNovember 20, 2023 10:06 AM
BRDOX-177 STATE blank - upon sign up as agent
  • Client_resolved
I signed myself up as an Agent...I purposely left out the ST...
I signed myself up as an Agent...I purposely left out the STATE during the signup process and got the 500 Error again...
this has to be fixed pls...screenshot attached
To client: Can you send the video of bug reproducing, bcs we can't reproduce this bug
Done Done --
  • CreatedSeptember 29, 2023 6:29 PM
  • UpdatedNovember 20, 2023 10:06 AM
BRDOX-176 Storage Plan issue
  • Testing
In Owner's account, the Storage Message on the Left NAV Bar ...
In Owner's account, the Storage Message on the Left NAV Bar doesn't have the right numbers..."Used 16.23 MB out of 10.24 MB available storage.
When in trial mode; Show: Trial Mode is ON  
change "Uhoh, you’re full!"  -> Trial Mode is ON
Done Done --
  • CreatedSeptember 25, 2023 2:29 PM
  • UpdatedNovember 17, 2023 1:03 PM
BRDOX-175 500 error in Community
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
An agent of mine replied to my community post and got a 500 ...
An agent of mine replied to my community post and got a 500 error saying "you don't have access to this section"
Done Done --
  • CreatedSeptember 25, 2023 2:23 PM
  • UpdatedOctober 27, 2023 11:13 AM
BRDOX-174 Sign up email...change wording
  • Testing
Verification Code Ray (Please make this their full name and...
Verification Code
Ray (Please make this their full name and bigger font)
Your company uses BrokerDox to manage all their transactions. Your Broker has created a new account for you.
You'll need to enter the following code to complete the Sign-Up process:
If you have any issues, please contact your Broker.
The BrokerDox Team
Done Done --
  • CreatedSeptember 25, 2023 10:35 AM
  • UpdatedNovember 17, 2023 1:04 PM
BRDOX-173 No User "Time Out"
  • Testing
Users are not automatically timed out of a session.
Done Done --
  • CreatedSeptember 25, 2023 9:18 AM
  • UpdatedNovember 17, 2023 1:07 PM
BRDOX-172 Empty list at resources page
  • Testing
https://team111.dev-brokerdox.ourdevapps.com/ owner111@fexb...
Done Done --
  • CreatedSeptember 25, 2023 2:40 AM
  • UpdatedNovember 17, 2023 1:07 PM
BRDOX-171 500 Error
  • Testing
When agent is filling out their profile for the first time, ...
When agent is filling out their profile for the first time, if the STATE is not clicked and input as FLORIDA or whatever, the system returns a 500 error. My agent put in FL and got the 500 error. This MUST be fixed before launch. This has been an ongoing issue
Done Done --
  • CreatedSeptember 24, 2023 11:37 AM
  • UpdatedNovember 17, 2023 1:07 PM
BRDOX-170 Page Title Error
  • Client_resolved
  • Discovery
Settings >>> My Company >>> Main Info The Page Title "Pre...
Settings >>> My Company >>> Main Info
The Page Title "Premier Brokers International-Brokers-International" does not match the title I chose (pbi7) when creating the company
Done Done --
  • CreatedSeptember 24, 2023 11:34 AM
  • UpdatedNovember 20, 2023 10:07 AM
BRDOX-169 User Filter error
  • Testing
1. There's no filter in the dropdown box for "Invite Needed"...
1. There's no filter in the dropdown box for "Invite Needed"
2. System returned zero results for "Invite Sent" when the result should be 3
Done Done --
  • CreatedSeptember 24, 2023 11:25 AM
  • UpdatedNovember 17, 2023 1:09 PM
BRDOX-168 Agent Dashboard Error
  • Testing
Agent James Halpert has 2 Documents pending approval. On his...
Agent James Halpert has 2 Documents pending approval. On his Dashboard, it says only 1 Document and it's status is Approved
Done Done --
  • CreatedSeptember 23, 2023 12:40 PM
  • UpdatedNovember 17, 2023 1:09 PM
BRDOX-167 Flex Admin has to be assigned to an office...shouldn't be that way, see attached
  • Testing
Flex admin should not be attached to office 
Done Done --
  • CreatedSeptember 23, 2023 12:04 PM
  • UpdatedNovember 17, 2023 1:09 PM
BRDOX-166 sort roles. "Flex admin" should be under "admin"
  • Testing
Done Done --
  • CreatedSeptember 23, 2023 12:02 PM
  • UpdatedNovember 17, 2023 1:10 PM
BRDOX-165 Make sure that HTTPS is forces on https://app.betabrokerdox.com/
  • Testing
[http://app.betabrokerdox.com/]  needs to be redirected to  ...
http://app.betabrokerdox.com/  needs to be redirected to 
also, We will need to resolve the problem with SSL certificates.
https://mytestcompany.app.betabrokerdox.com/  чтоб такое работало всегда 4го уровня урлы - что для этого нужно?
что и где купить клиенту нужно?
Done Done --
  • CreatedSeptember 23, 2023 11:52 AM
  • UpdatedNovember 17, 2023 1:10 PM
BRDOX-164 Add Agent Commissions Split - empty field - error
  • Testing
Steps to reproduce: 1. When adding a commission in a new tr...
Steps to reproduce:
1. When adding a commission in a new transaction
2. Add Agent Commissions Split and do not fill in the "Agent Commissions" fields
3. Click the "Save Changes" button
Done Done --
  • CreatedSeptember 22, 2023 9:58 AM
  • UpdatedNovember 17, 2023 1:10 PM
BRDOX-163 Accounting for team lead doesn't return any result
  • Testing
Creds: [https://777.app.betabrokerdox.com/accounting/tran...
Done Done --
  • CreatedSeptember 22, 2023 7:23 AM
  • UpdatedNovember 17, 2023 1:12 PM
BRDOX-162 Flex admin should have an ability to upload resources but he hasn't "Resources" tab
Done Done --
  • CreatedSeptember 22, 2023 2:42 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 26, 2023 10:06 AM
BRDOX-161 Observer User docs - should be only view Remove the ability to select Remove the ability to sort Re...
Remove the ability to select
Remove the ability to sort
Remove the ability to turn on in the "Required" column
Done Done --
  • CreatedSeptember 22, 2023 2:25 AM
  • UpdatedNovember 17, 2023 1:13 PM
BRDOX-160 Observer Transaction (Timelines) - should be visible in the left menu
✔ Available (by default, and can't be changed)
Done Done --
  • CreatedSeptember 22, 2023 2:11 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 22, 2023 2:37 AM
BRDOX-159 Bookkeeper can view transaction event
✔ Available (by default ,but can be disabled)
Done Done --
  • CreatedSeptember 21, 2023 7:46 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 22, 2023 8:28 AM
BRDOX-158 Bookkeeper Edit close transaction
✘ Not available (by default, but can be enabled)
Done Done --
  • CreatedSeptember 21, 2023 7:36 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 22, 2023 8:25 AM
BRDOX-157 Account owner can not delete Transaction Event |[777.app.betabrokerdox.com/|https://companyowner.app.betabr...
|777.app.betabrokerdox.com/| |JohnAdmin777@fexbox.org|
Password 11111111
Done Done --
  • CreatedSeptember 21, 2023 4:03 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 22, 2023 9:17 AM
BRDOX-156 For admin delete permission should be disabled by default but can be enabled
  • Testing
[https://777.app.betabrokerdox.com/community]  |JohnAdmin@f...
|JohnAdmin@fexbox.org|  11111111|
Done Done --
  • CreatedSeptember 21, 2023 3:54 AM
  • UpdatedNovember 17, 2023 1:13 PM
BRDOX-155 Not have role Flex admin in betabrokerdox Сredentials: [https://companyowner.app.betabrokerdox.com/...
Done Done --
  • CreatedSeptember 20, 2023 3:15 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 22, 2023 7:34 AM
BRDOX-154 Observer - Settings Transactions & Timelines - Property Types Expected Result: Can only view the document Actual result:...
Expected Result:
Can only view the document
Actual result:
Can disable and sort
Done Done --
  • CreatedSeptember 15, 2023 5:12 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 15, 2023 8:37 AM
BRDOX-153 Observer - Settings - my company - teams - hide coloumn
Done Done --
  • CreatedSeptember 15, 2023 4:52 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 15, 2023 10:07 AM
BRDOX-152 Observer Transaction (Timelines) - make green icon
Done Done --
  • CreatedSeptember 15, 2023 4:46 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 15, 2023 8:42 AM
BRDOX-151 timeline tab is visible for bookkepper
Done Done --
  • CreatedSeptember 15, 2023 4:42 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 15, 2023 8:44 AM
BRDOX-150 Observer transaction - Available (by default ,but can be disabled)
Done Done --
  • CreatedSeptember 15, 2023 4:38 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 15, 2023 10:21 AM
BRDOX-149 Transactions timeline still visible for bookkepper if permission is off
Done Done --
  • CreatedSeptember 15, 2023 4:33 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 20, 2023 1:43 AM
BRDOX-148 Оbserver - Closed Transactions (Not available (by default, but can be enabled))
Done Done --
  • CreatedSeptember 15, 2023 4:33 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 18, 2023 3:12 AM
BRDOX-147 Transactions still visible for bookkepper if permission is off
Done Done --
  • CreatedSeptember 15, 2023 4:28 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 27, 2023 7:42 AM
BRDOX-146 Manager left menu - show Timelines The manager see timelines only for his office and needs to d...
The manager see timelines only for his office and needs to display the section in the side menu
Done Done --
  • CreatedSeptember 15, 2023 3:55 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 18, 2023 3:08 AM
BRDOX-145 Manager Transaction (Office Timelines) Change icon "x" on green icon
Done Done --
  • CreatedSeptember 15, 2023 3:43 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 18, 2023 3:07 AM
BRDOX-144 Agent sees 2 transaction count when for real he has 0 transaction * [JohnAgent@fexbox.org|mailto:JohnAgent@fexbox.org] * 1...
Done Done --
  • CreatedSeptember 15, 2023 2:50 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 15, 2023 9:08 AM
BRDOX-143 Showing Instructions & Showing Requests (not on the board where the manager's permission is controlled)
Manager permission
Done Done --
  • CreatedSeptember 15, 2023 2:48 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 20, 2023 1:35 AM
BRDOX-142 The manager can Generate CDA (we get an error 500)
The manager can Generate CDA (we get an error 500)
Done Done --
  • CreatedSeptember 15, 2023 2:25 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 20, 2023 1:36 AM
BRDOX-141 The manager can edit closed transactions (if he has permission enabled) Only for his office The manager can edit closed transactions (if he has permissi...
The manager can edit closed transactions (if he has permission enabled) Only for his office
Done Done --
  • CreatedSeptember 15, 2023 2:14 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 15, 2023 9:07 AM
BRDOX-140 Can't change permission for "Edit" timeline inside the transaction (Teamlead)
Done Done --
  • CreatedSeptember 15, 2023 2:12 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 15, 2023 11:42 AM
BRDOX-139 Users tab shouldn't be visible for flex admin
Done Done --
  • CreatedSeptember 13, 2023 4:42 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 15, 2023 8:58 AM
BRDOX-138 timeline tab is absent for flex admin
Done Done --
  • CreatedSeptember 13, 2023 4:39 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 15, 2023 8:58 AM
BRDOX-137 Every hour user is being logged out
Need to research this problem
Done Done --
  • CreatedSeptember 13, 2023 4:36 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 15, 2023 8:57 AM
BRDOX-136 400 error when flex admin is trying to update CDA template
Done Done --
  • CreatedSeptember 13, 2023 4:30 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 15, 2023 8:57 AM
BRDOX-135 Flex admin receives 400 error message when open timelines inside the transaction Should have ability to view (Green), Edit (Blue), Delete (Or...
Should have ability to view (Green), Edit (Blue), Delete (Orange)
Permissions screen in attachments
Done Done --
  • CreatedSeptember 13, 2023 3:38 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 15, 2023 8:55 AM
BRDOX-134 Flex admin has ability to generate CDA
Done Done --
  • CreatedSeptember 13, 2023 3:30 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 15, 2023 8:54 AM
BRDOX-133 Document needed attention (Agent) widget works icorrectly Agent sees only documents which were dissapproved   Vi...
Agent sees only documents which were dissapproved
Video - https://somup.com/c0QIijAsi1 
Done Done --
  • CreatedSeptember 13, 2023 3:08 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 18, 2023 2:54 AM
BRDOX-132 Acount owner can't off delete timeline permission for admin
  • Permission
Done Done --
  • CreatedSeptember 13, 2023 2:44 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 13, 2023 3:01 AM
BRDOX-130 Bookkeper can edit resourse category
  • Permission
Done Done --
  • CreatedAugust 25, 2023 3:46 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 5, 2023 8:06 AM
BRDOX-129 Bookkeper can view transaction reports
  • Permission
Done Done --
  • CreatedAugust 25, 2023 3:45 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 12, 2023 3:38 AM
BRDOX-128 Empty lis of users when the Bookkepper opens Settings > Users Permission is on
  • Permission
Video explanation - https://somup.com/c0QfoAABHf 
Done Done --
  • CreatedAugust 25, 2023 3:36 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 18, 2023 2:55 AM
BRDOX-127 Team lead receives 400 error message on the users page when the permission is on
  • Permission
Done Done --
  • CreatedAugust 25, 2023 3:18 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 6, 2023 1:38 AM
BRDOX-126 Team lead can't send message to his team
  • Permission
У него в команде 3 агента, когда выбираешь отправить сообщен...
У него в команде 3 агента, когда выбираешь отправить сообщение агентом в получателях показывает только ОДНОГО
~dima.t Video - https://somup.com/c0Q1hKAp35 
Done Done --
  • CreatedAugust 25, 2023 3:14 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 12, 2023 3:44 AM
BRDOX-125 Team lead receives 400 error message when tries to edit closed transaction (permission on)
  • Permission
Done Done --
  • CreatedAugust 24, 2023 9:34 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 6, 2023 2:44 AM
BRDOX-124 Team lead can generate CDA
  • Permission
Done Done --
  • CreatedAugust 24, 2023 9:31 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 7, 2023 4:12 AM
BRDOX-123 Team lead can edit closed transaction if the permission is off
  • Permission
Done Done --
  • CreatedAugust 24, 2023 9:28 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 6, 2023 4:46 AM
BRDOX-122 Team lead can approve/dissaprove documents
  • Permission
Исходя из пермишнов он должен только видить документы своих ...
Исходя из пермишнов он должен только видить документы своих агентов после того как их аппрувнули или дисс,  
Video - https://somup.com/c0Q1QVApkJ 
Done Done --
  • CreatedAugust 24, 2023 9:20 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 18, 2023 2:55 AM
BRDOX-121 Bookepper can't edit closed transaction when the permission is on
  • Permission
Done Done --
  • CreatedAugust 23, 2023 9:56 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 8, 2023 9:50 AM
BRDOX-120 Bookepper/teamlead can view closed transaction even if permission was off
  • Permission
[~dima.t] Video explanation - [https://somup.com/c0QhlfAkei]...
~dima.t Video explanation - https://somup.com/c0QhlfAkei 
Done Done --
  • CreatedAugust 23, 2023 9:54 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 12, 2023 3:32 AM
BRDOX-119 Bookepper has empty dashboard
  • Permission
Исходя из документа  у него должны быть - Latest community d...
Исходя из документа  у него должны быть - Latest community discussion
Done Done --
  • CreatedAugust 23, 2023 9:51 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 6, 2023 5:04 AM
BRDOX-118 Observer Timeline Events small things must not see
Done Done --
  • CreatedAugust 23, 2023 4:58 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 12, 2023 4:30 AM
BRDOX-117 Observer (Transaction report) must not see
Done Done --
  • CreatedAugust 23, 2023 4:55 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 12, 2023 4:29 AM
BRDOX-116 Observer - Dashboard editing
Он не должен себе его редактировать
Done Done --
  • CreatedAugust 23, 2023 4:44 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 8, 2023 1:24 AM
BRDOX-115 Observer Document review - показывается количество документов Observer Document review - показывается количество документо...
Observer Document review - показывается количество документов хотя он не должен видеть
Done Done --
  • CreatedAugust 23, 2023 4:42 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 12, 2023 4:32 AM
BRDOX-114 Observer - Settings Transactions templates add can't add even if permission on
Done Done --
  • CreatedAugust 23, 2023 4:26 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 10, 2023 1:48 AM
BRDOX-113 Observer - Settings Transactions & Timelines - Property Types should only see with permishins turned off
должен только видеть при выключеных пермишинах
Done Done --
  • CreatedAugust 23, 2023 4:18 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 8, 2023 1:57 AM
BRDOX-112 400 error when the AGENT or OBSERVER tries to change payment method
  • Permission
Done Done --
  • CreatedAugust 23, 2023 4:16 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 8, 2023 1:48 AM
BRDOX-111 400 error message when the agent trying to delete/upload transaction template
  • Permission
Done Done --
  • CreatedAugust 23, 2023 4:13 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 8, 2023 2:09 AM
BRDOX-110 400 error message when the agent opens Settings > Users
  • Permission
Done Done --
  • CreatedAugust 23, 2023 4:09 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 18, 2023 3:04 AM
BRDOX-109 Observer - setting my company - user documents (html error)
Done Done --
  • CreatedAugust 23, 2023 4:07 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 18, 2023 7:31 AM
BRDOX-108 Agent can send messages
  • Permission
Нужно обсудить, т.к. агент може отправлять другим агентам ...
Нужно обсудить, т.к. агент може отправлять другим агентам
по факту в компании много агентов, а получатель только один
Отключить возможность отправлять сообщения
Done Done --
  • CreatedAugust 23, 2023 4:05 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 12, 2023 4:47 AM
BRDOX-107 Observer (Transaction) Заменить Edit на view
Done Done --
  • CreatedAugust 23, 2023 4:01 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 8, 2023 1:42 AM
BRDOX-106 Agent can't edit timeline when the permission is on
  • Permission
Done Done --
  • CreatedAugust 23, 2023 3:59 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 15, 2023 8:45 AM
BRDOX-105 Agent can't Customize Copy & Signature of CDA inside the commission
  • Permission
Должна быть кнопка, когда нажимаешь на Generate CDA, прикреп...
Должна быть кнопка, когда нажимаешь на Generate CDA, прикреплю скрин как это у админа для понимания
Done Done --
  • CreatedAugust 23, 2023 3:51 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 8, 2023 2:07 AM
BRDOX-104 Observer ( Dashboard) -Upcoming & Overdue Timeline Events must not see on dashboard
Done Done --
  • CreatedAugust 23, 2023 3:51 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 12, 2023 4:31 AM
BRDOX-103 Agent can't edit transaction's commission
  • Permission
пермишн зеленый занчить должен иметь возможность
Done Done --
  • CreatedAugust 23, 2023 3:49 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 8, 2023 2:08 AM
BRDOX-102 Observer ( Dashboard) - Office must not see on dashboard
Done Done --
  • CreatedAugust 23, 2023 3:48 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 18, 2023 7:31 AM
BRDOX-101 Agent can't edit closed transaction when the permission is on
  • Permission
Done Done --
  • CreatedAugust 23, 2023 3:46 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 8, 2023 1:32 AM
BRDOX-100 Agent sees closed transaction when teh premission is offed
  • Permission
При выключеном пермишне не должен видить, иметь возможность ...
При выключеном пермишне не должен видить, иметь возможность редактировать
Done Done --
  • CreatedAugust 23, 2023 3:42 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 8, 2023 1:25 AM
BRDOX-99 Observer ( Dashboard) - Deals Summary must not see on dashboard
Done Done --
  • CreatedAugust 23, 2023 3:42 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 12, 2023 4:30 AM
BRDOX-98 Observer ( Dashboard) - Overview - must not see on dashboard
Done Done --
  • CreatedAugust 23, 2023 3:39 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 18, 2023 3:12 AM
BRDOX-97 Overview widget is absent on the agent's dashboard
  • Permission
Done Done --
  • CreatedAugust 23, 2023 3:07 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 8, 2023 2:07 AM
BRDOX-96 400 error when the manager tries to change payment method
  • Permission
Done Done --
  • CreatedAugust 22, 2023 8:58 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 8, 2023 1:29 AM
BRDOX-95 User change Resource Categories permission because it absent on the permission page
  • Permission
Done Done --
  • CreatedAugust 22, 2023 8:56 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 8, 2023 1:30 AM
BRDOX-94 AO can't edit permission for manager bacuse it absent on the permission page
  • Permission
Done Done --
  • CreatedAugust 22, 2023 8:51 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 5, 2023 12:02 PM
BRDOX-93 400 error message when the manager trying to delete/upload transaction template
  • Permission
Done Done --
  • CreatedAugust 22, 2023 8:49 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 5, 2023 12:01 PM
BRDOX-92 400 error when manager opens Setting > Users
  • Permission
Done Done --
  • CreatedAugust 22, 2023 8:43 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 25, 2023 3:27 AM
BRDOX-91 Manager can't edit commission
  • Permission
Video explanation - https://somup.com/c0QfovABm0 
Done Done --
  • CreatedAugust 22, 2023 8:30 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 12, 2023 3:52 AM
BRDOX-90 Manager can't edit closed transaction when the permission is on
  • Permission
Done Done --
  • CreatedAugust 22, 2023 8:27 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 5, 2023 9:43 AM
BRDOX-89 Manager can edit timelines
  • Permission
В пермишнах указано, что менеджер может смотреть таймлайны т...
В пермишнах указано, что менеджер может смотреть таймлайны только для своего офиса, по факту он может редактировать
~dima.t Video explanation - https://screenpal.com/watch/c0QfoYVpWXv 
Done Done --
  • CreatedAugust 22, 2023 8:22 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 7, 2023 3:54 AM
BRDOX-88 Manager hasn't overview in the dashboard
  • Permission
Должен иметь в овервью будут показываться результаты для его...
Должен иметь в овервью будут показываться результаты для его офиса
Done Done --
  • CreatedAugust 22, 2023 8:13 AM
  • UpdatedAugust 29, 2023 8:34 AM
BRDOX-87 Document needed attentiong tab is absent for flex admin
  • Permission
Video explanation - https://somup.com/c0QfokABHo 
Done Done --
  • CreatedAugust 21, 2023 3:46 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 15, 2023 9:00 AM
BRDOX-86 400 error message when flex admin create new paymend method
  • Permission
Done Done --
  • CreatedAugust 21, 2023 3:44 AM
  • UpdatedAugust 29, 2023 8:30 AM
BRDOX-85 Can't change the "Resource category" permission for flex admin because it absent on the permission page
  • Permission
Done Done --
  • CreatedAugust 21, 2023 3:40 AM
  • UpdatedAugust 29, 2023 8:29 AM
BRDOX-84 SA can't edit Property Types permissions, because it absent on the permissions page
  • Permission
Done Done --
  • CreatedAugust 21, 2023 3:33 AM
  • UpdatedAugust 29, 2023 8:25 AM
BRDOX-83 Flex admin can't create transaction template
  • Permission
Done Done --
  • CreatedAugust 21, 2023 3:31 AM
  • UpdatedAugust 29, 2023 8:24 AM
BRDOX-82 Flex admin receives 500 error message when opens "Users" tab Creds;  * [JohnFlex@fexbox.org|mailto:JohnFlex@fexbox.org]...
* JohnFlex@fexbox.org
* 11111111
VIdeo - https://somup.com/c0jri1AFTu 
Также получает 400 ошибку когда открывает юзеров в сеттингах
Done Done --
  • CreatedAugust 21, 2023 3:07 AM
  • UpdatedAugust 22, 2023 5:31 AM
BRDOX-81 When the flex admin opens certain comuunity post he receives 400 error message # Go to [https://permissiontest22.dev-brokerdox.ourdevapps.c...
Done Done --
  • CreatedAugust 21, 2023 3:03 AM
  • UpdatedAugust 22, 2023 7:29 AM
BRDOX-80 Flex admin can generate CDA when permissions offed
  • Permission
Done Done --
  • CreatedAugust 21, 2023 2:57 AM
  • UpdatedAugust 22, 2023 10:22 AM
BRDOX-79 Flex admin can't edit commission in the transaction
  • Permission
Done Done --
  • CreatedAugust 21, 2023 2:53 AM
  • UpdatedAugust 29, 2023 8:22 AM
BRDOX-78 Admin can't change payment method when teh permission is on
  • Permission
Done Done --
  • CreatedAugust 18, 2023 4:57 AM
  • UpdatedAugust 29, 2023 8:19 AM
BRDOX-77 SA can't edit payment method
  • Permission
Done Done --
  • CreatedAugust 18, 2023 4:43 AM
  • UpdatedNovember 14, 2023 5:55 PM
BRDOX-76 SA can't off resource category deleting bcs it is absent in permission table
  • Permission
Done Done --
  • CreatedAugust 18, 2023 4:42 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 8, 2023 2:05 AM
BRDOX-75 When user send message to flex admin 422 error appears
Done Done --
  • CreatedAugust 18, 2023 4:30 AM
  • UpdatedAugust 22, 2023 5:32 AM
BRDOX-74 SA can't off edit closed transaction for admin
  • Permission
В пермишнах указано что можно выключить редактирование, по ф...
В пермишнах указано что можно выключить редактирование, по факту можно выключить "View", и если его выключить ничего не меняется (Для админа)
 For closed transaction:
* View - Green permission
* Edit - blue
Done Done --
  • CreatedAugust 18, 2023 4:18 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 15, 2023 8:45 AM
BRDOX-73 Admin can change permissions for himself
  • Permission
Суть такая - админу можно выключить удаление транзакций и ад...
Суть такая - админу можно выключить удаление транзакций и админ сам может потом включить её
Done Done --
  • CreatedAugust 18, 2023 4:15 AM
  • UpdatedAugust 22, 2023 10:34 AM
BRDOX-72 Teamlead can't view documents which were dissapproved
  • Permission
должен видеть какие документы были диссапрувнуты или аппрувн...
должен видеть какие документы были диссапрувнуты или аппрувнуты людям из его команды
Done Done --
  • CreatedAugust 18, 2023 3:50 AM
  • UpdatedAugust 23, 2023 10:15 AM
BRDOX-71 Compare Permissions https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1LMiqJ0Uiedhp9MH_JLO0...
Done Done --
  • CreatedAugust 15, 2023 10:06 AM
  • UpdatedAugust 17, 2023 4:28 PM
BRDOX-70 500 error while creating transaction
  • Development
Может что-то с типом комиссии   Video - [https://somup...
Может что-то с типом комиссии
Video - https://somup.com/c0j2hsAj9S
ПОхоже что ошибка появляется, когда ты создаешь фишку, для человека который изначально не был в транзакции, а был добавлен через контакты
Done Done --
  • CreatedAugust 14, 2023 1:49 AM
  • UpdatedAugust 14, 2023 7:36 PM
BRDOX-69 Meeting notes from Ray - aug 4 - 2023
  • Discovery
I want to verify with you that all of the following will be ...
I want to verify with you that all of the following will be hidden from Flex Admin Role....screenshots attached;
Deal Summary
Accounting link on Left Nav
Transactions >>> Reporting for Transactions blue button
Settings >>> The following links will be hidden (Similar to Agent role)
My Company
Billing & Subscriptions
Any of the above items on the ADD NEW dropdown on the Top Nav
Done Done --
  • CreatedAugust 4, 2023 11:10 AM
  • UpdatedAugust 8, 2023 5:09 PM
BRDOX-68 Timed Logout
  • Client_resolved
There doesn\'t appear to be a timed logout for the Users. Sh...
There doesn\'t appear to be a timed logout for the Users. Should there be an automatic logout if they are inactive for a period of time? Like an hour? Not a big deal if we can\'t
Fixed on DEV; 1 Hour Expiration.
Done Done --
  • CreatedJuly 30, 2023 11:00 AM
  • UpdatedNovember 6, 2023 9:20 AM
BRDOX-67 Subscription expired Sub expired. Cannot enter credit card info successfully. --...
Sub expired. Cannot enter credit card info successfully.
Can not reproduce; No issue found. A credit card was added successfully
Done Done --
  • CreatedJuly 28, 2023 10:05 AM
  • UpdatedOctober 18, 2023 2:42 AM
BRDOX-66 Password Reset I received a password reset email this am. The forst request...
I received a password reset email this am. The forst request got a 404 error when clicked. The second one worked. Maybe it times out? But it doesn\'t tell you why, just the 404 error, see screen shots. It also doesn\'t tell you who requested the password reset.
( Fixed on DEV )
Done Done --
  • CreatedJuly 28, 2023 10:05 AM
  • UpdatedOctober 18, 2023 2:54 AM
BRDOX-65 When user try to update permissions he receives 500 error message Screen - [https://screencast-o-matic.com/i/c0iu1ZVkTng]  ... Done Done --
  • CreatedJuly 28, 2023 2:25 AM
  • UpdatedOctober 17, 2023 3:06 AM
BRDOX-64 Still No Access
  • Testing
Still no access under any credentials
Done Done --
  • CreatedJuly 26, 2023 12:45 PM
  • UpdatedAugust 8, 2023 5:11 PM
BRDOX-63 Logins not working anymore - major issue
  • Testing
None of the logins are working. Here are a couple for I to t...
None of the logins are working. Here are a couple for I to test
raycarrano@gmail.com (main company login)
All have Test1234 as password
Done Done --
  • CreatedJuly 25, 2023 12:17 PM
  • UpdatedAugust 8, 2023 5:11 PM
BRDOX-62 Can\'t log in at all
  • Testing
None of the logins are working. Here are a couple for you to...
None of the logins are working. Here are a couple for you to test
raycarrano@gmail.com (main company login)
All have Test1234 as password
Done Done --
  • CreatedJuly 25, 2023 12:07 PM
  • UpdatedAugust 8, 2023 5:11 PM
BRDOX-61 No access since Saturday
  • Testing
Can\'t log with any credentials since Saturday
Done Done --
  • CreatedJuly 24, 2023 3:27 PM
  • UpdatedAugust 8, 2023 5:10 PM
BRDOX-60 Log in screen: Correct language Pls change "This email not exists" in the Log in screen to: ...
Pls change "This email not exists" in the Log in screen to: "This email does not exist"
Fixed on DEV
Done Done --
  • CreatedJuly 22, 2023 2:34 PM
  • UpdatedOctober 17, 2023 2:37 AM
BRDOX-59 Deleting User with Transactions
  • Client_resolved
I tried to delete a User that has transactions. It would not...
I tried to delete a User that has transactions. It would not allow that, which is correct. But there used to be an additional message pop up that said \"Users Transactions need to be reassigned before you can delete this User\". There was no popup, system just went back to page after \"Confirm\" was clicked.
Done Done --
  • CreatedJuly 22, 2023 12:16 PM
  • UpdatedOctober 27, 2023 11:18 AM
BRDOX-58 New User error I am trying to recreate the errors we are getting with new u...
I am trying to recreate the errors we are getting with new users. If you just hit the BACK button, the system skips the entire sign on process. I got a 404 error but I\'m in the new Agents account
Done Done --
  • CreatedJuly 21, 2023 6:59 PM
  • UpdatedOctober 17, 2023 2:35 AM
BRDOX-57 2nd User Signup Issue Jon Frank was sent an invitation. He wen thru the process an...
Jon Frank was sent an invitation. He wen thru the process and uploaded docs. His Status is still INVITE PENDING in Admin portal. All his fields are empty and Admin can\'t click on any docs he uploaded to his profile. 3 Screenshots. Both Users with the issues are agents of mine :-(
Done Done --
  • CreatedJuly 21, 2023 6:54 PM
  • UpdatedOctober 17, 2023 2:35 AM
BRDOX-56 Admin view of Users Admin >>> Settings >>> My company >>> Users >>> Actions - Wh...
Admin >>> Settings >>> My company >>> Users >>> Actions - When clicking VIEW in Actions column, the link takes you to the Users Transactions. It should take you to their Profile. From there, you already have another link to view their Transactions which is great ( Fixed on DEV)
Done Done --
  • CreatedJuly 21, 2023 9:29 AM
  • UpdatedOctober 17, 2023 2:35 AM
BRDOX-55 Server Response 500 Error I sent an invitation to one of my agents. He encountered a S...
I sent an invitation to one of my agents. He encountered a Server 500 Error while completing the signup process. It looks like he may have left the State Field blank? He could not complete the signup process. I had to delete him, set him up and invite him again. He\'s good, but his status still shows as \"Invite Sent\" in Settings > Users 
( Cannot reproduce )
Done Done --
  • CreatedJuly 20, 2023 11:27 PM
  • UpdatedOctober 17, 2023 2:34 AM
BRDOX-54 Server Response 500 Error I sent an invitation to one of my agents. He encountered a S...
I sent an invitation to one of my agents. He encountered a Server 500 Error while completing the signup process. It looks like he may have left the State Field blank? He could not complete the signup process. I had to delete him, set him up and invite him again. He\'s good, but his status still shows as \"Invite Sent\" in Settings > Users 
Cannot reproduce 
Done Done --
  • CreatedJuly 20, 2023 11:26 PM
  • UpdatedOctober 17, 2023 2:34 AM
BRDOX-53 Referral Commission Calc
  • Client_resolved
Referral Commission calculations and who they go to is not r...
Referral Commission calculations and who they go to is not right (See screenshot). There seems to be 2 places to input the Referral Commission. And similar to an earlier support ticket, Adding a Contact that can get paid at closing does not calculate for the CDA. That person should be in the list of people that can get paid
Done Done --
  • CreatedJuly 20, 2023 11:11 PM
  • UpdatedNovember 1, 2023 9:48 AM
BRDOX-52 CDA in Documents Section All Users >>> Transactions >>> Documents - CDA shows up in a...
All Users >>> Transactions >>> Documents - CDA shows up in all Transaction Types as a required document. I didn\'t set that up when creating the company. If that needs to be there for CDA creation, then that\'s ok. But if not needed, then let\'s not have the CDA in the list of Documents. If it has to stay, can we get rid of the \"Required\" status?
Done Done --
  • CreatedJuly 20, 2023 11:00 PM
  • UpdatedOctober 17, 2023 2:33 AM
BRDOX-51 Resources The ACTIONS options are not available when you click VIEW AL...
The ACTIONS options are not available when you click VIEW ALLunder any category...see screen shots
Permissions related - In progress
Done Done --
  • CreatedJuly 20, 2023 8:31 PM
  • UpdatedOctober 17, 2023 2:33 AM
BRDOX-50 Reply To email bounced
  • Client_resolved
  • Development
An agent emailed a document to me. I replied and the email g...
An agent emailed a document to me. I replied and the email got bounced. I\'m sure its just because we are in DEV mode, but want to make sure email replys go to the Sender.

Please elaborate more; Is "reply to" should be changed? 
in all emails, that are generated on behalf of Agent, should be in "reply to" the agent's email address.
Done Done --
  • CreatedJuly 20, 2023 1:12 PM
  • UpdatedOctober 27, 2023 11:22 AM
BRDOX-49 Documents Pending Approval
  • Client_resolved
2 options to see files in Documents Pending Approval are VIE...
2 options to see files in Documents Pending Approval are VIEW and DOWNLOAD. When VIEWING Word (Docx) file, it downloads it instead of opening it. PDFs are fine and open in a new tab
Done Done --
  • CreatedJuly 20, 2023 10:01 AM
  • UpdatedOctober 31, 2023 10:15 AM
BRDOX-48 Search Bar Top Nav When you use the SEARCH bar in top nav and put an ADDRESS, y...
When you use the SEARCH bar in top nav and put an ADDRESS, you\'re taken to the Search Page and NO RESULTS. When you search for a Users Name, you go to the same page but it finds and displays the User. Pls make the default Search for \"Transactions\". I assume since USER is first in Dropdown SEARCH TYPE is reason that works. Default search should be for TRANSATIONS
Done Done --
  • CreatedJuly 19, 2023 1:16 PM
  • UpdatedOctober 17, 2023 2:32 AM
BRDOX-47 CDA: Buyer Credit Commissions >>> CDA - A Buyer or Seller Credit needs to appe...
Commissions >>> CDA - A Buyer or Seller Credit needs to appear on the CDA. When a CONTACT is added that can get a credit or a check, that goes on the CDA. If it\'s a credit to Buyer or Seller, then line says \"Please credit BUYER $$$$$ from our commission at closing\". So in actuality, it doesn\'t matter is Buyer is added to the CONTACTS as their name can\'t appear on the CDA
Done Done --
  • CreatedJuly 19, 2023 12:15 AM
  • UpdatedOctober 20, 2023 10:02 AM
BRDOX-46 CDA In the CDA, the COMPANY always gets paid, not the Broker (Ra...
In the CDA, the COMPANY always gets paid, not the Broker (Ray Carrano). Change that to COMPANY_NAME....see highlighted area in attached screen shot
Fixed on DEV
Done Done --
  • CreatedJuly 19, 2023 12:07 AM
  • UpdatedOctober 17, 2023 2:31 AM
BRDOX-45 File sizes
  • Client_resolved
During the Company Setup, there is an option to choose Max F...
During the Company Setup, there is an option to choose Max File Size for uploads. After company is set up, I don\'t see anywhere to change that in Settings. Also, wasn\'t there supposed to be choices of file types the Account Owner would allow? I don\'t remember seeing that during setup
Please refer to the image; during setup user can select file sizes
Done Done --
  • CreatedJuly 17, 2023 12:10 PM
  • UpdatedDecember 16, 2023 5:54 PM
BRDOX-44 Completing new User profile 3/3 Adding Documents...change paragraph to read: \"Upload reques...
Adding Documents...change paragraph to read: \"Upload requested documents like your signed ICA, copy of your Drivers License, your Real Estate License, a completed and signed W9 etc. You can skip this step for now and upload in the My Profile section after you\'re logged in.\"
Fixed on DEV
Done Done --
  • CreatedJuly 17, 2023 12:00 PM
  • UpdatedOctober 17, 2023 2:30 AM
BRDOX-43 Completing new User profile 2/3 User Setup >>> Step 2: Enter Additionals...change that to \"...
User Setup >>> Step 2: Enter Additionals...change that to \"Enter Additional Information\"...change wording of para to \"Enter information in the fields below. All fields are required. You can change this information after you log in.
Fixed on DEV
Done Done --
  • CreatedJuly 17, 2023 11:56 AM
  • UpdatedOctober 17, 2023 2:29 AM
BRDOX-42 Completing new User profile 1/2 Step 1: Enter the Basics - change wording to: \"Complete you...
Step 1: Enter the Basics - change wording to: \"Complete your basic profile here. Upload your profile photo, create a safe password and fill in your contact information below. You can always change this information once logged in.\"
Fixed on DEV
Done Done --
  • CreatedJuly 17, 2023 11:35 AM
  • UpdatedOctober 17, 2023 2:29 AM
BRDOX-41 Transaction # All User Types >>> Transactions >>> Any Transaction >>> Pls ...
All User Types >>> Transactions >>> Any Transaction >>> Pls change \"Transaction #\" to \"MLS #\"
Fixed on DEV
Done Done --
  • CreatedJuly 17, 2023 10:55 AM
  • UpdatedOctober 17, 2023 2:29 AM
BRDOX-40 Spelling error 2 Same thing in Transaction Log ubnder \"Action\" - Change \"C...
Same thing in Transaction Log ubnder \"Action\" - Change \"Created new instruction\" to \"Created new Showing Instructions\"
Fixed on DEV
Done Done --
  • CreatedJuly 17, 2023 10:33 AM
  • UpdatedOctober 17, 2023 2:28 AM
BRDOX-39 Spelling error Ah=gent >>> Transactions >>> Showing Instructions - Change t...
Ah=gent >>> Transactions >>> Showing Instructions - Change the wording \"Instruction\" to \"Showing Instructions\" in 2 places, see screen shots
Fixed on dev
Done Done --
  • CreatedJuly 17, 2023 10:31 AM
  • UpdatedOctober 17, 2023 2:28 AM
BRDOX-38 Email Document: wrong Sender Agent (Dwight) emailed a document to Ray Carrano (Admin)...B...
Agent (Dwight) emailed a document to Ray Carrano (Admin)...Body of email says Ray Carrano sent Ray Carrano the message. Prob related to earlier Ticket where Users name replaced with Ray Carrano during setup. Error occurs even after name is corrected in User Profile

Can not reproduce;  Browser's autocomplete
Done Done --
  • CreatedJuly 17, 2023 12:06 AM
  • UpdatedOctober 17, 2023 2:28 AM
BRDOX-37 User search 2 Admin >>> Settings >>> My Company >>> Users >>> Need to be a...
Admin >>> Settings >>> My Company >>> Users >>> Need to be able to search Users by name. It would take a lot of scrolling to find a User in a company with 500 agents. Right now the only 2 filters are ROLE and STATUS
Done Done --
  • CreatedJuly 16, 2023 11:07 PM
  • UpdatedOctober 17, 2023 2:27 AM
BRDOX-36 User search Admin >>> Users >>> Need to be able to search Users by name....
Admin >>> Users >>> Need to be able to search Users by name. It would take a lot of scrolling to find a User in a company with 500 agents. Right now the only 2 filters are ROLE and STATUS
Done Done --
  • CreatedJuly 16, 2023 11:05 PM
  • UpdatedOctober 17, 2023 2:27 AM
BRDOX-35 Reporting For Transactions Admin >>> Transactions >>> Click \"Reporting for Transaction...
Admin >>> Transactions >>> Click \"Reporting for Transactions\" - the \"Show\" Filter only has one choice...\"All Transactions\". That should be Active, Contingent...etc. Also, the \"For\" filter should be searchable by typing first few letters of a name...in my brokerage there are 450 agents...that would take a while to find someone. They are not in any order now either
Done Done --
  • CreatedJuly 16, 2023 9:05 PM
  • UpdatedOctober 18, 2023 2:42 AM
BRDOX-34 User number per page Settings >>> My Company >>> Users - The User count dropdown ...
Settings >>> My Company >>> Users - The User count dropdown menu number order is mixed up. See screen shot.
Done Done --
  • CreatedJuly 16, 2023 10:33 AM
  • UpdatedOctober 18, 2023 2:42 AM
BRDOX-32 Available storage warning error? Looks like the numbers are wrong for storage used and total ...
Looks like the numbers are wrong for storage used and total storage size?
Fixed on DEV
Done Done --
  • CreatedJuly 16, 2023 10:21 AM
  • UpdatedOctober 18, 2023 2:41 AM
BRDOX-31 Users display, filter and search
  • Client_resolved
Admin >>> Users - Currently there is no way for an Admin to ...
Admin >>> Users - Currently there is no way for an Admin to filter Users via \"Office\" or search for them by name. I thought we had this feature previously. Same for Settings >>> My Company >>> Users
Done Done --
  • CreatedJuly 15, 2023 1:08 PM
  • UpdatedDecember 10, 2023 12:50 AM
BRDOX-30 New feature for Active Users
  • Client_resolved
Is there any way to see who is Active on the site at any giv...
Is there any way to see who is Active on the site at any given time? Not necessary but might be a cool feature
this is the new feature. Should we estimate it?
Done Done --
  • CreatedJuly 15, 2023 12:48 PM
  • UpdatedNovember 15, 2023 10:03 AM
BRDOX-29 *** Major Issue: Limited Admin Access *** Need to be able to block certain Admins from seeing Accounti...
Need to be able to block certain Admins from seeing Accounting or ability to edit Company Settings. For some Admins we need to (1) Block view of Widgets with company numbers like “Overview” and “Offices” (2) Make the Accounting link on the Left NAV either disappear or not be clickable (3) Get rid of all Top Menu items in Settings except for My Profile. Can do thru Options or make a new Admin Level
Flex Admin task!
Done Done --
  • CreatedJuly 15, 2023 12:07 PM
  • UpdatedOctober 18, 2023 2:42 AM
BRDOX-28 Email: Document Disapproval Format Email >>> Document Disapproval – In the body of the email an...
Email >>> Document Disapproval – In the body of the email and after the greeting, the Email explanation starts with the “Document Name”. That should to be moved to just above “Disapproval Notes” and look like this…”Disapproved Document: Document_Name
Done Done --
  • CreatedJuly 15, 2023 11:57 AM
  • UpdatedOctober 18, 2023 2:54 AM
BRDOX-27 Referral Common Fees
  • Client_resolved
Settings >>> Commissions >>> Commission Plans >>> Referral >...
Settings >>> Commissions >>> Commission Plans >>> Referral > Add Common Fee - The dropdown menu for \"Charged To\" should only have Broker, Agent and Client. Same for \"Credited To\" should only have Broker, Agent and Client
Done Done --
  • CreatedJuly 15, 2023 11:45 AM
  • UpdatedNovember 2, 2023 9:47 AM
BRDOX-26 Referral Commission and Common Fee New Transaction - When choosing Referral as Transaction Type...
New Transaction - When choosing Referral as Transaction Type, system is pulling in \"Common Fee\" (setup by Admin during commission setup) from \"Buyer or Seller\" Type when calculating commissions during the New Transaction process. No \"Current Common Fee\" was set up for the Referral Transaction Type
Cannot reproduce 
Done Done --
  • CreatedJuly 15, 2023 11:41 AM
  • UpdatedOctober 18, 2023 2:42 AM
BRDOX-25 Major Need: Commission Plans
  • Development
Settings >>> Commissions >>> Commission Plans >>> Brokerage ...
Settings >>> Commissions >>> Commission Plans >>> Brokerage Commissions and Fees by Transaction Type - Can we add another Transaction Type called \"Commercial\" either before or after \"Referral\"?
Done Done --
  • CreatedJuly 15, 2023 11:38 AM
  • UpdatedNovember 14, 2023 5:55 PM
BRDOX-24 Notifications Inbox Notifications/Messages - When logged in as an Agent, Inbox n...
Notifications/Messages - When logged in as an Agent, Inbox number of messages display not working. When logged in as Manager, it\'s working. See Screenshot. 3 Messages sent, but only showing 2
Fixed on DEV
Done Done --
  • CreatedJuly 15, 2023 11:34 AM
  • UpdatedOctober 18, 2023 2:42 AM
BRDOX-23 Messages Issue
  • Requested_to_the_team
Account Owner (Ray Carrano) sent a Message to Everyone. When...
Account Owner (Ray Carrano) sent a Message to Everyone. When logged in as Ray Carrano (Account Owner) Message is showing Manager (Michael Scott) sent the message. When logged in as anyone else, it\'s shows the correct sender.
Can't reproduce
Done Done --
  • CreatedJuly 15, 2023 11:31 AM
  • UpdatedSeptember 18, 2023 3:04 AM
- Summary Progress View more

Summary Progress

Key Subject Labels Request Attachments Status Dates
12 Tasks Assign to Client View more

Tasks Assign to Client

Key Subject Request Attachments Priority Comments Status Resolution Current Environment Labels Dates
BRDOX-427 System Emails Not Working Emails are not being sent by the system for Document Disappr...
Emails are not being sent by the system for Document Disapprovals and Timeline Event Reminders
Ray, Here’s an update on how the notifications for "disapproved" emails are functioning now. Previously, the system wouldn't send an email if the user who uploaded the document was the same person who clicked the reject button. Moving forward, the email will be sent, even if the uploader and the person who disapproved the document are the same. Please test and close this ticket.
Backlog Unresolved --
  • Discovery
  • Request_to_client
  • CreatedAugust 27, 2024 9:24 AM
  • UpdatedAugust 27, 2024 1:30 PM
BRDOX-426 Agents can ADD CATEGORIES in COMMUNITY Agents can still ADD CATEGORIES in COMMUNITY. Previous Ticke...
Agents can still ADD CATEGORIES in COMMUNITY. Previous Ticket marked Done is not Done
this issue has been fiexd. please disable the permissions for agent and agent no longer be able to create a category
Backlog Unresolved --
  • Discovery
  • Request_to_client
  • CreatedAugust 25, 2024 10:57 AM
  • UpdatedAugust 30, 2024 1:19 PM
BRDOX-421 Response Time Very Slow + Profile picture cropping + Profile picture update (auto + manual) When doing any task in the system, the pages have become ver...
When doing any task in the system, the pages have become very slow when loading.
1. reduce profile pictures ( automated way / reduce the picture )
2. add query caching for other requests (go over the optimization carefully)
 Ray, after a meeting with my team, and discussing the following enhancements we came to the following estimate, that the total work including testing will take 19 hours. a separate email with scope of work was sent to your approval.
Selected for Development Unresolved --
  • Discovery
  • Request_to_client
  • enhancement
  • CreatedJune 18, 2024 9:08 AM
  • UpdatedAugust 22, 2024 2:27 PM
BRDOX-419 Estimate: Notifications >> Replies I need an estimate for when Agents (or whomever) reply's to ...
I need an estimate for when Agents (or whomever) reply's to a Community Note or a Notification Sent, that I can reply to that comment...See 2 screen shots
  The estimate is 8 hours for such functionality. please reply when agreeing to move forward. 
This functionality would be for anyone in any Role correct? So if an agent posts a Community Note, and someone replies, that original person could reply to them?
Done Done --
  • Discovery
  • Request_to_client
  • CreatedJune 4, 2024 2:59 PM
  • UpdatedSeptember 5, 2024 1:00 PM
BRDOX-417 Admin >>> Notifications >>> SENT Admin >>> Notifications >>> Sent displays only 10 records......
Admin >>> Notifications >>> Sent displays only 10 records...when you click next, it doesn't display the next 10...it displays an empty Inbox....see 2 screen shots
the sent / outbox the pagination issue just fixed. please verify
Selected for Development Unresolved --
  • Discovery
  • Request_to_client
  • CreatedMay 21, 2024 8:08 PM
  • UpdatedAugust 30, 2024 2:38 PM
BRDOX-414 email@brokerdox.com is not a working email email@brokerdox.com is not a working email...see 2 screen sh...
email@brokerdox.com is not a working email...see 2 screen shots...where is that? on the Sales site? Anywhere it is, we need to get rid of it...use info@brokerdox.com or brokerdox@gmail.com
  This email is sent from Wordpress most likely, we don't have such user. please verify. 
Done Done --
  • Discovery
  • Request_to_client
  • CreatedApril 12, 2024 9:57 AM
  • UpdatedAugust 23, 2024 12:37 PM
BRDOX-410 Community: AGENTS can Edit Category Names Agents should not be able to edit Community Category Names.....
Agents should not be able to edit Community Category Names...ie: the pencil next to Broker FAQ's" should not be there for Agents and Managers...just Admins should have access to that
 fixed. please verify. 
Not done
Agent permission now is fixed, and the agent no longer can create a category (the back end blocks it) and there is no way to edit categories. Please reset the settings and it should be working. Please see the screenshot with a "you don't have access to this section" - this confirms that the agent can't create a category.
Update: the create category button is no longer shows when the permission is OFF for Add/Edit categories for agents. please verify and close this task
Done Done --
  • Discovery
  • Request_to_client
  • CreatedApril 8, 2024 1:09 PM
  • UpdatedSeptember 2, 2024 4:15 AM
BRDOX-408 Super Admin Super Admin >>> filter >>> Subscription says BRONZE, SILVER ...
Super Admin >>> filter >>> Subscription says BRONZE, SILVER and GOLD...Should be Plan 1 - Plan 2 and Plan 3
the drop down items were updated, to plans
Done Done All Environments
  • Discovery
  • Request_to_client
  • CreatedApril 4, 2024 4:46 PM
  • UpdatedAugust 30, 2024 2:42 PM
BRDOX-407 Super Admin There are 8 Subscribers, but the ACTIVE SUBSCRIBERS says 12 ...
There are 8 Subscribers, but the ACTIVE SUBSCRIBERS says 12 Subscribers...The Overview Filter needs a better look...Can there be links under SUBSCRIBERS on the LEFT NAV BAR that would be quick links to ALL, ACTIVE, TRIAL and SUSPENDED? The Default View would be ALL
this was fixed. please log in to the super admin and verify that subscribers do show properly.
Selected for Development Unresolved All Environments
  • Discovery
  • Request_to_client
  • CreatedApril 4, 2024 4:44 PM
  • UpdatedAugust 30, 2024 2:42 PM
BRDOX-405 Estimate: Accounting >>> Agent Summary >>> # per page Accounting >>> Agent Summary >>> # per page - (1) Please put...
Accounting >>> Agent Summary >>> # per page - (1) Please put an option for "ALL" when showing # PER PAGE and make the default "ALL"...(2) Also, there is no way to SORT the columns...the order of the list seems completely random...Would like ability to sort by: Name - Office - Volume $ - Agent $ - Company $

Default = 100; Add option = ALL; 
The total should be moved over one column (see screenshot)
 Estimate is 5 hours for this task. please reply when proceeding ( assign back to the team with approval note)
Backlog Unresolved --
  • Discovery
  • Request_to_client
  • enhancement
  • CreatedApril 4, 2024 1:06 PM
  • UpdatedAugust 23, 2024 12:48 PM
BRDOX-400 Timeline email reminders not working Timeline email reminders not working. I tested it and my age...
Timeline email reminders not working. I tested it and my agents aren't getting theirs either
 Good afternoon!
The email sending for events has been fixed!
ScreenShot - 
Not done
Reminders were fixed. please verify and close this task
Done Done All Environments
  • Discovery
  • Request_to_client
  • CreatedMarch 22, 2024 9:11 AM
  • UpdatedAugust 30, 2024 2:42 PM
BRDOX-357 Estimate: Adding photos to transactions In each Transaction, I would like to add a PROPERTY PHOTOS T...
In each Transaction, I would like to add a PROPERTY PHOTOS Tab just above the TRANSACTION LOG Tab. The area to the right would have an option to add photos one at a time or in bulk. Thumbnails the size of the STATUS button maybe 3-5 per row (whatever will fit) would be good. They can click on a photo to see the full size or a bigger size that fits within the same area...popup would be best. There would be a Primary photo chosen (maybe uploaded separately) that would be displayed to the left of the Property Address, MLS#, etc. info on the top of the Transaction screen. Photo should be sized the same as the STATUS button on the right side of the Transaction screen. Need options to upload more photos, replace a photo, delete a photo or multiple photos.
 detailed estimate has been sent via email to Ray with 70 hours / 15 business days, for approval.
Selected for Development Unresolved --
  • Discovery
  • Request_to_client
  • enhancement
  • CreatedJanuary 24, 2024 7:28 PM
  • UpdatedAugust 27, 2024 1:54 PM
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